Snowball Fights

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Finale. Written by PandoraDoodle

I woke up to small, soft hands pounding gently at my chest. "James! Get up!"

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "What? What do you want?" I demanded quietly. "Shouldn't you be in the bathroom puking or something?"

You rolled your eyes at me with a playful smirk tugging on your lips. "Not this morning, no. I feel good today. That might soon change though, so watch out." You gave me a wink then got out of bed. "It's almost eleven. Get your ass out of bed, get changed and then I'll tell you why I'm so excited."

I sighed as I flung the blankets away from me. "Yes, dear."

I trudged down the stairs and saw you holding Ein, who was desperately trying to get out of your grasp. "So what's so important and exciting that made you full of energy when you woke me up?" You put Ein down and the little corgi marched over to me, most likely wanting food.

"Did you even look outside?" You asked as I fed the pleased puppy.

"No, (y/n). I didn't. What happened outside?" I looked up at you with what must've been the most dopey look on my face because you cracked a wide, toothy grin.

"Gee, James, I wonder? We're in December and I'm excited over something." I opened my mouth but you seemed to know what I was about to say. "No, it's not Christmas. Guess again."

I closed my mouth, trying to suppress a smile. "Did it snow?"

You nodded frantically and excitedly. "Yeah," I nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I should've guessed that the first time."

You waddled over and leaned against me. "Can we play in it?" You asked so innocently while staring up at me. I looked back at you with eyes as hard as steel.

"You have to be very careful. You're, what? 4 months pregnant? It's not a lot but please still be careful." You smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be more careful than I usually am." I rolled my eyes and sighed over dramatically.

"Then yeah, I guess we can play in the snow." And with that, I saw your face light up with a childish glee.

Ein ran around as we stood at opposite sides of the yard. "Alright," You yelled to me. "I'm giving us 7 minutes to build a base and load up on ammunition." You began to set the timer on your phone.

"This isn't a war game y'know." You looked up at me and placed your free hand over your chest, feigning that you were offended.

"Damn straight this isn't a game. This is full on war between us. The loser makes supper tonight and cleans the kitchen."

I lightly kicked the snow with my boot. "This is dumb." I scoffed.

"Your choice to forfeit but it's an automatic loss." You called out. "Forfeit now or face the consequences." You tried to say in a deep voice.

"Fuck no. I'm not doing anything! Bring it." I yelled back.

"I don't plan on losing to you!" You challenged with a devilish smirk.

"And I don't plan on cooking tonight." I jabbed my index finger in your direction. "So you'd better believe I'm gonna win."

You cocked one of your eyebrows up at my statement and shook your head dismissively, "I wanna see you try. Oh, and we determine the winner by who got hit the least. So I'll count how many time you hit me an vice versa. Ready?" I nodded in response. "Go!" You yelled as you hit the 'Start' button on the timer and quickly went to the ground to start building your fort.

I didn't focus as much on the fort aspect than you did. It was a shitty snow pillar and yours might as well have been reinforced with bricks. Mine was tall but thin; one hit and it might as well not be there at all. "Times up! Ready for a fight?" You called as the timer went off and you began to put another timer for the game itself. You looked up at me and cockily smirked, which returned with the same look.

"Like I said," I throw a snowball at your fort. "Bring it."

The dog continuously barked and tried to catch the snow as we threw them at one another. "You fucker!" I yelled as you hit me right between the shoulder blades as I gathered snow for more snowballs. I could hear you snicker as another ball of snow hit the ground nearby. "I'll get you for that." I turn around with a handful of snow and began to run towards you.

"Don't you dare!" You yelled as you kept throwing snow at me. "James, I swear." You couldn't help but smile as you held the collar of your jacket against you.

"Surprise asshole!" I grabbed the bottom of your jacket and threw the snow up. You screamed slightly as your (e/c) eyes looked straight into my own brown ones. You seemed furious yet playful as I turned to run away from you with a large grin plastered on my face. You gave me an obscene gesture when I faced your direction again and I acted as if I was offended by the gesture. You rolled your eyes and the throwing continued.

"Times up!" You called. We both made our way back to the house, Ein right on our heels.

"How many times did you get hit?" I asked you as rubbed your hands together.

"Twenty-two times, you?" You glanced over at me, cheeks rosy from the cold wind.

"Twenty-six." I lied, wanting to give you a well deserved break from housework. I watched your eyes widen and your smile grow bigger.

You threw your arms up in triumph. "I won!" You yelled and quickly picked up our dog. "I won Ein! Can you believe it?!" She sneezed in your face and I couldn't help but laugh at the face you made afterwards.

You walked out of the kitchen, two mugs in hand and a corgi under your feet. "Ein, move. I have hot chocolate in my hands and I don't wanna spill." You nudged the dog with your foot and she scampered off. "Hot chocolate for you."

You held the mug out and I gratefully took it. "Thanks." You sat down next to me and I wrapped my arm around you. "Still feeling okay?" I asked and watched you place your hand on your small baby bump.

"Yeah." You sighed slightly with a small smile on your face. "Hey James?"

"Yes, (y/n)?" I responded.

"Thanks for lying about losing. It shows you really love me." You giggled and I squeezed you closer to me.

"It's because I do really love you." I said quietly and watched you get all flustered. You pushed me slightly which made the hot chocolate in my hand almost spill over. "Hey, watch it!" I said loudly and you smiled.

"Sorry." You cooed. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I said as I ruffled your (h/l) hair.

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