The Wolf

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Dakotas P.O.V

I finally reach my house i open the door to see snowy on the couch watching tv sometimes i 'think that ferret is a human to be honest i go to the kitchen and cook some food i grab snowy's food and place some in her bowl i grab her bowl and my food. I grab the remote controller for the TV and change the TV to Netflix. 

::few hours later::  

i turn off the TV and head to my room i lay in bed thinking about the wolf i slowly close my eyes until i felt weight behind me i start to panic until i felt a tongue licking my cheek laughing i look at the wolf bright yellow eyes i slowly pet his big head ignoring the sparks might just be electricity in his hair the wolf slowly gets down my bed and stands at the door i look at him confused he moves his head as if he is telling me to follow him i put on my pink boots and follow the wolf he scratches the front door i open the door and he starts to walk to the forest i look at him scared he runs back to my house and comes with a flashlight huh i wonder where he got that from i grab the light and we walk to the forest.

i start to slow down and sit on a trunk the wolf licks my hand and lays down 

"where are you taking me" the wolf looks at me and lifts his head i laugh 

"i feel like you can understand me" the wolf nods 

" i think im going crazy" he shakes his head 

"yup im crazy" i stand up and the wolf starts walking again 

After like ten minutes the wolf stops and look up and lets out a long and loud howl after a few second another howl is heard and then another one i hear something coming i go to the wolf and hug him he look at me and nods i see two other big wolfs i look at them and hug the wolf tighter the other two lay down and i look at them confused i get close to the wolfs and pet them they both lick my cheeks i laugh and i see the black wolf tilting his big head i pet the other two and i hear the black wolf growl i look at him scared and i hug the dark grayish wolf but that made the  black wolf growl even louder i stop hugging the wolf and start running 

I stop to catch my breath i sit next to the tree until i see a shadow getting closer to me i look around thinking it was any of the wolfs but i was wrong its none other than Xander Black

" You do know that its dangerous out here right?"  I nod and look at him then look back to ground "what are you doing out here so late anyways" i look at him 

"nothing just wondered off..." he scoffs 

"you really think i will believe that" i stay quiet

"here ill take you home" i look at him and we start walking then curiosity took over me 

"what where you doing out there?" i ask him 

" I just wondered off" he looks at me i smile and laugh he stares at me and i look at him confused 

" uhm do i have something in my face?"

"erm no sorry"

"its okay" i smile at him and he smiles back i admire his smile making my smile even wider 

"you know u should smile more" i smile and enter my house 

i walk to my room to be meet the big black wolf on my bed i sight and walk down stairs until i hear whimpering i turn around to see the wolf standing with his head down ears back and tail in between his legs whimpering i sight

"i cant stay mad at you forever im pretty sure you were just jealous that i was giving the other wolfs more attention come here" the wolfs ear perk up and his tail starts wagging i laugh and hug the big black wolf i go back to my bed and the big wolf lays down on my bed and i see a white furry thing lay next to the wolf i laugh and smile at their cuteness i grab my phone and take them a picture i giggle and take my shirt off i feel eyes staring at me i see the wolf looking at me i playfully glare at him and he turns around i swear my ferret and wolf make me think that they are secretly humans i laugh at that thought i lay next to my two pets 


i run through the woods hearing loud howls i run faster trying to get away i trip over a branch and feel blood going down my leg i scream damn it and try to stand up 

"need help?" i look up to meet Xavier's eyes i nod he takes off his shirt and wraps it around my wound i wince in pain and he carries me bridal style i start to see black and i faint

::end of dream::

i wake up and start wondering why the hell did i dream about Xavier and most of all im pretty sure he wouldn't even save me if was in danger why would he care about me i turn to see the wolf looking at me with his head slightly tilted i laugh and tell him what happened in my dream weird i know but i mean not like he would understand anyways

"you know i dont even know why i dreamed about Xavier i barely even know him i mean he is hot ill admit it but like why would he notice a ugly girl like me im pretty sure he is into those blonde rich girls" the wolf just stares at me and licks my face i laugh and go back to sleep

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