The Rebel Jealousy

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I would like to suggest a one-shot where, I dunno, Rucas is happy together, but then Maya starts going out with "The Rebel" (Girl Meets Friendship) and Lucas starts to get jealous. So basically, Lucas is in love with Maya but cares a lot for Riley all the same. - request by Jemmie


Brandon, Brandon, Brandon and, even more, Brandon. The whole world was about Brandon, to her. Me and Brandon are going there, me and Brandon are doing that, me and Brandon are getting married! Okay maybe not the last one, but you see my point. Everything she ever talks about is her and Brandon.

What happened to the power four?

What happened to us?

To me?

We used to do everything together, after school on Tuesday's we would grab our usual coffee at Starbucks just the two of us. But since 'The Rebel', the two of us became three and you know what they say. Three's a crowd.

"How y'doing, cowboy?" Riley called out to me, walking into her bedroom, where I was situated at her window-seat.

"I'm not a cowboy," I whined, pouting to show that I wasn't serious. Though, truth was, those words sent a shiver down my spine, so used to being called 'cowboy' by Maya, that with Riley it just didn't feel right. "And yeah everything's fine."

"You don't look fine," Riley stated, sitting next to me and leaning her head on my shoulder. "You don't sound fine either."

"Trust me, all that's on my mind at the moment is you," my voice showed certainty but I don't know if I was using it to convince Riley or convince myself. Me and Riley have been going out for a while now, and things were going pretty smoothly. Considering we've had support from both Farkle and Maya, there was nothing that stopped us from being together. It felt natural for us to become a couple, the jock and the slightly popular teachers daughter that was my girlfriend, the relationship that was scandalous but at the same time perfect for each other and like a movie we just sort of happened.

I brought her face up to mine with my hand and stared into her eyes. I needed to remind her that I was hers. Every now and again she would start doubting herself, convinced that I was only with her out of sympathy. But I did honestly enjoy her company and she was an amazing person. Her eyes flickered to my lips and I chose that moment to lean in, kissing her with all the emotion that I could muster.

"I love you," I whispered, breathing each other's air as we broke apart. I meant it I did love her.

"I love you too," she replied bringing her hands up to play with my hair. It was moments like these that I cherished because I knew that we both felt the same way about each other and for that moment it seems like time stands still.

But then it was back to History lessons at school which meant more of Maya and Brandon. They were officially together just as much as me and Riley were, and that annoyed me for some reason. Maybe it was because of the loving gazes that Maya sent in my direction every time Mr Matthews turned around weren't really directed at me but at the person sitting directly behind me? I couldn't stand him. I didn't know Brandon all that well, but I figured if Maya liked him then so could I. Until I found out just why he was called 'The Rebel'.

And I couldn't live seeing Maya with someone like that. So I did the one thing I knew how to do, I got in the way.

"Hey Maya, how's about that coffee later?" I asked her one day before class, remembering to keep my voice low so as not to be overheard by Brandon. He was the sort of person to know everything about everyone, no one had secrets around him.

The Rebel Jealousy (a GMW one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now