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(Picture is Mari)
Everything happens for a reason. That's what I've always been told. I never thought much of it though. I didn't have the perfect life, but I did have a good one. I took most things I had for granted, and I regret that. But I never imagined I'd ever get that call. The one nobody wants. I remember it clearly, for it's only been about a week...

I hum quietly to myself as I dance around the kitchen, waiting for my lunch to be finished cooking. After a while, I started to sing and tuned out my surroundings so that I didn't even notice the microwave dinging signaling my food was finished. I almost missed the phone when it started ringing, only hearing it when there was a pause in my song. Quickly, I ran to answer the phone, slightly out of breath from the dancing. "Hello?" "Hello is this Choi Mari?" An unknown voice asks. "Ne, who is this?" I ask, leaning against the counter. "I'm very sorry to tell you that your family has been in a car accident early this evening," The woman says and I feel my heart stop. "W-what? Are they ok?" I ask as my hands and knees start to shake. "You brother should be alright, but he's unresponsive right now. You're mother is in critical condition and I regret to tell you that your father did not make it. I'm truly sorry." I can't hear anything else as the woman goes on to tell me where my mother and brother are located. I don't even hear when the phone slips out of my hand and clatters loudly to the floor. I barely feel anything as my feet move on their own to the door and running out to the car. All I can think of is my father. My handsome, amazing father. Yes, I was a daddy's girl. He always protected me. When I had my first heartbreak, he went to the boys house and yelled at him to the point that he couldn't speak for a week, but he would always tell me I'm worth it. When I was nervous about performing in the talent show, he wouldn't let me back down. He told me that he too was nervous his first time performing, and he almost backed down. He would've if his older sister hadn't been there to force him onstage. She died a year later of cancer and he would tell me everyday how he wished he had thanked her more for not letting him back down, because gaining that confidence is what led to his musical career and how he met my mother.

He was always there for me, and now he's gone, just like that. My mind barely registers when I pull up to the hospital and run inside. The woman at the front desk points me in the direction of my brother's room. I nod and sprint in the direction she pointed me in, ignoring that glares I get as I clamber around. I burst into the room to see my poor little brother hooked up to all sorts of wires. His eyes are closed and bruises and cuts litter his whole body. If it weren't for his chest slowly moving up and down, I would've thought he was dead, he's so still. I sit beside him and gently take his hand in mine, rubbing the back of it with my thumb. "Excuse me, are you Choi Mari?" I hear someone ask and I look up to see a woman standing in the doorway. "Yes, I am," I manage to say, though my mouth feels as if it's full of cotton. "Where is my mother? Can I see her?" I rush to ask, standing and gently dropping my brother's arm. The nurse sends me an apologetic look as she glances down. "I'm truly sorry, but your mother did not make it through her surgery," She says quietly and I feel my heart skip a beat. "C-can I s-see her?" I ask and she nods, motioning for me to follow her out of the room.

I spare one last glance at my brother, before following her out. We weave through the halls until we finally reach a large room, with tons of people in it. Everyone is crying over multiple beds, so I can only assume this is where the deceased are sent before they're sent away from the hospital. She guides me all the way to the back and I can hear my heart hammering in my ears as I stumble after her. Finally, she pulls a curtain back to reveal my mother, or at least, I think it's my mother. Her hair is matted and her face is littered with cuts and bruises, but she still looks beautiful. She's always been beautiful. The nurse leaves me alone with her and I collapse onto a chair beside her. She looks so peaceful. Slowly, I reach for her arm, taking it in my hand, shocked at how cold and still it is. I let my fingers dance along her forearm to her wrist, pressing them gently down. I knew it was hopeless, but I still hoped that I would find a pulse. When I didn't feel anything, I let her arm drop and the first tear that I had been holding in fell as well, followed by a few more, then I couldn't stop them.

"Oh Eomma! Why did you have to leave me? You promised me you and Appa would stay with me forever! Why did you go? Why?" I wail, sobbing into her chest. "Mari?" I look up at the sound of my voice, only to see my older brother, Iseul staring down at me. "Oppa!" I cry, throwing myself into his arms and sobbing, relieved to still have someone. "Is she..." He trails off as he stares down at our mother. "Ne," I whisper, my voice cracking before more tears come. Iseul's eyes fill with tears, but he doesn't let them fall. "And Appa?" He asks, staring hopefully down at me. I bite my lip, before shaking my head. He get's the message. "Where is Dae?" He asks after a moment, still refusing to cry. "H-he's fine. I t-think. He's u-uncouncious, but the d-doctor said h-he should b-be alri-right," I stutter through my tears and Iseul nods. "So where is he?" He asks and I glance at my mother one last time, before gesturing for him to follow me. Quickly, I lean down and peck her cold forehead, still not used to the lack of body heat. "I'll take you to him," I murmur, before walking away, not bothering to see if Iseul is following me or not.

We reach Dae's room and Iseul immediately sits beside him. I hover in the doorway, my crying finally slowing. I don't remember much of that day, but I do remember that everything was fine for about an hour or two, and then the monitor went crazy and we were pushed out of the room, and away from Dae. The next thing I knew, a doctor approached us as we sat in the waiting room, praying for our brother. "Mr. and Miss. Choi, I'm very sorry to say this, but your brother did not make it," He says, and that's when Iseul finally lets his wall down and he cries. But I can't. I can't feel anything. Dae was supposed to be alright! He was supposed to make it! He was so young. Only 10 years old. He hasn't even had his first kiss yet, or date. He won't be able to do anything that a boy should do. He'll never become a teenager and he'll never fall in love. He'll never get married and become a father. That's when I closed off. I stopped talking, only speaking when necessary and even then what I said was short and quick. Always mumbled. A week later I was standing at the funeral, dressed in all black, standing over the graves of my parents and younger brother. Iseul never showed up.

I remember people slowly leaving as I stayed put, ignoring the chill as the wind blew. Suddenly, a car parked and a man stepped out, walking up to me. "Are you Choi Mari?" He asks and I stare blankly at him, nodding slightly. "Your brother Iseul has been reported missing. His roommate called in last night that he never returned home and never called. We assure you that we are doing everything in our power to find him. My condolence on your family," He says, before turning and briskly walking away. I feel numb. Iseul was all I had left, and now he too was gone. Shaking my head, I stumble, before turning and running away from the few people who had stayed to see me safely home. I ignore their calls as I keep running until I reach the edge of the woods. I push through the trees, squeezing my eyes shut as I lose my footing and fall, but I never landed on the ground. Then it was quiet.

Hi! So there's the prologue! I'm actually really proud of it. Haha. Well anyway, this story is loosely based off of a story called Crash, by Harmony Angel on Quotev. Go read her story as well! It's amazing and I love it so much! But it isn't finished yet. Thanks! Comment and favorite! Love you all!!

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