Chapter Five

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    Kylo turns off the video. Walks out into the control room. Tells everyone what the plan is. Kylo: Everyone today is the day. We take Luke from everyone. To safe Naomi and make Palpatine happy! Everyone looks at him shook their head ok. Then goes from Luke. They scan every part of the galaxy. They found one! Luke's ship, but she isn't in it. Just Rey and Fin.
They hit the ship. Making Rey and Fin confused. Until the they look up. The the First order flying over them. Fin: He's back! Rey: Oh great! They can't move the ship or anything. They call Luke for help on what to do. Luke: Rey and Fin are you ok.
Fin: The first order is just on top of us. Rey: Which means Kylo is back! Luke: Ok, stay there! I'll be back as soon as I can. The ship's lights turn red. As they see the Kylo's ship. It completely ove them. Then they hear the doors opened. Kylo: You two look over there. Commander you come with me. Rey looks at Fin giving the clue that Kylo is on broad.
Kylo looks around until he sees Rey! Walks over to her. Then sees they man that tried to fight him then failed. Kylo: Hello Rey nice to see you again. Old stormtroop you coward! Fin turns on the lightsaber. Ready to attack him. Rey stops him. Telling him it isn't worth it eihter. Luke comes in sees Kylo Ren. With Rey and Fin. Luke: Kylo! He turns around and sees Luke.
   Kylo: I've been waiting for you. Naomi back over with River. Standing outside looking at the lakes and mountains! She stopped breathing for second. River sees her. Runs over to her. Naomi stops her! Naomi: Kylo found Luke! River was so confused of what she said. River: You can feel that? Naomi: Love does crazy things!
Kylo and Luke have a stare down. Luke: Why are you here? Kylo: To save the one I love. Luke was so lost to what he said. Luke: Why am I the reason? Kylo: Because if I don't bring you to Palpatine. He'll kill my wife, Naomi. Luke puts his lightsaber away. Looks at him closely. Making Rey and Fin so confused! Rey: What is happening? Fin: I don't know.
Luke sits down in his seat. While Kylo outs his lightsaber away. Luke: Palpatine? Hm? Kylo: Yeah! Luke thinks for a long time. Taking time fot Rey and Fin to take a deep breathe! Luke: Ok I have an idea. So Palpatine wants me? Rey and Fin walks up to Luke! Rey: So your saying your going to join the sith? Luke: No, I'm saying join Jedi and Siths together!
    Kylo stands up straight all focus on what he said. Kylo: Luke, that would never work. Palpatine would find out on way or another! Luke stands up looks right up at him. Luke: Oh I find my aways around him! Kylo stun by the words he said. Fin: Wait, Luke you know Palpatine. Luke: Yes, he's the one to help turn my father turn into a Sith.
   Rey's head was turing in so many ways. Lost and confused with what he said. Rey: So Darth Vader is your father? Luke: Yes! Kylo: So what are we going to do? Luke: We're going to acted out. Fin: Huh?
   Luke walks over to Kylo. Luke: We're going to fool Palpatine. Rey: Are you kidding me? He's powerful like Snoke is! Kylo: She's right! Luke: Do you want your wife safe or not? Kylo: Yes I do. Luke: Follow me. Luke leads Kylo, Rey, and Fin into a long hallway. As they were walking Luke goes his plan! Luke: So Kylo does he know you found me? Kylo: No. Luke: Good! Rey jumps in notice what he's going to do!
   Rey: Are we going to prank Palpatine to making him think. He actually fought Luke and captures him? Luke gets up with her. Because he wanted to say it. Kylo: That is actually a good idea. But if this doesn't work. Then you will die. Luke: Trust me it will work!
   Fin: So let's get to it! With Naomi worried about Kylo finding Luke. She doesn't know if she's going to die or not. She wants to talk to Snoke so bad. But she doesn't know how! Tal comes in looking for River for dinner. Naomi hears him. Then runs into the room. Naomi: Tal, do you have anyway? That I could talk to Snoke? Tal: Yes I do:
  Tal singles her to follow him. Down into the basement. That she never been in. Tal grabs the blue disk. That would give a video chat with Snoke. Hooks it up and Snoke pops up. Snoke: Hello Naomi. I see you feeling better. Naomi: Yes I am, thanks for noticing.
  Snoke realexes on his chair. Just calmy being himself. Snoke: So Naomi what can I do? Naomi: I want you to tell me. If Kylo found Luke or not! Snoke searches his mind. To see if he can find any news. From what he found. Snoke: Yes he found Luke. Naomi jumps for joy! Then shuts of the video.
Luke and Kylo flies over to Palpatine's ship. Once they got there. Fin was a little to scared. Rey was about the normal! They used Kylo's ship. So it won't confused Palpatine. Once the got into the ship. There stand Palpatine. Waiting for his winning shot. Of having Luke in his hands. Luke gets handle by the troops then walks of the ship.
Palpatine: Oh well nice to see you Luke! Luke: Nice to see you too, jerk! Kylo comes out where fin and Rey hides in the ship. Palpatine: Kylo, you did well. Kylo: Now you and Naomi are safe from me. I got what I wanted. Kylo shakes hands with him. Kylo: Thank you! Then runs back on the ship! To go back to Naomi! Rey and Fin are still on the ship. But they run off it.
  Kylo flies out back to Nulple. Naomi is out by th lakes. Walking long side the lake. Smiling about Kylo's progress. She didn't that Kylo was coming back right away though.
  Kylo's ship lands in Nulple a mile away from her castle. River comes running out. River: How did you do on your mission? Kylo: I did it! River: Great! Naomi is down by the lake! Kylo: Thank you! He runs down to the lake. Stops mid way and sees a beauitful girl. Long hair flowing in the wind. Nice white dress fights her figure.
Kylo comes up beind her. Picks her up from behind. Spins her around. Then stops so Naomi can give him a hug!
  Naomi: So I'm guessing you found Luke? Kylo kisses her softly on the lips. Kylo: Yes I did. Naomi: Yes! Tal and River watch them just a fee miles back. Glad that they are back together. Without heart broken or a broken arm.
   A few hours past and it's time for dinner. Tal wanted them stay for a bit. Since they are family. So Tal cooks them dinner. For Kylo's mission complete! Now that he's back. Everything goes back to place. Like a puzzeled heart. Tal: So Kylo welcome back. Kylo: Thank you so much. River gives everyone dinner. After dinner Naomi looks up at the stars.
   Smiling happly as Kylo watches her. Move her head looking for the prettiest of stars. He walks up beside her with his hand on her waist. Then she finds a star that shines her color, green. Kylo: Wow that is beautiful. Naomi: Shining the color green just right. 
   Kylo wraps the rest of his arms around her. Snuggling with her. Kissig her head. Happy to back with her. Kylo: I'm tired, lets go to bed. They both crawl into bed. Cuddled up with each other. Naomi: Goodnight kylo. Kylo: Goodnight Naomi!
Hours pasted by everyone is asleep. Palpatine found out his secret. Luke left his ship to go back to Galaxy. Palpatine came to get his prize Naomi. Palpatine and his troops walked quietly to Naomi. Sound asleep on her bed. With her coward husband Kylo. He got to her put the sleeping force on her. Did the same to Kylo!
Picks up Naomi and leaves the castle without making a noise. Lays her down on a bed in his ship. Then takes off. Kylo is asleep. A few of Palpatines minions were still there.
  The next moring he wakes to screaming! Looks over to the left of him. Sees the she gone. He quickly gets and gets dress. Dashes down stairs. To see that Tal is dead and River is still standing! Palpatines minions. Tries to sneak behind Kylo, but he knows what to do! Turns around clicks to turn on his saber. Then killer all of them. He turns back to Tal and River. Speed walks up to them.
  Kylo: What happened? River all in tears. River: I don't know they were here. When I woked up. Kylo stands up with anger in him and sadness. He knows who did this. He walks over to the all. Punches it and sits in the chair. Tears running down his face. River sees him. Knows that Naomi has been taken as well.
  River: Kylo, go take back Naomi and the lives he has took. He stands up like a brave Sith he is. Kylo: I will!

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