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Dakotas p.o.v

I look around the bright green forest I frown looking for any roads or sounds of the city. UGH. As u might have guessed it I'm lost in like literally the middle of nowhere I feel like I have been doing circles around the same place I look around to see any familiar trees but no luck maybe im at a never ending road. 

As I look around I think Come on Dakota think of something....uhhhhh.....wait I have something in mind my phone! Why couldn't I have thought of that hours ago I mentally slap myself and reach over for my phone as I try to grab it, it falls under the seat stupid phone I whisper. I try to reach my phone and finally aha! Gotcha! Hahahaha u can't escap- ouch da fudge did I run over a rock?

I look at my mirror to see black fur on the ground I gasp and get out the car as quick as I can I reach the poor animal I ran over and I expected to see a raccoon or a small rodent but noooo it's a goddamn wolf but it's like 10 times bigger than normal wolfs I look for any injuries I hope I didn't do anything that bad.

After like ten minutes of looking for any serious injuries or something I just found he has a broken leg and  few scratches here and there but nothing serious other than the broken leg oops I look at the wolf which eyes are closed I think I knocked him out because he is still breathing and I'm pretty sure if he is breathing he I see not dead right? 

I look at the wolf and think what am I gonna do with you I can't just leave him here injured and almost dead because of me I look between my car and the wolf maybe I will take him home with me I jog to my car and drive backwards slowly not to run over the poor wolf again I go really slow and finally reach him I get out the car and carry the wolf this wolf I swear is about one hundred pounds he so heavy I need more exercise meh that's why pe exist anyways right right?

As I finally place the wolf in my back seats my poor leather seats are going to be all bloody now but oh well I grab my phone and put the GPS ya know sometimes I'm really stupid. After like three hours I finally reach my house I hope the wolf hasn't died I put my car in the garage and frown at the thought of carrying the wolf all the way to my living room I sight and open the doors of my white mustang 2019 nothing really expensive and really nice but I still love this car with all my heart.

As I carry the wolf to my living room or more like dragging him to the living room I grab my first aid kit from my restroom and open the small little red box I find some bandages some weird liquids that say something so the cuts won't get infected I put a cast around his leg I would take him the vet tomorrow because it's too late right now I yawn and pet the wolf feeling sparks shoot trough my arm but I just ignore them I go upstairs and change to some comfy pjs I throw myself to my bed heaven! I slowly close my eyes  until I feel little feet on my stomach I smile and pet my little white ferret and yes I have a ferret and her name is snowy because she is as white as snow I feel her curl up on my stomach and I let darkness take over me.


I woke up on the middle of a forest I look around confused how the fudgeballs did I get here I stand up and walk around I see a little squirrel go up a tree I smile at the little squirrel with chubby cheeks maybe he has food in there I watch as a deer drinks water from a lake I sit and watch the deer carefully enjoying its beauty I see the deer perk up his ears I tilt my head in confusion maybe he saw me I see the deers eyes pop open and starts to run I follow the deer with my eyes and see a big brown wolf jump on the deer I scream as I see the blood from the poor deer and the deer slowing down until it collapses I scream at the top of my lungs the deer that once was alive and beautiful is now dead and full of its own blood I feel tears on my eyes I wipe my eyes and see the big brown wolf come up to me walking really slowly I back off and feel my throat dry I see the wolf jump ready to attack me I close my eyes And I wait for the impact but I feel nothing I open one eye to see two wolfs fighting a big black wolf and the brown wolf the black wolf looks familiar I look at the black wolf closely and gasp it's the wolf I ran over today!  I see as the black wolf bites into the brown wolfs neck making a loud snap I flinch at the crack and feel tears down my cheeks I see the black wolf look at me with those bright yellow eyes I see the wolf coming closer to be I back off again but my back hits a tree "Back off!"I scream to the wolf but he just tilts his head and sits I look at the wolf with curiosity I sit on the floor and look into the wolfs eyes the wolf gets closer to me and licks my cheeks I laugh because it tickles me and the wolf gave me a wolfy grin I think, I smile at the wolf and the wolf leaves running 


A/N: Heyo! I tried my best in this chapter and I will also try my best for the rest of this book :P sorry for the mistakes I made I would be glad if u guys can point them out and I will fix it :D anyways I hope u liked this book so far :) and don't forget to 


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