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"Sorry, we don't have any openings."

I sighed and adjusted my hat, "Alright. Thanks anyways."

The boy gave me a sympathetic smile and nodded as I walked away.

I looked down at my notepad and crossed H&M off my list.

That was my third store today, and it was only noon.

I decided to stop for lunch at a crepe bar, and ordered a strawberry crepe to indulge my sorrows in.

It had been three weeks since I had been fired, and I needed a job.

And soon.

My half of the rent was due in a week, and I didn't want to make my best friend pay it, because I knew that if the situation were reversed, I'd be pretty ticked off.

Also, that goddamn ticket still needed to be paid off, and my last check was mostly used on food and necessities.

And, trust me. Food is expensive when you're vegetarian and have to eat soy products.

Long story short, I didn't have enough money to pay both.

The waiter brought my food and I sipped my drink as I looked at my notepad and sighed once I accepted the fact that I had gone to all of the clothing stores in the mall, all which had no openings.



"Monica, I'm dying."

"You aren't dying, you're just poor."

I cringed, "Never say that again."

Michael scoffed, "What a brat."

I rolled my eyes, "I am not a brat... I just have high standards."

He shook his head and went back on his phone.

"What if you sell some of your clothes? I'm sure you could make some good money off the stuff you have," Monica suggested.

I gasped and shook my head quickly, "That's over the line."

"What did I tell you, Mon? You're best friends with a stuck up, prissy, spoiled imbecile."

I stood up and so did he, "You take that back, Gordon."

"I am sick and tired of your high-class persona. You could have saved so much money by now if you didn't spend so much money on fucking clothes and makeup."

"I worked for my things, so you have no say in what I do! You can just mind your own business."

"Both of you, just cool it!"

The two of us shut our mouths and looked at Monica.

She almost never lost it, and when she did, you had to watch out.

"I am sick and tired of you two bickering! You two are the most important people in my life, don't you understand that? All I wanted was for you two to become friends."

And with that, she gave us a disappointed look and stormed off to her room.

"Nice going," he shook his head and went after her.

I sighed and followed suit.

"Baby, come on. I'm sorry," Michael said as he rubbed her back gently.

"Yeah, me too," I spoke up and she looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Orion, I just need you to know... if I had a better job, I would pay this month's rent for you, but I don't."

the roommate; hemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt