The Spending Season

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Just when you think, things couldn't get any more exciting than's Christmas time, again!

This year for Christmas I'm thankful for my health, the health of my family and dear friends too. I'm grateful for the relationship between my mother and I; without her I wouldn't be half the woman I am. This year I am thankful to my brother for slowly letting down his guard and warming up to the idea that we can be great friends in this life.
I am ever-thankful to my mom's parents for supporting me after going through some changes this year; their love for each other and their family shows me everything I need to know. This is Christmas.

Christmas is a family tradition for many. In my family it's the biggest celebration of the year. I think of Christmas time as the spending season; spending money, spending time, spending money to spend time. We could buy one thing but when we do we don't believe it's enough and so we look for another something. We buy things we don't end up using or giving at all....especially tissue paper and bags (but we can always use them again in 12 months!)
Or is that just me?‎

At this time of year we get the rare chance to say things like, 'I've missed you' to the loved ones we haven't seen in a while. We can think about what we are thankful for, but also what we have learned through trial and error over the year. We can make notes or write letters like this one, telling those we cherish that we do. Or we can watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas from now until the Boxing Day craze fades. Whichever way we choose to spend the holidays, let's try and spend it with others.

This year is another spent in a relationship with someone I truly love. Someone I look to for advice, support and back scratches. A person who in my mind stole my heart but in reality I gifted it away. For the first time in my life I'm thinking about what it would be like for my own children at Christmas. Since it's my family's tradition; how will we make our own, together? I think that's just the right answer: together.

How can it be two years already with you on my mind in the middle of the day? You stepped into my life, my routines, and now my traditions. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you know how much I love you, and how thankful I am to know you care. You may not celebrate Christmas normally but who really does?

This year on Christmas Eve we spent what felt like an hour at 2 in the morning, giggling like five year olds while tickling each other to sleep. You said it felt like I was tying little knots. And we laughed and laughed.

Your love is Christmas.
Christmas is Love.

May you and yours have a beautiful 'Spending Season' this year.

Merry Christmas.

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