Chapter 26

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Tina's POV

As I walked away I felt a burning in my body. Pure anger feeling my veins. What made Chaz think he had the right to do this?

I had to strike back. I was losing my respect and my reputation. Revenge was long over due. Especially for Justin and Erin. Chaz wasn't working alone he wasn't smart enough and the only people who would have it out for me is them.

I walked into my cabin and began to decide on a plan. What would strike them so much that they'd think twice about messing with me. 

Getting them in trouble? No that would be nothing new to them.

What would actually put them on edge? Then again maybe trouble isn't so bad, Something serious and big. Something that they wouldn't even be able to explain.

I pulled out my phone while making sure a counselor wasn't around. Thankfully I had the numbers to everyone in camp even the nerds.


"Hey Dylan? Aren't you like a special effects artist or something?"

"Yeah why?"

"Let's just say I need a little help."

"Okay I"ll be right over."

I waited about an hour until Dylan arrived with his supplies. 

"So what is it you need?"


Erin's POV

As I walked hand in hand with Justin to go clean the art room we noticed something was different.

"So when is the actual Tina attack going to happen?" Asked Justin.

"The last day of camp. The adults don't walk the kids down to the ending campfire. They just meet them there. So all we have to do is get the word out to go  to he cafeteria. We'll all meet there and call Tina out on everything she did and put her in ultimate shame."

Justin pulled me closer and kissed my lips. 

"Will Justin and Erin please report to the main counselor's office?"

"What did we do now?"

"Nothing that I know of."

We made our way through the camp and to the main counselor's office. When we entered we saw and unmistakable blond headed girl sitting in a chair at the desk.

As we entered she turned around and I let out a gasp. On her face was a bruise and cut around her eye and on her cheek.

"What happened to you?"

She began to cry and turned away. "Like you don't know?"

"I don't know. That's why I asked."

She was about to respond when the head counselor put his hand up.

"Ladies calm down. Erin how could you be so insensitive. Tina has came to me to report that you did this."

My mind spread in thousands of directions. "Me?! No I didn't do this. Why would I do this?"

"Erin that's enough. Now I've warned you and not just you but Justin too. I don't know what to do anymore. Now since there is one week left of camp I guess I don't really have a punishment that would be affective. Except possible legal trouble which will be determined by Tina'sparent's reaction. But your parents will hear about this."

"That's it! I can't take this!" I ran out of the office without a second thought. I heard footsteps behind me and knew Justin had did the same.

"Erin? Erin wait up!"

I stopped and turned to Justin letting him see all the anger I was feeling. "That's it I'm done. I know exactly what our revenge in going to be. I'm going to get millions to hate her."

"Millions how?"

"Are you willing to expose her using a live video feed to your fans?"


"Than that's how."

"So what are we going to do about him calling our parents?"

I stopped again and thought about it. "He's not."

We staked out around the counselor's office looking into his window. 

"So what's the plan?" Justin asked.

"Well I'm going to distract him and you're going to get our numbers from his files."

"Okay where does he keep them?"

"In that pile of index cards on his desk."

"What I'm not going to have enough time to search through all of those."

"Then take the whole pile."

Justin nodded and I led the way.

"Justin start panting."


"Do it." We started breathing heavily and when it sound like we had ran miles I busted through he cabin doors. "'s a fire...campers...careless campers..hurry!"

Thankfully he didn't ask questions and ran out after me.

Justin's POV

I watched as they faded into the distance outside then I took action. I looked on his desk until I spotted his pile of index cards. Picking them up I stuffed them in my pocket and ran outside. I saw so caught up in not being seen I collided into a body.

Once I was back on my feet I looked forward to see Tina.

"Well if it isn't Justin?"

"What do you want?"

"You know it's not nice to just dump someone the way you did."

"We were never together."

"I beg to differ. You seemed pretty interested in me."

"Oh please Tina. i love Erin and she's all I need. Besides I'd never settle for someone like you."

"What ever you say Justin. But I think you'll be back. I mean what does Erin have to offer."

"Not STD's that's for sure."

"I see you have jokes."

"No facts."

"Whatever just think about it."

Then she walked away switching her hips unhealthily fast. One day those things are going to fall off.

I shook my head walked away creating distance between me and the main counselor's cabin before he returned. 

I couldn't wait until we exposed her for who she really was.

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