Chapter 22

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Recap: "Ok fine, why don't you buy me lunch?" I suggest and he smiles brightly, nodding. "I can't right now, but how about Saturday?" he suggests and I nod. I hand him my phone and he puts his number in, texting himself so he has my number as well. "I'll see you Saturday. Why don't we meet here at 12?" he asks and I nod. He turns to leave and I stop him. "Wait, I never caught your name!" He smiles, removing his glasses to reveal a familiar pair of brown eyes. "I'm Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol."

Mari's POV

"So Mari, tell me about yourself." I glance up from my menu at the tall boy in front of me. He looks exactly like him. Like my Chanyeol. But how can that be? My Chanyeol is just a figment of my imagination.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I ask, not sure what to say. I've never been good at this sort of thing.

"Anything. Tell me about your family," he says and I feel the smile slip off my face.

"That's a touchy subject right now," I mumble and his eyes widen slightly.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know," he bows in his seat, quickly changing the subject. "What do you like to do?" he asks and I smile slightly, glad for the new topic.

"Well, I love singing and dancing," I begin and he cuts me off excitedly.

"Jinjja? Wah daebak! You need to perform for me!" he says and I blush, looking down.

"I don't know about that."

"Come on please! I bet you're really good," he smiles brightly and I feel my face heat up even more.

"A-aniyo," I stutter, waving my hands in front of my face. He chuckles.

"You're cute," he says, leaning forward with his chin in his palms. My eyes widen as his face gets closer to mine and I blush, not failing to miss the light pink color that paints his cheeks. Our food comes quickly and we eat, talking about random things.

"So Chanyeol, what do you do for a living?" I ask and he coughs on his drink slightly, looking at me with raised eyes.

"You mean, you don't recognize me?" he asks and I shake my head.

"Ani. Am I supposed to?" I ask and he suddenly breaks out into a wide smile, shaking his head.

"Aniyo. It's perfectly fine that you don't. I'm in a band called EXO," he says and my mouth falls open into an 'o' shape.

"Oh I've heard of you guys! My best friend loves you. Truth be told I've never heard any of your songs," I say and he pouts slightly.

"Then I'll have to show you one!" I smile, agreeing. He places a wad of cash on the table and grabs my wrist, pulling me to my feet. "Let's go."

"Go where?" I ask as he leads me out of the building.

"On an adventure." His eyes twinkle with mischief and I start to feel nervous. We finally make it to a large building with the letters 'SM' displayed on the front, large enough to be visible across town. "This is where I work." He guides me inside and to a dance room with clouds painted onto the wall on one side. He runs to the corner of the room and taps a few buttons. Music starts playing as he makes his way back to me. "Let's dance." I stare at him, wide eyed, as he begins to dance, motioning for me to do so too. I hesitate, before slowly beginning to dance as well, letting myself get lost in the music. I don't even notice when Chanyeol stops, or when the song changes. I only stop dancing when the music shuts off. "That was amazing!" Chanyeol applauds and I blush, shaking my head.


"You have real talent Mari. Will you sing for me?" I cover my face with my hands, embarrassed. "Oh come on, if you love singing you shouldn't be embarrassed to do it," he says and I silently agree, slowly raising my head up. I begin singing a little of Ailee's song, Heaven, and when I finish he cheers. "See I told you there was nothing to be embarrassed about!" he says, smiling and I smile back. The door opens and someone steps in.

"Oh Chanyeol, I didn't know you were in here." I turn to face a boy who looks oddly familiar. "We were just coming to practice," the boys says, still standing at an angle where I can't get a good look at his face. He finally notices me and turns to me, a smile on his face. "Oh! I'm sorry for being so rude! I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Kim Joonmyeon, but you can call me Suho," he says and I feel my eyes widen as I take in his features. It-it's him! He looks exactly the same, except this Suho isn't sad. His eyes are bright and happy, and he sends me a cheerful smile.

"Are you ok?" I snap out of my thought, realizing that I must look weird gaping at him the way I was.

"Ne, mian hae, you just, reminded me of someone I used to know," I say awkwardly and he smiles, nodding in understanding. "I'm Mari." I bow and smile hesitantly. The door opens and a group of loud boys topple in.

"A girl!" One of them exclaims and I take a step closer to Chanyeol, suddenly feeling very shy.

"Yah don't scare her pabo!" Another boy shouts, slapping the first boy on the head.

"Hyung!" he whines, rubbing his head and pouting at the older boy.

"A-annyeonghaseyo. Mari imbnida," I bow, taking the chance to introduce myself.

"Aw she's so cute!" One of the boys yells, smiling sweetly.

"Are you a fan?" Another asks and I shake my head.

"Ani, to tell you the truth, I don't know who any of you are," I admit sheepishly and they all seem very surprised. Are they that popular? I don't recall if they were before I went into the coma or not. Maybe they were and I was just living under a rock. I don't listen too a lot of modern music very often. "Mian hae," I say and Suho speaks up.

"It's ok Mari," he says and I smile slightly, still a little creeped out by the resemblance.

"Yeah actually, it's better that you don't know us!" One of the boys says and immediately gets hit upside the head.

"Yah Tao don't make it sound so creepy!" the boy says as the other boy, Tao, pouts. The boy who hit him smiles, turning to me. "I'm Minseok, but you can call me Xiumin," he says and the awkward smile falls from my face as they all start introducing themselves. I get a better look at each of their faces than I did before and my hands start to shake. I'm going crazy. They're all exact copies of my boys, except these boys have different colored hair. They look more, modern. And they're all normal. They have no problems. They're all healthy and happy. Finally the last one introduces himself. By now, my mouth has dried up and my breathing has sped up.

"I'm Baekhyun." I sway a little as I begin to feel dizzy and my eyes roll back into my head. The last thing I hear is someone call my name, before I fall unconscious. 

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