Chapter 48

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The immortal hadn't uttered anything yet, but her eyes were plain cold and ancient. In a deathlike silence, nobody moved a muscle. Then Viktor finally had the courage to kneel down in front of her. His head bowed with his hands crossed over his chest.

"I am Viktor Alexandrovich of Russia, a descendant of the Zakharin dynasty from the old empire," he said. "My great honor to welcome your kindly return."

Octavia and my friends quickly came to my side.

"A Zakharin descendant?" Cammie said softly as turned to me. "Viv, so your father was a Zakharin prince?"

"What's that?" Alyssa whispered.

"In the old day, the Russian royalty had two branches, the Zakharin-Yakovlev family, and the Zakharin-Yuriev family, but the later changed their name to Romanov, taking the name of the father of the first Czarina of Russia. The first dynasty though disappeared from the history."

"Cam, if you know so much about history, tell me who is that walking nuclear bomb?" I asked.

"By the Sanskrit language is written on the coffin, this hot babe is Piśāca, daughter of Daksa."

"Who's Piśāca?"

"Mother of vampires."

"Holy cheesecake!" Alyssa exclaimed.

We all stared at Pisaca, who just looked around the place without saying anything. I couldn't tell the age of this stunning creature. She had this ancient look that made her either too young or too old at the same time. Her reddish golden eyes stirred like hot lava as she took in her surroundings. It made the lump in my throat rise, and I was sure everyone in this room felt the same.

For a moment, I heard Viktor gulped as the immortal still had no response.

"Why..." she finally uttered her first word, but it sounded slurry as if she was speaking from different voices. Viktor was visibly panicking as he raked his brain, trying to understand what the immortal meant.

"Why did you bring me back?" Pisaca spoke again, more clearly and coldly.

"I...I have been searching for you all my life." Viktor confessed. "I discovered and brought you back from a faraway kingdom, deep underneath the city of a lost empire..."

"How long had I been sleeping?" she asked again as she started looking at herself, now that every part of her body didn't look like she had been a twisted corpse just a moment ago. Honestly, I had no idea what my blood had done to her.

"Two thousand years," Viktor said.

The immortal closed her blazing eyes and inhaled deeply.

"How they made me sleep so very long," Her voice became more solid, almost musical. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

I couldn't stand it any longer. I came forward and shouted, "Viktor! Why did you bring her back? She will destroy everyone!"

But that was a mistake because the immortal vampire turned her face to our direction as if she was seeing us for the first time.

"Who are these children?" she asked slowly.

"I have prepared a grand feast for you," Viktor said with a sly smile, "Two children of the prophecy," he pointed to Octavia and me. "The rest are just insufficient mortals seeking for their own deaths."

"Very well, young prince," The immortal said, "I shall reward you."

Viktor slowly got to his feet as the girl walked over to him. Then she brushed her delicate fingers over his shoulder and across his chest. My evil uncle tensed and swallowed hard as the immortal circled him.

"You know I had seen a half-blood vampire once," she said, "And that child almost killed me. Now you brought me back to meet another two. What do you want?"

"I can explain this to you," Viktor said hurriedly. "I have a vision for us. We can overthrow the Underworld and rule the human race if you follow my plan..."

"Is that why you dug me up from my grave?"

"Forgive me," he said, getting on one knee again. "I did not mean to upset you." Viktor looked like he wanted to drop to the floor explaining himself, but before he opened his mouth to say anything further. The girl gripped him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. My uncle struggled against the impossible strength.

"For centuries, no one dared to tell me what to do," she said and pulled her hand into a claw and then stuck it through Viktor's chest, ripping a fistful of his heart out before he could say a word. "That's the reward you get."

Everyone gasped in terror. Alyssa screamed and hugged Jacque, who comforted her. Octavia, Cammie and I were beyond shocked.

Viktor thought he could use his immortal weapon to help him control the world. Sadly, the ambition to achieve his five-year plan had ended in vain.

The mother of vampires dropped my dead uncle to the floor and gazed at the undead around us.

"Get out of my way before I rip every single head of yours," Pisaca said. "These children are mine."

Upon hearing that the undead guys began to flee as quickly as their speed could go. The five of us were the only ones left in the warehouse. I could feel Octavia's body grew tense. Her face looked like it was carved out of hard stone.

"Let them go, they're not involved," she said, stepping forward.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at her.

"Vivienne, you and everyone have to leave," she said again. "The immortal vampires are impossible to kill. We don't stand a chance with her. She's dangerous beyond imagine." she told me.

"I'm not surprised," I said in protest, "But I won't go anywhere without you."

"And I won't go anywhere without Viv either," Cammie came to say.

"Me too," Alyssa added.

Jacque just rolled her eyes, but then she said, "Oh well, count me in."

"How noble," Pisaca said with her wicked smile, "Good, I don't have to worry if anyone escapes tonight. Speaking of which, I really miss the taste of a half-human and half-vampire's blood. Now let's us have a celebration, shall we?"

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