Happy Anniversary pt 1

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Toni POV: I'm so excited today our  anniversary. Later were having our party at Tamar and Vince house, the kids are with mommy will see them later tonight. Yesterday Tamar gave me this sexy short lace night gown I'm in love with it I'm wearing it now,I'm laying in bed on Instagram when Kenny came in and took my phone and laid it on his nightstand.

Kenny: *getting in the bed and pulling Toni close to him* Happy *kiss* Anniversary *kiss* my queen *kiss*

Toni: happy anniversary baby

Kenny: thank you for the most amazing year of my life you gave me this beautiful baby girl and you have made me the happiest man alive.

Toni: awww thank you for everything you do for me and I could never as for anything better and I love you

Kenny: I love you to *kissing her* what your wearing is sexy when did you get this

Toni: Tamar gave it to me

Kenny: I like it

Toni: thanks

Kenny: Tone you have this glow on you this morning

Toni: I do

Kenny: yes

Toni: it's probably because it's our anniversary

Kenny:  are you excited for our party beautiful

Toni: of course I am

Kenny: it's going to be fun

Toni: well anything you plan is fun

Kenny: so baby what do you want to do we have about 4 hours until we need to go to Tamar

Toni: I don't know what do you want to do

Kenny: it's our  anniversary anything you want to do

Toni: let's watch a scary movie

Kenny: I thought you didn't like them

Toni: because last time I saw one I was pregnant

Kenny: out of all the stuff to do, you want to watch a scary movie

Toni: yes I like watching movie with you

Kenny: ok will watch a movie I made us a bubble bath

Toni: Ken we can't have sex before the party

Kenny: ok we won't have sex

Toni: ok let's get in

Kenny: come on *holding his arm out*

Toni: Ken don't drop me

Kenny: I won't your not even heavy *picking Toni up*

Toni: baby you're hair has gotten curlier

Kenny: seriously

Toni: it has

Kenny: your butt has gotten bigger

Toni: thank you

Kenny: we're here

Toni: Ken it's roses everywhere it's beautiful thank you

Kenny: this was my first gift *taking off Toni gown* I have one more to give you at the party

Toni: I have you a gift to

Kenny: what is it

Toni: I'll give you one at the party and then the other when we're in private at the house

Kenny: ummm I like that

Toni: *stepping in the water* this feels so good

Kenny: you look good in it to *getting in the water*

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