Chapter 1

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Ariel’s POV


I need to call Obama. Where can I find his number? HE NEEDS TO KNOW WE’RE GOING TO CALIFORNIA!


“Hey! Hey, you!” I call across the aisle of the plane to the flight attendant. “Hey!! Do you have Obama’s number?” she looked at me like I was crazy or something.


“Ariel, quit it! You’re scaring her!” Kate scolded from the seat beside me. She smiled kindly at the flight attendant and glared back at me like I’d done something wrong while the flight lady scurried away.


“What?” I asked, genuinely confused, “not my fault she doesn’t have the connections.” I slump back in my chair, suddenly completely bored with my situation. We were going to be on a plane for ten hours, and that was too much to handle for someone as attention craving as me. “How long has it been?” I asked Kate, turning to see her face. Surely it’s been at least five hours.


“The plane hasn’t even been taken off the ground yet,” she boredly replied, turning the page of the magazine she was reading. How come I didn’t bring mine on carry on? I mentally slapped myself for being ignorant.


“What!” I yelled, I couldn’t believe this, “you mean we haven’t even left the freaking airport yet?!” Of course Kate was lying...right? To say the least, I am absolutely terrified by planes. How the fuck does a hunk of metal that big float in the sky for ten hours? This was my most likely cause of death, and I knew right when she told me that we were leaving in a matter of twenty-four hours, that there was no chance of us making it all the way across the nation alive. Of course however, I hadn’t told Kate that. I didn’t want her to have to evaluate her entire plan, because, and believe me when I say this, I was grateful that she’d sent in an extra application because I actually hadn’t been accepted to the Uni in Maryland. According to my results there hadn’t been enough space to take both me and Kate in and they could only choose one. So I accepted Kate’s for her, knowing that it was her dream college, and I was still trying to figure out my own future when she had told me we were going to Cali together. She gave up her dream for me, and I couldn’t have been more grateful.


If only I’d know it was a ten hour flight. Then, much to my dismay, a very attractive guy walked by and I couldn’t help but remember that I was, in fact, fully available. Maybe a ten hour flight with a captive hot guy wasn’t so bad as I’d thought it’d be. Did I mention captive?


“Kate,” I nudged the brown haired girl starting to fall asleep beside me, “code hot guy approaching your view, eleven o’clock.” Her eyes instantly shot open, searching for who I proclaimed mine mentally in my head. She wasn’t allowed to touch him, oh no, this guy was all for me. “Too bad I call dibs,” I smirked.


“Yeah right,” she snorted rather unattractively. She was making this competition too easy for me. Kate turned her head around to find not my guy, but yet another completely attractive boy with black hair sitting right behind her alone in a seat by the window looking out of it as he listened to what sounded like Katy Perry. Lucky bitch, I thought, turning back around in my own chair to glare at the seat in front of me. I’d already called dibs on one hot guy, but this plane had at least two that I’d known of. At least she had her more than mildly attractive culprit sitting exactly one seat behind her. Meanwhile, I had no idea where my captive, I mean, human being had went off to.

Summer Love (One Direction Fanfiction) **MASSIVE EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now