Chapter 38

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After the experiment was over, Octavia figured that she wanted to visit my mom at the hospital. I think it was a very comforting idea. I didn't want anything bad to happen to my mom while I was away from her, but at the same time, I felt like Octavia did seem slightly aloof from me than usual. And to put it lamely, I felt a little pouty about it.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said when I saw her off by the school gate.

"Yes," Octavia smiled, but it didn't seem to reach her eyes. She turned and walked toward the steel door.

"Octavia wait!" I said, going up to her. She turned around and looked at me.


"" I tried to speak, but nothing came out of my mouth.

"You have something to say?" Octavia asked. Her steady eyes gazed at my face.

"Er...nothing," I decided cowardly.

For a moment, Octavia didn't say anything. She looked at me and then she inhaled as if she hadn't been breathing for a while. Then Octavia walked up to me, putting both hands on my upper arms.

"Vivienne," she said softly. "I could feel you last night."


"I was just waiting for you to say it," she continued. "But I guess we both have a trust issue."

"Oh my god, Octavia," I said, "I didn't mean to hide..."

"The fact that you and Jacques hooked up?" she finished it for me.

My jaw flung open.

"" I stuttered. The evening breeze went dead and I could barely breathe.

"I don't know Viv," Octavia exhaled, "I have been unable to fall asleep properly ever since I met you because my heart would pound so hard at the thought of seeing you the next day, of hearing your voice and being near you again. Why would it be different from last night? You might probably forget that I could feel your emotions. And last were ecstatic. I didn't have to guess the rest of the story."

"Oh please, Octavia..." I said, feeling on the verge of crying. "Jacques and I didn't do anything. I did...stop...I thought of you and I couldn't go on. I'm sorry. It's hard to explain, but please, understand me!"

"That's okay, Viv," Octavia came to put her index finger on my lips to shut me up. "I'm just upset that you didn't have the courage to tell me the truth," she said, then leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead.

"See you," she whispered, before turning to walk away.

And I was in a daze the whole walk back to the mansion. But on my way back to our suite, I found Cammie in a corner with another girl. They were making out passionately while my best friend's hand buried inside the girl's skirt between her legs. Their moans were pretty audible in a quiet hallway. I rolled my eyes, not expecting to walk in on Cammie having a quickie right here. The girl had wavy blonde hair and a pair of jade green eyes.

Without further inspecting, I went straight toward them and grabbed Cammie by the back of her collar, tearing her away from the girl.

"What the..." she yelped, but then she saw me and went, "'s you."

"Yeah...and tell me why on earth you are here?" I asked then turning back to Cammie's fling, who blushed with embarrassment. The scent of her arousal made my nose wrinkle uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have something to talk to my best friend," I said, and she quickly hurried away out of the hall. I turned back to Cammie who was looking down at her shoes like a guilty five-year-old.

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