Chapter 10.

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"When are you coming back home?" I asked Liyah over the phone. She moved to Texas over a year ago now because of family problems. I wish I could have went with her but I had a baby now and I couldn't just pack up my life here and go, although that would be nice.

"I'll be back there by tomorrow morning. I can't wait, these people down here in Texas are something else. Not like what I'm used to. I hate going to school here, I highly dislike the people and there attitudes, its always a heatwave here... You barely ever feel a breeze. The only thing good I could say I enjoyed about Texas is the food." She complained. I couldn't help but laugh. I really miss my best friend. Mia is cool, but I don't feel that bond with her like I do with Liyah. I don't think I ever did to be honest. I believe our friendship was based off of the fact that we both had sex for money.

Liyah and I can actually talk about things. Anything, not just about boys or parties or money we've made. We can have a deep conversation or sit around and not talk about anything at all and it would never be awkward. Liyah loves Daya soooo much, almost every time we do something together she wants me to bring Liyah along. I can't remember not one time Mia has asked me about Daya or anything. She might not even know I have a child. Mia is one of those people who pretends like they care about others when really all they really care about is their self.

I went over to my mom and dad's house today just to visit. My Dad was in his office like always and my mom was in the kitchen getting ready to cook dinner. I went outside and sat on the porch the get some fresh air. My head was down in my phone when I heard a man's voice say, "How you doing?"
I looked up at the person who looked very familiar, I just couldn't remember where I knew them from. "Hey." I said, "Do I know you?" I asked him.

"Quincy." He said. Then I knew exactly who he was. This was the guy who I'd met at a costume party I went to with Mia a few years ago. He had came to my house one day, we had sex, and I hadn't heard from him in about a week or so. Then I found out he had went and got a chick pregnant. I hadn't talked to him since.

"Oh, right. You need something?" I asked him. I don't really care to talk to him now either. "I just wanted to come talk to you." He told me as he walked up on the porch, sitting on the stair next to me. "It's funny because I been thinking about you a lot lately for some reason and then I just see you sitting over here looking beautiful as ever." He says.
"Why have you been thinking about me?," I asked him, "We haven't spoken in years now."
"I miss you girl." He told me. My eyes rolled almost instantly.
"Your not about to do to me what you did in the past. Talk that sweet shit to me, get in my pants, and then disappear. We barely even had any type of relationship for you to be saying that you miss me. What do you even miss about me? My pussy? When did you ever take the time to really get to know me?" I told him. He was silent. "Exactly, never, you just another fuck boy who needs to grow up. Don't you have a child who looks up to you? Act like a real man and stop treating females like toys. Your like 23 years old now, act like it." I continued.

"My baby mama and my son died during birth." He said, looking straight ahead. My heart sank, Now i regret saying anything. "Oh my god, I'm so sor--"

"It's all good, save it. I don't like to talk about it." He said to me. I didn't know what to say or do now. I felt really awkward. "But I do feel you on the shit you just preached to me," he continued, laughing a little. "I hate to break it to you tho, I have matured and grown up. I didn't come over here to try and sweet talk you into giving me some pussy and then never hit you up again. That was hella lame what I did back then, I know. But I was young and dumb. I've changed tho. I really have." He said to me.
"Asia, time to eat!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Well, i have to go." I told him. He gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight" he said before walking away.

- Picture of Liyah in multimedia.

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