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That horrible place that we’re taught to call high school, but as we all know is something much worse than that; is finally over. After four fucking years of having to get up at unearthly hours and go to school for seven hours, and then bring back more school, it would be an understatement to say that I am ecstatic that it’s finally out of my life forever. Well, at least the learning fraction of it.

“Kate, we are actually getting out of that hell-hole of a school,” my best friend Ariel exclaims, “and we’re gonna be going to college together. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT!” She excitedly jumps up and down, her naturally straight red hair bouncing all over the place to leave a not so natural nest that is either her hair or a bird’s nest.

You see, Ariel can get a bit too dramatic at times and half of those times I wonder why I’m not her babysitter. But I love her, nonetheless, and that’s why I’m excited to be going to college with her, too. She grabs hold of my right wrist and proceeds to jump up and down.

“WHY AREN’T YOU JUMPING TOO? YOU SHOULD BE JUMPING.” she continues to yell. She stops jumping after she realizes that I am not going to resort to her levels of dramaticness. I have much higher standards.

“Because,” I state simply, earning sad eyes from my friend, “you are excited because you think we are going to the University of Maryland, when we are actually going where you have always been dreaming of going.” I smirk as Ariel crinkles her eyebrows attempting to put the pieces together. She releases her grip on my wrist as her eyes widen, revealing more of her ocean blue eyes.

“...YOU MEAN WE’RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD?” Ariel asked enthusiastically. I know she loved Disney and everything--hence the name--but she seriously had to get herself under control.

“No, dumbass, we’re going to California for Uni!” I declared with an apathetic tone in my voice. Ariel had always told me how she wanted to go to California to see the stars (not literal stars, just celebrities), so I secretly sent in another application to a college in LA for her and I, hoping to get accepted; and we had. I was saving the secret for after high school so I could be generous enough for saving the ears of the ass hats of other students in high school. Someday they’d thank me personally.

“You did what?” she asked me, an unsure tone in her voice. I could tell she was wondering if she had heard me right. I wide grin let itself appear onto my lips and I swear it went all the way to my ears.

“You heard me, we’re moving to California together. Specifically LA.” I stated matter of factly, quite pleased with myself. I crossed my arms over, showing that I was dominant in this situation; it was my turn to be full of surprises for once.

Ariel stood there for a moment contemplating all of the information I had just thrown on her. She was taking rather long to burst into a fit of screams, to my surprise. Then it happened. She started jumping up and down more and more until she looked like she was about to hit the ceiling, but I knew she was only getting started. An ear piercing scream rang out of her mouth and I immediately clamped my hands over my ears to avoid my ear drums exploding.

“I TAKE IT YOU LIKE THE NEWS?” I tried to yell over her, but it was no use. Her screaming was starting to give me a headache and I instantly felt bad for the neighbors.

“WE’RE GOING TO CALIFORNIA!!” she exclaimed after she’d finally processed the information into her head. How was it that she could scream at the top of her lungs and then yell just as loud at the same time? “KATE WE HAVE TO GET READY. WE HAVE TO GO SHOPPING. I CAN FINALLY WEAR THAT SUN DRESS I GOT FOR MY TENTH BIRTHDAY. I HAVE TO CALL OBAMA AND TELL HIM THE GREAT NEWS. I-” she rambled on and on but I interrupted her.

“YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE HIS NUMBER YOU MORON.” I shot back which earned me enough time to tell her the second part of the news. “And,” I started, covering her lips with my index finger as she looked at me intently, finally breathing after about five minutes of screaming straight, “we’re leaving tomorrow.”

Summer Love (One Direction Fanfiction) **MASSIVE EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now