Family always there

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Next morning

Toni POV: I've been enjoying my baby so much. Aurora is the sweetest thing ever. my family has been right here by my side, and I can tell Aurora and her daddy are best friends.

Toni: y'all stop twerking this is embarrassing

Tamar: what else do you expect us to do in a hospital

Toni: mam I'm sorry

Nurse: it's ok I come from a big family my sisters are. The same way

Trina: are you the youngest

Nurse: actually I'm the middle child out of seven

Toni: it's six of us

Nurse: but I enjoyed having a big family you always had someone to play with

Tamar: That's the joy of it

Nurse: Mrs.Edmonds yesterday I noticed that Aurora was picking at her face a lot

Toni: is that something to worry about *looking at Aurora face*

Nurse: no not at all I went home and knitted her these Mittens so she wouldn't scratch her face up

Mrs.Evelyn: aww

Toni: their beautiful thank you so much

Nurse: No problem I have enjoyed watching after her she's so sweet well I'm about go and get you guys some more pacifier to take home when you leave in two days

Kenny: thanks for everything

Nurse: your welcome *walking out*

Toni: Kenny can you help me put these on her

Kenny: sure baby, let daddy see your hand Aurora

Tamar: *takes a picture*

Peyton: mommy when we get home can me and Aurora play dolls

Toni: yes Pey and now we have someone else to go with us on our Girls day

Peyton: yay

Denim: now Peyton will leave us alone since she has someone to play with

Diezel: finally

Toni: don't worry about them Peyton

Peyton: I'm not

Kenny: ok I have the mittens on

Toni: You look fabulous and it matches your blanket

Aurora: *tries to smile*

Trina: is she trying to smile

Toni: she trying

*someone knocks on door*

Kenny: come in

Mikey: hey everybody

Tamar: Mikey *goes and give him a hug*

Mrs.E : hey son

Mikey: hey I brought someone with me

Michael Sr: hey

Toni: daddy

Michael Sr: *kissing Toni forehead* hey baby girl and who is this sweetie pie

Toni: Aurora say hey to papa

Michael Sr: hey sweetheart

Toni: she likes you

Michael Sr: she looks sleepy

Toni: probably she hasn't had her nap today I'll rock her to sleep

Mrs.Evelyn: Toni your a great mom

Kenny: isn't she

Toni: thanks I try *rocking Aurora*

Tamar: Tone how long are you taking off

Toni: not long, I still want to spend time with Aurora, but I can't sit at the house all day.

Tamar: well I'll babysit whenever you need me to

Toni: thanks because I'm going to need all the help I can get

*Toni phone rings*

Toni: who is calling me

Phone conversation

Toni: hello

??: hey baby

Toni: who is this

??: don't worry about all of that

Toni: excuse me

Kenny: Toni who is that

Toni: I don't know

??: Tell Kenny I said what's up

Toni: Melvin

Melvin: I knew you will recognize my voice open the door

Toni: omg Tamar open the door *hangs up phone*

Tamar: *opens the door*

Melvin: hi family

Mrs.Evelyn: hey

Trina: Melvin

Kenny: what's up bro

Melvin: nothing much just came by to visit my new niece and Toni why don't you have my number saved in your phone

Toni: because we don't talk that much

Melvin: forget it is the baby sleep

Toni: yes

Melvin: aww she looks like me

Toni: your feeling yourself

Kenny: you want me to put her in the bassinet

Toni: yes

Kenny: *getting Aurora* come here sweetheart

Melvin: so Toni how have you been

Toni: I've been good what about you

Melvin: missing you but I'm good

Kenny: Melvin just give up

Toni: please do

Melvin: never

Trina: I swear he's another Tamar

Toni: yes he is

Peyton: uncle Melvin where grandma

Melvin: she's at home but she'll be by your house this week

Peyton: ok

Toni: how is she

Melvin: she's been good but her legs been bothering her

Mrs.E: same things that been wrong with me

Traci: mommy why didn't you tell us

Mrs.E: it's not that serious

Tamar: yes it is,me and you are going to go see a doctor

Mrs.E: alright

Toni: well tell her I said I hope she feels better

Melvin: I will

Kenny: Tone

Toni: huh

Kenny: Nicole just text me she on her way up here

Tamar: ugh


Kenny: is that ok with you

Peyton: mom coming

Kenny: yes

Toni: ok

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