Chapter Four

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A day pasted by. Naomi is still shaking with fear for Kylo. With all her heart hoping that he's okay. Not hurt, or even died. She did find sleeping last night. In the lonely bed. Without him wraping his arms around her. Right now she looking over the lakes. Just waiting for his ship to land. But that won't happen for a while now. He's still on the search to find him!
River comes in with hot tea and some breakfast. Noticing that Naomi isn't herself at all. She knows that Naomi. Misses Kylo with all her heart. Not knowing what will happen. Or if he's okay. There's way contacting him all the way in space. From Nulple to his ship! So Rivers walks up to her. Stands next to her. River: Naomi, I remeber seening you. With mom playing in the lakes. She begans to smile. From check bone to check bone. Naomi: With moms hands on my waist. Dad watching me.
River: Yeah those were the days. Then she goes back into her sadom! With no heart beats of love. Naomi: I miss mom and dad. As much as I miss Kylo. She turns around goes back into the room. Sees a tray a food for her. Sitting on her bed. Goes for the tea right away. River sees that she still loves tea. River: I see that you still tea. She giggles quietly. Naomi: Yeah I do. Kylo brings me tea all the time. Before bed!
    They both laughed and began to notice that! They are sister they feel each others pain. One way in or out! With Kylo and his orders. He been trying all night. To find fimd. Nothing seems to be turing up. Goes to lord Snoke to talk to him. Kylo: My lord how can I find Luke and keep Naomi safe? Snoke: Only time could tell! Kylo: Your right sir. Snoke: Naomi is safe with family any ways. Don't you worry. Go find Luke and keep her safe.
   He listens to him and follows what he side. Just like a good Sith he is. Then his crew found out. Where he could be or may have been there. Is the planet called Liperious!  His lands in there land. Stormtroopers lay out forming a search crew. All through out the village. Kylo with his mask on scares the little children.
   Making them worry about whats going to happen next. Then he pulls and pushes everyone together. Forming a crowd of people! With stormtroops on each side of them. Kylo: Has anyone seen Luke Skywalker? No answers because they all scared in fear. So he takes of his mask. Kylo: Once again has anyone seen Luke Skywalker? Everyone shooked their heads no. Making him think all a bunch of wasting his time. Puts back on the mask stares at the people. Kylo: Clones, kill everyone. Until on the people raises their hand. Being brave enough answer his orders. Kylo: Yes, you over there on the side.
   Villager: Is Luke the one with the girl? With three pontails? Kylo: Rey??? He whisper to himsevle. Thinking very hardly about what he said. Kylo: Yes! Villager: Then I know where they hitted off too. Kylo: Where? Villager: Let me join your crew! I'll help find them. If my family comes alone? Ren thinks very heavily to himself. thinking to take him or not. Kylo: Fair enough, bring you and your family!
   All them pile on broad with the troops. Everyone flees to their homes. Until a huge pain covers him. Same with Naomi. A pain that cannot be distribed! They both held their stomachs tight. For only about a minte. But leaving them screaming in pain. Kylo was fine, but Naomi not.
   Naomi feel to the ground. Knocked out. Kylo was feeling alright completely. Where she was not! River came in the room. Found her on the floor by the open doors. River: TAL! TAL! COME HERE! Tal races to her room. Finds River holding her head up from the floor. Tal: What happened? River: I found like this! Tal: Put her on the bed!
   They pick her up. Laying her on the bed. Still breathing which is forgiviness to River's heart! River: What are we going to do? Tal: We need Kylo! River: But how? He's in space! Tal: I'll find a way. Tal runs out of her down to the his buddy. Down in basement looking for help.
   His friend named Anee. Once he gets down there. Her eyes lock up with his eyes. Anee: What do you need? Tal: I need Lord Snoke. Anee pulls out the little disk. That can call him Snoke. Just by putting the disk. She lays it down. Then a blue figure shows up as Snoke. Tal: Lord Snoke we need Kylo!
    Snoke: Why Sir Tal? Tal walks over to the chair and sits down. Tal: Something is wrong with Naomi. We found her knocked out in room, but breathing. Snoke: Ok I'll send the messege right Kylo! Tal: Thank sir!
Over with Kylo he's still in his way. Him his buddy is still looking for Luke. The villagers family is scared so ever going near Kylo. Besides the little girl named Pipper! She the bravest one out of the family. She'll walk up Kylo and talking to him.
Pipper: Kylo? Kylo? Pulling on his gown. Trying to get his attention. Kylo looks down at her. Gets one knee. Then looks at the little girl. Kylo: Yes? Little one? Pipper: Why you for Luke? He picks her up and sits her on his lap. Kylo: To save my wife! Pipper: Is she pretty? Kylo: Yes very beautiful! One of the pilot comes running in. With some news that Kylo needs to here.
Pilot: Kylo, Snoke needs you! He sits the little girl down. Speed walking to the room. Where Snoke roams in. Once he got there. Snoke does not look happy at all. Kylo: Yes, my lord you need me! Snoke leans back in his chair. Snoke: I have some bar news and some good news! Kylo looks up at him. With scared and sad face at him. Kylo: Then what is it?
      Snoke: Naomi was found in her room. Knocked out. The good news is she's still alive. Breathing well, but not waking up! Kylo falls to his knees. Covering his face with his hands. To take a deep breathe. Kylo: What should I do? Snoke: From the looks of it. She needs to see you for a bit. Kylo: Ok I'm going to see her. Snoke: Good!
He rushes out to the main control room of his ship. Tells the two head pilots. Go back to Nulple. No questions ask by them. They just turned around and flew back to Nulple.
With Naomi she's still a sleep. Not responding to anyone. Just a sleep as sleeping beauty! The doctor comes in. Yes, the girl with weird glasses. Big eyes! Walks in with her doctor bag and everything. Sees Naomi laying in bed. Holding her sisters hand. No grip just her sister giving her a grip. Doc: Hm? Lets see here! Looks in eyes, mouth, and body. Doc: I don't know what this! All I can tell you. If she has a husband. She needs him right now!
    Tal walks in with news for them all. Tal: Kylo is here. River comes running out to his ship pulling in. Waiting for the ship to land. Once it did the ships door opens! Kylo comes out in his mask with his troops on both sides of him! Looks at River and Tal and walks over to them. Kylo: How is she? Tal: Not so good. Kylo: Bring me to her.
River shows him to her room. Once they got there. He sees her laying on the bed. Not responding to anyone. Or seems like she hears anything. He takes off his mask. Walks over to her. Sees her eyes closed shut tight. Sits next to her body. The doctor looks over to him. Doc: You have to kiss her. Kylo leans down toward her head and lips. Kisses her softly on her lips. For a 2 seconds then her eyes pop open wide!
   Naomi sees Kylo right in front of her. Gets up quickly and hug him. Gives him a hug that warmed everyones heart. Naomi is so happy to see Kylo again. Kylo is happy that she's ok! Kylo: Naomi, are you ok? Naomi: Yes I am. Kylo: Thank god!
    River walks up to them. River: Do you think Palpatine has something to do with this? Tal: Every well could be? Kylo stands up and looks at everyone. Kylo: Ok, today is the day. That I found Luke and safe my wife! He walks to the door. Then stops at the doorway. Please Tal and River keep eye on her. I can't loose her. River: We will Kylo! He leaves of the castle to his ship.
Walks back on his ship. Then lefts up into space. River and Tal stays close to Naomi. Hoping that nothing would happen to her again. River: I'm going to stay with you. To kewp you safe. Naomi: Thanks sis!
River smiles at her and sits next to her. Kylo in space is now ! Gets on his serious face to find Luke! He gets buddy for the village. Kylo: Whats your name? Villager: Rain! Kylo: Well Rain your going to help all the way. Tell me where you think is heading?
     Rain looks up right at him. Rain: He went to the other galaxy! Kylo looks at him like he was nuts. Kylo: Ok the next galaxy we go!
Naomi is still in bed. River is afriad for her to walk! Tal down stars thinking what to do! Thinking on what to do! Kylo isn't here to watch her. There's only to two people in the house! So sends off for two guards. To watch over her.
Kylo is on the mission to go to the other galaxy, but the galaxy is dangerous. Not for it ships! For the people that live there. So once he reached there. Not very many ships out in about! Kylo turns to Rain looks at him confused. Kylo: Are you sure he's here? Rain: Yes I am! He told me that he's going to here.
Their were like the only ship in that galaxy. Nervious about Naomi! Hoping when he finds Luke! Palpatine calls Kylo once again. Palpatine: Well Kylo have you find Luke yet? He walks in to palpatine again. Looking so happy at what he's doing. Kylo: Well where in his path. Palpatine: Good! Kylo sits down in his chair. Kylo: So what happened to Naomi? Palpatine: Oh you know what happened?
   Kylo: Yes I know. You know I love her very much. You'll do anything to hurt her? Palpatine laughs evily! Palpathine: Kylo, don't not take the road you can't take!

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