Wrong but Right (Part 2); Yoongi

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She snuggled up to Yoongi as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Automatically, her head found its way to his shoulder and they lay there, letting the silence harmonise with their worries. A tiny tremor shot its way through her body and Yoongi looked down at her, surprised. Silent tears dripped down her face. She buried her face in her hands and attempted to stand up but Yoongi pulled her back.

"You can tell me." He murmured but she shook her head as silent sobs racked her body. Her brother rubbed circles on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her but adverse to his intention, her face sunk deeper into her hands and her shoulders shook. He watched as her hair fell neatly around her face, showing her smooth neck and a sudden impulse of desire overtook him. He leaned closer, his breath skimming over her skin. He could hear her sobs quieten, waiting for his next move. He leaned in closer and planted a soft kiss on her exposed flesh and she flinched and pulled back.

"Actually, that is the reason for all this." She gestured to her tear-stained face and her crumbled clothes. "I can't live with the guilt. I can't act as well as you. I can't be the happy girl everyone thinks I am when we're doing... that behind everyone's backs. I can't live like this Yoongi."

He stared at her blankly, her words having gone in one ear and out the other. But desire made him speak.

"But you want me. Don't you."

She nodded her head hesitantly but it was enough for Yoongi. He leaned in and captured her lips with his. She gently pushed Yoongi, signalling for him to stop but once again desire spoke for him and he continued, his tongue entwining with hers. Weakly, she struggled against him but he held her wrists tightly and pulled her closer. The kiss deepened and she found herself sprawled across Yoongi, one of his hands in her hair and the other searched for the zipper of her dress leaving a trail of goose bumps. He trailed kisses down her neck as she squirmed on top of him. Just below her jaw, in that little hollow part where muscle meets bone, he nipped her skin then his tongue darted out and grazed over the reddening spot. He kissed his way to the other side of her neck, all the way biting, sucking then licking until her neck shone with red hickeys. She stood up and stripped off the dress, leaving it in a pile on the floor with her bra and panties acting as the cherry on top. Yoongi bit his lip as he watched her climb back to her designated spot, straddling him. She leaned down a little until her breasts brushed Yoongi's face. His breath hitched at the softness of the breast in contrast to the rigid nipple that begged for his attention. He took her breast into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the bud. His other idle restless hand flittered up her body and massaged her breasts earning a moan and a throw-back of her head. His hands made its way to her clit and rubbed it harshly. She grinded into his body, trying to get friction to ease the pressure building up in her lower regions. Yoongi stopped pleasuring her breast and invited her to move closer. She complied and pressed her clit onto Yoongi's face. He smirked at her obedient nature before he buried the tip of his nose into her dripping clit. His tongue peeked out and grazed her glistening clit. He gave it a few long licks and then dipped his tongue in. He could feel her tense, using all her willpower not to grind into his face. He blew cold air onto her clit and she shivered from the sudden change in temperature. His hands left her hips and wandered down to her pussy where they stroked it before rubbing it harshly. His finger slowly dipped in halfway to her dripping core before pulling out again. He added his tongue which licked and bit, to the mixture, then another finger and another. The three fingers dipped in and out, mimicking the thrust of his dick and with the magic of his mouth, she came. Her juices dripped on his face but he latched his lips onto her clit, preventing any more from being wasted. He shifted her back down until she was straddling his hips. He motioned for her to lean down and his lips seized hers again, making her taste herself.

"My turn." He smirked and she nodded, climbing down until she was facing his evident erection. She palmed it through his jeans and his head pressed into the arm of the sofa as his mouth fell open. She undid his belt, unzipped the jeans and undid the button, feeling Yoongi's bothered gaze on her the whole time. He lifted his hips and she stripped off his pants, boxers and socks, piling them up beside her discarded clothes. She looked back up at Yoongi and bit back a moan as his half-lidded gaze and bottom lip disappearing into his mouth enticed her. She took his cock into her sweaty hands and squeezed gently. Her head lowered until his head was prodding her lips. She opened them and took his head in. Her tongue swiped across the slit that was overflowing with cum. Her head lowered as she took in more of his length. His hips moved upwards and the head of his dick hit the back of her throat. She fought back her gag reflexes and hollowed her cheeks, her tongue pressing against his dick. He watched her head bob up and down and her fingers pump his dick and his breathing rate increased. Her breasts rubbed against his legs with every movement. She felt his cock twitch in her mouth so she let him go with a loud pop. Yoongi groaned in frustration and was about to open his mouth to complain when he felt wetness against the head of his cock. He looked down and saw a wave of hair tumbling down and hands which supported the body upright laying on his chest. Yoongi grabbed her wrists as if he was holding onto his dear life, as she sank lower on him. Once his whole length was buried within her, she started to move. She lifted her hips then lowered herself again. Her hips rotated in circles and she could feel his dick filling her.

"Holy shit. Go faster." He groaned. His hands found her hips and guided her up and down, her breasts bounced as she went faster. He came with a loud moan and their cum mixed and dripped down his dick. She got off him and gave him a weak smile. He grinned back at her as she bent down to retrieve her clothes. She quickly put them on and escaped out of her room as tears dripped down her face again. Her parents would be ashamed of her, regardless of whether they were biological or not. Hell, she was ashamed of herself.

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