Seeing Him

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Toni turned around and Babyface was standing there smiling at her.

Babyface: You guys can leave her car. Let me talk to her for a second.

Security: Yes Sir.

Babyface: I never got a chance to introduce myself.

Toni (playing with her sweater): I know who you are. (Smiling) You're the Kenneth Brian "Babyface" Edmonds.

Babyface: Wow. (Chuckling) You know my entire name and I just know your first name.

Toni: I'm Toni Braxton.

Babyface: It's nice to meet you Toni. That's a beautiful name.

Toni: Thank you.

Babyface: I know this is going to sound weird, but I wanted to see if you would like to go on a lunch date with me.

Toni: I don't know. You're a celebrity and I'm just a college student.

Babyface walked towards Toni and lifted her chin.

Babyface: A celebrity who is human and finds you beautiful. We can go anywhere you want.

Toni: I have class and I-

Babyface: How about I give you my personal number and you just call me with the date, time, and place?

Toni looked into Babyface's eyes unsure, but curious. He smiled at her and she laughed.

Taking the piece of paper from his hand, Toni replied: I'll call you.

Babyface: That sounds like music to my ears. Have a good night Toni.

Toni (unlocking her door): You too Babyface.

Babyface: Kenny.

Toni: Excuse me?

Babyface (smiling): My close friends call me Kenny.

Toni: Well good night Ken.

Babyface: I like that better coming for your lips. Night Tone.

With his hands in his pockets, Babyface watched as Toni sped away home.

Babyface: Who was that beautiful woman?

Security: I don't know Sir.

Babyface: It's alright Abraham, I'll find out soon.

Busy with class over the next few days, Toni forgot about calling Babyface. The spring semester was coming to end and finals were kicking her butt. Momma Evelyn was going around the house collecting clothes to wash, when she stumbled on the piece of paper that Babyface gave to Toni, in Toni's pants pocket.

Evelyn: What's this Toni?

Toni (looking over her shoulder): Oh, that's the number of a friend.

Evelyn: A friend?

Toni: Yeah. I saw him at the library the other night and he gave me his number.

Evelyn: Okay, do you have any other clothes that needs to be washed?

Toni: No that's it. Thanks ma.

Evelyn: No problem.

Evelyn handed Toni the piece of paper and left the room.

Toni: I can't believe I forgot about this.

Toni reached for her phone and dialed his number. It rang twice.

Babyface: Hello?

Toni just breathed into the phone and didn't reply.

Babyface: Hello?

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