Chapter 23

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Recap: The awkward smile falls from my face as they all start introducing themselves. I get a better look at each of their faces than I did before and my hands start to shake. I'm going crazy. They're all exact copies of my boys, except these boys have different colored hair. They look more, modern. And they're all normal. They have no problems. They're all healthy and happy. Finally the last one introduces himself. By now, my mouth has dried up and my breathing has sped up. "I'm Baekhyun." I sway a little as I begin to feel dizzy and my eyes roll back into my head. The last thing I hear is someone call my name, before I fall unconscious.

Mari's POV

"Mari. Mari yah, please wake up. Mari!" I slowly open my eyes to see tons of figures crowded around me.

"What happened?" I let out a soft groan, slowly sitting up.

"Woah, easy there. You took a pretty nasty fall," Chanyeol says, gripping my shoulders gently and helping me into a sitting position.


"You fainted after we introduced ourselves," Sehun says, and I start to feel dizzy again as I make eye contact with him. He's exactly the same, just more confident. He smiles sweetly at me and I blink, swaying slightly.

"Gwenchanayo?" someone asks and I don't even have to look to know it's Baekhyun. I nod, avoiding eye contact in fear of fainting again.

"Ne, I'm fine."

"Why did you faint?" Minseok asks and I glance up at him through my eye lashes. He stares right at me and I start to feel nauseous. The Minseok I knew was blind, but this one is staring at me. I feel like he's staring into me to be honest.

"Um, I, I don't know," I lie, my eyes slowly raking over all of the boys. Lay stands and glances curiously down at me. He's standing. He's not in a wheelchair! Of course he isn't Mari, he isn't the boy from your dream. This is a real person. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. These thoughts are only making me feel worse.

"Mari, are you sure you're ok?" Chanyeol asks, glancing worriedly at me and I feel my heart break as I meet his eyes. The same eyes that worried about me in my dream. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with someone I made up, and now I'm trying to force that love onto his real-life look a like. I feel my throat burn and my visions blurs. Oh no, please don't cry. Not in front of them. But it's too late. I blink and a few tears fall down my cheeks, and once the first few escape, there's no way to stop the rest from following. I burst into tears and cover my face with my hands, embarrassed. "Mari! Was is something I said? What happened?" I hear Chanyeol panic, but I'm too enveloped in sobs to respond. I vaguely hear him mutter something, followed by the sound of dozens of feet walking away, before it's silent. My awkward sobs fill that silence and I begin to think they left me here alone. Maybe that's best. Them being here only made me hurt worse. I feel someone sit beside me and I stiffen, but my cries don't lesson. The person hesitantly and awkwardly wraps their arm around me.

"Shh, it's ok. I don't know what happened, but you can lean on me. Cry all you want, just let it out. It's ok," Chanyeol mutters soothingly and that only causes me to cry harder as it reminds me of my Chanyeol. After a while I manage to control my cries and drop my hands into my lap, exhausted. I sniffle a few times and Chanyeol removes his arm from my shoulder, standing and rushing away, before quickly returning with a box of tissues.

"Thanks," I mutter, my voice hoarse from all the crying I did. I take a tissue and begin wiping my eyes, trying to think happy thoughts so I won't burst into tears again.

"I'm not going to ask what happened, no matter how much I want to, because I know if you want to tell me, you will. Well at least I hope you will. I know we don't really know each other, but I really like you Mari, and I wanna become good friends with you. Seeing you cry honestly broke my heart and I never want to see you like that again," Chanyeol speaks up, destroying the silence.

"If I told you why I was crying, you'd think I was crazy," I reply quietly, kind of hoping he didn't hear me.

"Try me." I snort, before taking a deep breath.

"Well, a few months ago, I got into a car accident with my parents and my younger brother. None of them made it and I was put into a coma. Well, the way I remember it is that I got a call that my parents and brother had been in an accident and were at the hospital. They still didn't make it. I went to their funeral and was informed that my older brother had gone missing. I remember running into the woods and falling into a hole. When I woke up, a boy was there, taking care of me. He told me that we were stranded somewhere with no way out. He said there were eleven other boys in the mansion with us. They all had different disabilities. Do you know what his name was?" I pause, glancing up and Chanyeol shakes his head. I crack a small smile, glancing down at my lap.

"His name was Park Chanyeol. The boys in the house were the rest of your band. I know this sounds crazy and honestly a little creepy, but I dreamed of you all for six months. I created a whole story and was crushed when I woke up to discover it wasn't real. I don't know why I dreamed of you guys because I had never heard of EXO before I went into the coma, but somehow, I created you all looking exactly the same as you do now. That's why I fainted. That's why I cried. It hurts to know that the amazing people I grew to love, are only figures of my imagination, and now here I am, and here you are, an exact replica of the man I fell in love with." I feel my eyes begin to burn with more unshed tears and I blink them away, refusing to cry again. I don't even care that I just admitted that I loved him. Well technically, I don't love him, I love the version of him that I created. God that sounds awful. Chanyeol is completely silent and I'm afraid to look up to see his reaction. He probably thinks I'm crazy. I would if the roles were switched. Finally, he speaks in a calm voice, starling me slightly.

"Mari, do you believe in fate?"

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