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Warm bodies piled into the Granger home, most tied to St. Marks Baptist in some way. Nearly each member was decked out - ugly holiday sweaters galore.

Holiday music played through the house, voices chattering on a range of topics.

Hope bounced around the party, mostly leaning towards Scott, Stiles, Kira and Lydia. She didn't seem off to them, but she felt off inside.

She felt like her time was running out.

Hope brought over eggnog, nutmeg sprinkled on top in a snowflake pattern. "Here we go," she announced as she met the four in the siting room that Hope and Lydia had decorated.

"You'd be a great waitress," remarked Kira with a laugh as she took her drink from Hope.

Hope grinned, handing out the rest of the drinks. "Is Stella's hiring?" she asked jokingly. She took a seat with them, keeping a glass for herself.

"Hey, Hope," said Stiles to catch her attention. "Did you and your dad throw Christmas parties back where you used to live?"

Hope lowered the glass from her lips, nodding. "Oh yeah. Christmas is a huge deal where I'm from."

"Oh!" Lydia smiled as an idea popped in her head. "Can we go see the stars tonight? Go on the roof like last time?"

"Sure, if you guys want," Hope agreed with a smile. "The stars are supposed to be great tonight."

"How do you always manage the best spots in Beacon?" questioned Scott. "The roof, that dance's the calm in this place that you seem to find."

"I think the calm finds her," admitted Lydia. "She's a very peaceful person."

Hope softly laughed, the others agreeing with Lydia. She noticed they were all in decent spirits; not as down as before. She smiled, sipping on her eggnog.

Pastor Granger poked his head into the sitting room, giving off a smile. "Everyone doing well?" he asked kindly.

A warm ring of agreement met the pastor, causing him to smile before heading off to speak with other guests.

Hope checked her watch after looking out the window. "I imagine now's as good as ever," she said as she looked to the group of four with her.

Lydia grinned, clearly wanting to go.

Even if the others hadn't wanted to, the look on the banshee's face could've convinced even Ebeneezer Scrooge to go.

"Let's go then," said Hope with a smile. She set her glass to the side, standing up from the arm chair she'd taken.

Stiles and Lydia followed first, Scott and Kira close behind.


The five skidded to a stop, Hope's black heels making a click on the kitchen floor as they reached the sliding glass door.

Hope motioned for the four to go ahead, stepping around them and meeting Pastor Granger.

Clearing his throat as the kids left the house, he lowered his voice to Hope. "Christmas Day, Hatikva. That's your cut off."

Hope held eyes with Pastor Granger for a moment, "I'm working on it. They need more than just the basics, Thrammuel." She kept her voice soft, worried of lingering ears. "I can help them."

"They're lucky to have you no matter," Granger told her. "I'm not the one giving you a cut off, it's him."

"He just needs to trust me," Hope said. "I'll be outside if you need me." She slipped out of the home, her heels tapping her path to the ladder up to the roof. She followed the laughter, climbing over the ledge. "We're all good," she announced with a smile.

"Every girl needs to know how to shake a parent," Lydia told Hope with a grin.

"No kidding," Hope laughed as she pulled out throw pillows like she had before.

Stiles caught the bohemian pillow Hope had thrown, not hesitating to lay out on the ground. "Hope, what's the town you're from called?" he asked as she looked up to Hope - the only one left standing.

"Felicity Heights," Hope said in reply as she set down her pillow in the open space of the circle they formed.

"Sounds pretty," admitted Kira.

Hope's eyebrows furrowed, noting the tone in the kitsune's voice. Her eyes searched the four on the ground, their figures drifting into sleep. "Oh - come on." Instead of saying it to them, she said it towards the stars. "You couldn't have waited?"

A warm light skimmed the roof, a presence surfacing.

Hope turned over her left shoulder, meeting the green eyes of an olive skinned man in a pressed suit. "This is important to me."

The man remained quiet for a moment, his hands folded in front of him. He watched Hope, his face rather epressionless. "Hatikva, you can't coddle them forever. You can't remain here."

"You sent me here, father."

"And now I'm asking you to leave. To be done by the day of the Lord's birth," said the suited man with a clipped accent unlike Hope's. His tone didn't waver, it lacking inflection.

"What if they're not ready?" Hope asked.

The man looked down to the sleeping bodies in nearly completed circle - it only missing Hope. "Or do you mean if you're not ready? They're humans, unlike we."

"Are they not created in His image, as are we?" Hope walked around Stiles and Scott, going close to the suited man. "Ramiel, they're worth it."

"Would they let you help if they knew you weren't like them?" he questioned with slight vigor. "That you were different."

"They're wolves, foxes and banshees, Ramiel." Hope kept a strong voice, not letting his near threat get to her. "I don't imagine it would change much."

Ramiel stared at Hope, his posture remaining the same. "If on midnight of Christmas Eve you are not home, you will fall."

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