Chapter 15.

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Right when i had finally gotten into a good sleep Ace called again, this time wanting to facetime me. I pressed the volume down button to stop the loud ringing. He continued to call back to back. I grabbed the phone and quietly snuck out the bed to go in the other room and answer. I Finally picked up the phone.  He sounded like he was crying so I asked whats wrong. He says he needed me and was going on about how much he miss me and can't live without me. He even claims he wants me to have his baby. I couldn't do anything but listen.

When he finally stopped talking, I softly said, "Sorry, but im happy where im at." and hung up. I locked the screen and went back to lay with Ques. ❤️

The Next day, Ques woke up to Asia cooking breakfast. He felt the phone vibrating a lot under the pillow. He rolled over and pulled the phone frome under the pillow being nosey. He seen all the missed calls and texts from Ace. He was saying things like "I miss you" and "I want to be with you" and stuff like that. Jaques was getting mad as fuck. He jumped out the bed, ass naked and all, put on a robe and walked in the kitchen with Asia's phone in his hand.

Asia was still cooking, minding her business when she felt Jaques come up behind her. She turns around. He showed her the phone with the most hatred look in his face.

     "So you been fucking with Ace?" Ques asked looking even more angrier. Almost ready to throw the phone.

     Asia didnt say anything. She just stared at the phone in confusion, not giving Ques a response.

Ques Asked Again, "Asia,  have you been fucking with Ace?"

Asia said, "No, I haven't!" And she pushed the phone out her face. Ques got mad and threw the phone across the kitchen, Cracking her entire iPhone screen.

     Asia screamed.

"Why would you throw my phone!!" She yelled staring at the broken screen.

  "Why you fucking with Ace?" Ques Yelled back.

"I havent been fucking with him!" Asia Yelled back to him.

It was like they were screaming at eachother trying to see who could yell the loudest.


"I Don't know, I promise Ques. I wasnt fucking with him. He started that shit out of no where... he must have been high or something! He been harrasing me! You see I haven't been responding to him!"  Asia screamed back with tears in her eyes remembering that she had just turned Ace down for Ques that night when he called asking for her love.

      Ques just looked at her not saying anything, then walked back into the room, finding him something to wear. Asia then followed behind him. Not saying Anything to one another. Jaques put on his clothes and Asia took a nice hot shower. By the time she got out Jaques was Gone.

     Asia walked into Daya's room still in her towel. She looked around the room and she didnt see Daya. She started panicking, She ran in her room for her phone, realizing that it was still broke from Ques. She quickly ran to the house phone dialing Jaques number as she ran around the house checking every room looking for Daya.


"Where the fuck are you Jaques? Daya is fucking missing! She is not in this house!"

   Jaques Laughed "Calm down girl. We at the ice cream parlor around the corner. She said she really wanted ice cream. Jaques calmly explained to Asia.
"Okay Jaques but you broke my phone, So what are you finna do about that? "Asia asked irratated. She was really getting frustrated with Jaques.

   "I will get you another one. I was just upset about the shit he was sending you.." he said, softly.

Asia hung the phone up.

   When they got home, Asia gave Daya A bath, put her on a pink and white Polo jump suit to match Asia's and they headed over to Liyah's house.

"Hey girl." Asia greeted Liyah as she opened the door. Daya ran up to her immediately, hugging her. She loved her some Liyah lol.

"What you been up to? I'm feeling good today, I wanna get out the house. Lets go to a beach or something???" Liyah said.

I had no problem with it, we weren't doing anything spectacular today anyway. We like to go shopping for new things before we go out, call us boogie but you gotta look good too.

We stopped at the mall first to get some new swimsuits. Always keep some money on you in case something happens. In this case, something happened. We need swimsuits for the beach right? We went to H&M where they had some really cute ones on sale for cheap. We tried some on and bought some afterwards. On our way to the beach, we stopped at a local liquor store to get some coolers. Just to get a little buzzed, what'ts the harm?

We bought Daya some food that she didn't even eat. But she wanted some candy. Kids 🙄

Me and Liyah were just sitting out watching the ocean, chilling with eachother talking about everything. I can trust Liyah, she's been loyal since day one. More than Mya ever was sad to say.

Speaking of Mya, she called my phone the other day talking about another trip. I don't know... I'm still not too fond of her. I know she still sleeping with Mahlik. It's sad... just sad.

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