I Hate You

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Toni POV: For the last two weeks Peyton  has been acting strange. She doesn't like having girl time with me and her behavior has changed.

Kenny: Toni I'm about to head to the studio

Toni: your going to leave me here alone with Peyton

Kenny:babe she in her room watching tv

Toni: well hurry back

Kenny: I will see you when I get back love you

Toni: love you bye

*Kenny leaves*

Denim: mom when is dad coming to pick is up

Toni: he said he'll be by tomorrow or later on tonight

Denim: ok then

While talking to Denim, Peyton came in the kitchen and started going through the refrigerator.

Toni: Peyton were about to eat dinner so get out of the refrigerator

Peyton: I'm hungry now so I'm going to eat now

Denim: see you later mom

Toni: Peyton get out of the refrigerator

Peyton: I'm not moving till I find me something to eat

Toni: little girl I am not playing with you

Peyton: old woman I'm not playing with you I'm hungry

Toni: WATCH YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOUR TALKING TO ME! *pops Peyton on her butt*

Toni POV : when I did that I could see fear in her eyes.

Peyton : you said you would never hit me *yelling and crying*

Toni: Peyton I know but your were being very disrespectful

Peyton: I HATE YOU

Toni: Peyton you don't mean that

Peyton: yes I do and Nicole my mom not you.

Denim: Peyton your going to far

Peyton: she went to far by hitting me
*running upstairs*

Denim: mom are you okay

Toni: yes I'm good *tears falling*

Diezel: mom she didn't mean it

Toni: yes she did Peyton meant every word she said about me

Diezel: she loves you

Toni: it didn't seem like it I'm going in the theatre room


Toni POV: I've been sitting here thinking about what Peyton said to me. I'm trying to convince myself that she said it out of anger,but it's not working.

* kenny walks in*

Kenny: hey babe what are you doing down here *tries to kiss her*

Toni: *dodges kiss*

Kenny: babe what did I do *sitting beside her*

Toni: you didn't do anything

Kenny: then why won't you kiss me

Toni: because I don't feel like being kissed

Kenny: have you been crying

Toni: how can you tell

Kenny: because your my wife and I hurt when you hurt what's wrong

Toni: something happened while you were gone

Kenny: what was it

Toni: Peyton came downstairs and went in the refrigerator. I told her to get out because I was about to cook. She kept digging in the refrigerator and being disrespectful
and I-

Kenny: what did you do

Toni: Ken I don't want you to be mad at me I don't want to say anything more.

Kenny: baby I'm not going to get mad tell me *placing his hand on Toni thigh*

Toni: I spanked her

Kenny:baby there is nothing wrong with you discipline Peyton

Toni: no but Nicole didn't give me permission and if my daughter stepmother hit my daughter I would be pissed

Kenny: but I'm her dad  and I gave you permission

Toni: Ken it doesn't feel right and she said she hated me

Kenny: she said what *getting up*

Toni: Ken don't say anything to her it's fine

Kenny: no it's not she is a child and she need to stay in a child's place

Toni: *kissing him* baby I'm ok

Kenny: Toni that's  the problem your always ok, start expressing your feelings more

Toni: I'll try but don't mention anything to Peyton

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