Jurda Smoke.

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Wylan found him outside a gambling hall, smoking something.

He watched Jesper take long drags from the drug from a distance. He stayed hidden in the shadows until the glowing embers at the end had become next to nothing. Then he crossed the street, dodging a speedy cart.

Weddle was the largest city in the land, as far as Wylan knew. And he knew quite a bit. A blue fog settled over this town just like Ketterdam. It was much colder though, but nothing like the Ice Court.

As Wylan stumbled onto the curb, Jesper turned away, unaware that he was even being watched.

Kaz and their adventure in Fjerda has made Wylan stealthier than before. The rest of the Dregs could mock him and tease him about street smarts but he had just managed to sneak up on a sharpshooter.


Sneaky, yes. Quick, he was not.

The barrel of Jesper's gun was at his forehead, it's cold metal freezing him all over.


Wylan forced his eyes open.

"Uh, yes."

"What are you doing in Novyi Zem?"

"I could ask you just the same."

"I have a gun to your forehead and you have a knife in your sock," Jesper countered. "So answer."

"Looking for you."

"Did Kaz send you?"

"I wanted to come."

Jesper yanked the gun back, spinning it as he holstered it. He reached into his other pocket, pulling out another one of the jurda sticks. He struck a match against the stone wall and for a moment a hesitant flame lit both their faces, intensifying their glares at one another.

"You shouldn't smoke," Wylan said.

"And you shouldn't be here," Jesper said with the jurda between his teeth. "But here we are."

"Kaz wants you back," Wylan said, not bothering to spare Jesper any fluff this time. If he wanted business, fine.

"And you?"

"I told you. I know it was an accident."

"A careless mistake," Jesper mumbled, as if quoting someone.

"But hiding away in Weddle, burying yourself in more debt--"

"Hey," Jesper snapped, stepping up to Wylan. His eyes were flaming now. "That's enough."

"Come back," Wylan said, allowing a little undertone of begging. "Please. Kaz, he's got another thing planned and he's not going to pull it off without you."

"Then why didn't Kaz come?"

"I asked to come. I told him he needed you and he realized it on his own. The Dregs are down," Wylan said. "Kaz is distracted with everything and there's no second anymore. Kaz can't replace you, Jesper."

Jesper inhaled the jurda smoke, his mind thinking. He wore his thoughts on his face.

"I can't leave tonight."

"I didn't expect to," Wylan said.

"I've got one last game to win." He dropped the jurda and stalked down the alleyway. Wylan scrambled to follow him.

Jesper kicked in a door, and sound tumbled out into the alleyway. The flicking of cards was the most predominant but the sound of clinking coins and chips was the most enticing.

Jurda Smoke and Other Wysper One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now