Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I played with Ky at the lake. My mom and sister Addison finally made it up here. Me and my mom aren't talking yet and my dad hasn't told her that I found my mate. Luke and I have gone to the lake everyday since and have only seen Ky once.

"Keeley can we talk for a minute?" I look up and see my moms hazel eyes staring at me from my bedroom door. I nod my head just to realize she was already sitting next to me with my door closed.

" I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said that day." She hangs her head looking sad. When she looks up she even has a puppy dog face look going on.

I don't say a word as I stare at her. She looks so sad and it breaks my heart. Whenever me and my mom fight it lasts two minutes and we're fine, for a fight to last this long it's agonizing. I reach over and pull her into a tight hug and rub her back as she starts crying.

"It's okay mom it wasn't your fault." After about five minutes of reassuring her she stops crying and wipes her eyes dry.

"I have some news for you mom. I found my mate." I look at the floor examining the wooden floor of my room waiting for her to blow up on me.

"That's great news Keeley! Does he know your mates? What has he said? Is he cute?" She was so excited she didn't notice the sad expression that is on my face.

"No mom he doesn't know because he's human." She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before nodding her head. It isn't very normal to have a human mate.

"That just means my little girl is even more special then we thought." She said nodding her head happily.

"What do you mean?"

"The only wolves in our pack that have had a human mates were destined for greatness and they all succeeded In being great at whatever it is they did. You are even more special though since you are a SPECIAL wolf. When you do get to know him you will have a stronger bond then most wolves and you will get stronger." That is a lot to take in for a teenage girl.

"He is cute." We both start laughing and head to the training grounds.

After a long afternoon of training I decided I wanted to go for a peaceful walk under the stars. At home it is almost impossible there are wolves running everywhere and children screaming, not to peaceful. I changed into some shorts and a simple white tank before leaving.

I know I said I hated this place before but honestly I never realized just how beautiful it is. The path I am walking down is just a longer way to the lake but it's beautiful. The trees create a canopy and here and there you can see the moon and stars. This path was more grass then dirt since people don't take it very often. There are flowers all around me and the smell is intoxicating. It was also peaceful until I heard the loud music and overly dramatic drunk teenagers.

Once again the lake was covered in people and trash. This seems to be the best party spot around here since it's the only one I have seen. Looking around I notice it was Ky and his friends party since they were right in the middle of it surrounded by people.

I sat there for twenty minutes watching Ky. I watched the way he put his lips on his cup to take a drink. The way his hair moved in the slight breeze. The way his muscles moved when he lifted his arm to play with his hair. I know it sounds creepy but he is just perfect to me and I couldn't stop watching his perfectness. I have never before in my life done this for another guy wolf or not. After about 5 minutes of debating I decided to just walk away instead of run to my mate and tell him everything. As I was turning to leave I seen a pair of red eyes that stopped me in my tracks. Before the wolf could comprehend what I was doing I ran towards the lake. It's the only safe place.

I wasn't watching where I was going and ran straight into someone. When I looked up I wanted to cry even more when I seen Ky's friend. The one who
yelled he wanted to kill me. Tony I believe his name is tony.

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked up at him before pulling my self together and nodding my head. I looked back to see if there are any red eyes watching me. There isn't.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking though." He looks at me for a few seconds before going to some red head and dancing.

"Keeley is that you?" I look over and see Ky walking towards me with a grin on his face. "What are you doing here?"

Smiling I decided to tell the truth." I was taking a walk in the woods when somebody started chasing me. I seen the lights from the bonfire and ran towards where people are." I tried to keep my smile but I couldn't. I must have looked sad because Ky grabbed my hand.

Let me tell you it was the best feeling in the world. My hand went from normal to feeling like someone was poking it with needles in a second. Then there was the heat, my hand felt like it was on fire. That fire was traveling up my arm and through my whole body. Ky must have felt something since he looked at our hands and smiled.

"Well you are okay now. Do you want to stay?" I thought about it and I kind of do want to stay. My parents would kill me though if they knew I was at a party.

" I should probably go home." He nodded his head before asking where I was staying. I couldn't help but to tell him I was captivated by his eyes.

"I am atleast going to walk you home." That was all he said before pulling my hand slightly and walking towards my house.

I was amazed he didn't tell anyone he was leaving and he didn't seem to care . We talked the whole way to my house about literally everything. He told me his favorite color is red and he has a dog named Jack. I told him the little things I could without feeling uncomfortable about my secret.

"Here you go Keeley. I was wondering do you want to go to lunch with me tomorrow."

"That was fast."

"I figured there was no reason to drag it out. I heard girls know almost instantly if they like you and would date you." He gave me a small smile that was absolutely adorable and my heart melted.

"I'd love to ky. Thank you for walking me home." I pulled my hand away instantly regretting it. If I don't get inside soon I'm going to melt into a big pile of red mush.

"just call me your knight in shining armor." I was about to walk away when I got a crazy idea. I kissed his cheek. I think we were both shocked for a second but before he could say anything I was already closing my front door.

"Where have you been young lady." I looked up and see my dad watching tv in the lazy chair.

"That doesn't matter. We have a problem." After telling my dad everything except the stuff with Ky I was ready for bed but dad wanted everyone in the living room.

"This house is on red alert. No one goes anywhere for any reason until I say it's okay. Got it?" Everyone nodded and left except me

"Mom I have a favor to ask."

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