Chapter 25

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Attention: Thanks for all the support and there's another great story out there called "Loving the Dead by: oceaneyes101" you should read it because it has two parts so far but it's a good read.

Chaz's POV

I stood at the lake as I waited for Erin and Justin. It had been 2 weeks and we were running behind schedule. Due to Erin and Justin's cabin now having to be checked daily they gave the test to Danielle and Amber to hold.

And well their cabin wasn't exactly the neatest one you ever seen.

I walked back and forth wondering if Tina was going to believe our story.


I turned around to face Justin and Erin. "Dude do I have to give her the test?"

"Yes no one else is suppose to know she's pregnant. We don't want her flipping out because she thinks we spread rumors."

"But aren't we going to spread the rumor that she's pregnant?"

"Yup Danielle and Amber are already on it."

"Cool alright well let me get this to her and I'll meet you here."

We clapped hands and walked our separate ways. 

I walked up to Tina's cabin and like every free time she was there alone.  "Tina?"

She turned to me a little more excited then she should be. Then I guess she realized that and quickly calmed her expression.

"Umm what do you want?"

"Well remember when we had sex last week or so?"

"Yeah what about it?"

I tried to make it as awkward as possible so she wouldn't realize it was fake. "Well the...the broke."

"What do you mean t broke?"

"It broke. What do you mean what do i mean? It was together when we started and in pieces when we stopped."

"Okay well what do you want from me?"

Uggghhh really Tina? You've had sex more than anyone in this camp. Counselors included an you don't know what it means when a condom breaks.

"I want you to take this test to see if you're pregnant."

Her face went pale and she stared at the test i was handing to her. "I can't be pregnant. I'm already trying to lose the mysterious weight i gained. No I can't why would you do this to me Chaz?"

"Hey sex is a two person thing."

"Whatever this is your fault."

"Just take the test!"

She snatched it from me and went to the bathroom. A few minutes she came back out and looked at me. "So how long does it take?"

"Wait you've never taken a pregnancy test?" I realized after saying that I sounded a little more surprised than I should have. But honestly of all people Tina had never taken a pregnancy test.

"No why so surprised?"

"No reason but actually this one has to be mailed off so I'll just take that out."

"When will I know the results?"

"Oh trust me you'll know."

I took the test and walked out to go back to the lake.

Justin was already there and heard me approach. 

"is it done?"

"Yeah this is going to be awesome."

"Yeah too bad ithere's only a week left of camp. Only a week to see her expression."

"Yeah. So what's gonna happen with you and Erin?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you live in California and have work and are on the road all the time. She has school and lives in Florida."

"Yeah i don't know we'll work that out later."

"Dude don't lose her she's a nice girl. And well if you lose her I'm more than happy to move to Florida and fill the hole."

I meant it as a joke but Justin's face became a cloud of darkness. 

"Bro it was just a joke calm down."

"Don;'t fucking play like that Chaz! You now how I feel about her I'll kick your ass no problem. Stay away from her."

I put my hands up in defense and took a few steps back. 

Justin just took the test from me and walked away in anger.


The next morning I joined Erin and Justin at the breakfast table. Amber and Danielle were still pretending to be Tina's friends so they sat with her but met us early to give us an update.

"Alright guys the rumor is spread and they don't know the 'father'."

Tina walked in at that moment and the conversation was cut short. When she entered the cafeteria went dead silent and all eyes were on her. Then murmurs spread around.

Tina's POV

When i walked into the cafeteria for breakfast everything went silent and everyone stared at me. What was going on? As they began to murmur i strained to listen.

"I heard she's pregnant."

"I heard she doesn't know who's the father."

"I heard there's like 10 guys she has to get tested."

What how did they find out? And the only person who knew was Chaz. He hadn't told me about any results.

I speed walked over to his table to confront him. "Chaz what is going on how could you tell everyone?"

"What are you talking about Tina?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. You gave me a test and now your telling everyone before I even get the results." I could feel my face burning and I was getting angrier by the second.

"Tina if you're implying I'm the father then you have another thing coming. i would never have sex with you."

"You did and you told me I was pregnant with you."

"Tina how can you remember it was me? I mean how many guys have walked through your cabin doors?"

I let out a ear piercing scream and ran out of the cafeteria hearing laughs and murmurs behind me.

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