Tell Me; Jimin

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"Hey, do I smell bad?" You asked him. You had just finished running around for P.E and just met your boyfriend in front of the school gates, to go home. He leaned closer to your neck and inhaled deeply.

"Mmmm." He murmured. "Not at all..." His lips started to attack your neck.
"Yahhh. We're in public, Park Jimin." You scowled.

"We've never done this in public before." He responded with a smirk and continued to mark your neck.

"But what if the teachers see us?

They're going to tell our parents and that can't happen. Not now. I need good grades. Jimin are you even listening?"
"If you don't shut up, I'll make you."

"Shhh you're attracting attention to us."

"Oh yeah... I am aren't I."

"Let me help you not attract attention to us."

His lips moved to your lips. You could feel your underwear becoming wet gradually with the thought of what this could turn to. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You refused but when his hands trailed to your ass you couldn't take it anymore and opened your mouth. His tongue slid in and twirled around yours. His hands tightened against you pressing you against him. You moved your hips, rubbing his member. You felt his erection twitch. You smiled with satisfaction.

"182!" The principal yelled.

"Minnie, that's our bus." You mumbled into his mouth.

He groaned and let go of you as you made your way to the bus.

"Hey babe." Taehyung said in your ear with an incredibly low voice. You held back a scream and turned around.

"Hey! Don't do that Taehyung! You scared the crap out of me."

"Okay okay baby I'm sorry." He slung an arm across your shoulder. Jimin eyed the arm wearily.

"Taehyung, could you please not touch my girlfriend?"


"Because she's mine." You blushed at these words.

"Okay but on one condition."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I get to tell her something."

Jimin shot him a quizzical look but agreed. Taehyung leaned down until his mouth was right next to your ear.

"I'll treat you like homework, and slam you on the table and do you all night long." He whispered, his voice dropped an octave.

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG!" You screamed, blushing furiously and hit his shoulder.
"What the hell did you tell her?!" Jimin asked.

"Haha. Nothing at all. You better go on the bus or it's going to leave without you."

You both looked at the bus and ran towards it.

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" Taehyung screamed. "Oh wait it's a Saturday tomorrow..." He mumbled.

"Come on baby, what did he tell you?"
Your face was as red as a tomato. "Nothing ahaha ahahahaha ha ha ha..." And you looked out the window.
Jimin growled in annoyance.

"Tch that kid."

The rest of the bus trip was filled with awkward silence and you frantically wracked your brain for a conversational topic. Jimin moved in what would seem like a normal movement to someone who didn't know better. But you knew better. You eyes his hand that has half covering his clothed dick and held your breath as you tried to hold back the pearls of laughter that was going to erupt from your mouth any second. Someone sat down beside you and you were forced to squish up against Jimin until you were half on his lap. He tended and you secretly smiled to yourself. Finally to his relief, the bus stopped at the bus stop and everyone got off. Jimin was quiet the whole journey home but before you two parted he said "Why don't you come to mine for a while to do that assignment we got today?"

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