Chapter Seven

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   Palpatine gets on his video chat. Calls Kylo to his attention. With news that he needs to know. Palpatine: Do did well to get your love back. Kylo sits down with all eyes in him. Drawn at him for taking Naomi. Kylo: I got Luke, brought him back to you. Then you turned on me? Palpatine looks down at Kylo. Eyes of pain into him. Palpatine: I want you to fight him. Injured him. So that way he can't move.
He laid back in his chair. Were thought to himself. Palpatine caught on to him. The little act that kylo and Luke did. Palpatine leans forward to a chain next to his feet. He pulls on it. Making Naomi fly to him. Kylo sees her. All beat up cuts on her stomach and face. Seeing the pain in her eyes. Years sheding down her poor face.
    Palpatine: Bring Luke to me died or injured. Or a few more hits and she can go anytime. Kylo stands up and press the video off. Walks to the main room. With anger in his eyes. Wanting Noami in his arms. Kylo: Ok, we need to get to get her back!
   All of his pilots gets right on the job. Then one of was on the job. Looking for Palpatine! The pilots put into hard work to find him. They all know that Noami means the world to him.
Palpatine stuck with Noami from head to toe. Thinking he should kill her or just keep as slave. His brain races hundred times fast just thinking. Noami: You sicking. Palpatine: Oh, like someone and theit useless husbands. Noami tenses up to to calm down. Caliming that Kylo is the best husband. Noami: Your all wrong about that.
   Kylo races to find Palpatine to ge this lover. Then his pilots found him. His ship flying over them. Kylo just looks out the window, shocked. Kylo: Well we found him. Everyone just looks at the dark black ship over them. No one was out if the ship. Or even looking through the windows.
Palpatine gets a note that a ship has crashed into them. Noami heard them thinking it was Kylo. The guards stay there looking over her. Then they turned around facing their to them. Noami looks around for something to cut the chains. She found a lightsaber knife. Laying in the next to her.
Kylo hits his ship with Palpatine opening the doors. Seeing his ship forcing in. Palpatine: Looks who's here! The ship comes in and lands not to far from them. Kylo comes out with no mask on. With his commander for the clones. Kylo: Where is she? Tell me now! He yells out echoing through the ship. Noami Comes ove to the legde. Looking over Kylo and Palpatine talking. Acting nervious because she could get spotted. Palpatine: SHE'S MINE!
Noami: No I'm not. Kylo heard her voice echoing over him. Ringing his ears with happiness. Palpatine looks up at her. All his angery looking at her. Kylo: Noami? Noami: Kylo? Palpatine gets mad and forces Noami off the ledge. Hitting the group of the hanger. Sounding like she got hit by a ship. Kylo: Noami! You idiot. Running upto the evil man.
     While Noami is laying on the ground. Looking like someone just pushed her off. Kylo was so scared if he killed or not. Palpatine: I told you Kylo. If you came back to me? I'll kill her. Kylo turns on his lightsaber. Turns and looks at him. Kylo: Haven't you forgotten I get mad easily. Palpatine: Have you forgotten the point here, Ben? Yes, I said Ben. You failed my mission. Like you failed to love your dad.
    Kylo stands there with sad eyes looking over at him. The guards go over to get Noami and the rest grab Kylo. Then gets him leave the hanger. Nothig left, but his ship. Leaving Palpatine to think a lone for a bit. The guards put Kylo in jail cell and Noami tired up to a stick. Just a front of his cell. She still not being able responed to anyone because of Palpatine and his force.
   No blood going to down her face or anything. Hopefully it was just a knock out. Nothing bad or serious.
   A few hours went by and Kylo was asleep. Noami still hanging up and not responing. Palpatine comes in all sneaky. With his guards coming to her. Quit as a mouse not trying to wake up kylo. Gets Noami and leaves the room. The doors slammed shut waking up Kylo. He looks around his cell. Thinking he got moved. Then realized that Noami could've got moved. He turned over and off the bed. Walks to over to the cell door.
   Kylo: Noami? He didn't see her at all. Nothing, but a door room. Kylo sits down on the floor. Then his butt touches something. Like a lightsaber or something. He takes it out looks at it. Kylo: Luke's Lightsaber. Turns its on seeing if can cut metal. He cute his bed feet right off. Looks at the cell door. Cuts a circle in the door. Walks out of the cell and goes to the door.
  Once he gets out the whole hallway was empty. Giving him enough time. To find Noami and get off his ship. No sign of Noami on the main deck of his ship. Until he heard a scream. Sounding like Noami's scream! Noami: Stop!
   Kylo follows the sound of her voice. Leading him the room where everyone dies. That didn't listen to him or even followed him. Noami was all tired up her hands. Hanging over the dark deep hole. Palpatine and his guards didn't even heard him come up behind him. So he sneaks up behind both grauds and kill them. Palpatine smiles like a evil killer. Turns around and find Kylo.
   Palpatine: What a surprize? I know you where going to come. Kylo: Give me Noami! Palpatine looks over at her. Puts the hand on the botton. Waiting to see if he'll do anything to make him. "Accidently" press the bottem. Palpatine: Do anything to hurt me? If you do? Noami would fall to her death. Kylo looks at him then at Noami. Then sees his hand on the red botten. Kylo swings the saber and cuts off his hand. Leaving him to scream in bloodly death. Then he does on more swing and cut off his head.
   Kylo: There you go, demon. Kylo looks back at Noami seeing her hang for her life. He presses the botten the brings a walk alway out to her. Once it slides open. Kylo races to get her. Got there in time before the walk away slides back up. Grabs Noami and unties her hands from the hook.
  Noami: Kylo. She gives him a big hug. With joy in her eyes to finally see Kylo again. Kylo: Are you okay? As puts his hands on her cheeks. Noami: Yeah, I'm fine. Just glad to see you again. Kylo gives her a kiss. As the the walk way closes up.
  Kylo and Noami gets off and goes back to the hanger. Finds Kylo ship and gets back on it. Finally to be out of him ship. Flying away from the evil man. They back to Noami's home planet to check on her sister. River sees Kylo's ship land on the ground. Big smiles came on her face. She runs out to the ship. The door hasn't open up yet. Waits for the door and it opens. To two people with their mask on. Making River confused to find Noami.
  Noami takes off her mask and runs to River. Noami: I'm so happy to see you again. River: I'm happy that your a live. Kylo walks over and takes off his mask. Happy to see them hugging again. Then Kylo feels shame come over him. He walks away from them as he goes off to the lakes. River sees him as he reaches the lakes. River: Noami? Is Kylo okay? Noami looks lets go of the hugs. Sees Kylo over by the thinking he need a break. Noami: He probably needs time to take a breath.
  River holds her hand like a sister bond love. River: I hope so. Noami stays looking at him. Hoping he's okay and not any pain. River: Come, Lets make some tea for you and Kylo. Noami and River goes inside to her kitchen. Sees her parents standing right there in the by the table.
  Noami: Mom? Dad? Mac: Hey, Noami. Noami walks over to her dad and mom. Happy tears in her eyes. Finally seeing her parents once again. Before they got token away. Nuaee: Babygirl, are you okay? I heard what happened by River? Noami: Yeah, I'm fine mother. Mac: That's good because I would beat up Kylo. If he was the one to does this to you. River stands up for Noami. River: Dad, it wasn't Kylo's fault.
  Nuaee: Then who was it? Noami sits down in a chair thinking in how to say it. Noami: It was Palpatine. Mac looks all surprised at what he heard. Nuaee: But was he apart of the dark side like Kylo? Noami: Yes, but he hated Kylo for some reason. All I know I'm safe all thanks to him. Nuaee looks aroubd for Kylo. There was no sign of him anywhere. Nuaee: Where's Kylo? River: Out by the lake.
  Nuaee goes over by the window sees Kylo looking depressed sitting on a rock. River: Tea is ready! Noami comes over grabs two cups. One of Kylo and on for herself. Nuaee: River and Noami? Is it okay if I grab him a cup of tea? Noami: I wanted too. Nuaee: Let me. Noami grines at her other mother. Hands her his cup of tea. So she take it to him.
   Nauee goes out to the lakes. Following the trail out to it. Looking over at Kylo throwing rocks into the water. Once she got to him. She calming tries to forget the reason why he married her yougest daughter. Nuaee: Beautiful water. Kylo hears and voice knowing who it was. Kylo: Nuaee, nice sseing you again. Nauee sits down next to him. Nuaee: Here have a cup a tea. Kylo grabs the cup of tea and wonders why Nuaee if finally talking to him.
  Nuaee: I want to say thank you. For getting Noami back safe and sound. Your a great husband to her. Kylo laughs quietly to himself and smerks while at it. Nuaee: I was wrong about you. Not all Seths are bad. You ain't bad at all. Kylo stands up and walks over to the edge of the water. Looking over at the beautiful green mountains. That looke beautiful in the sunlight.
  Kylo: I thought you hated me. Nuaee looks over at him. With no gruches holding back in her. Nuaee: People can change. Kylo: I know. Nuaee walks over to him stands a few steps from him. Nuaee: You did a amazing thing. You saved my daughter. From the lord that created Darth Vader. Kylo looks back down at the ground picks up a rock and throws it.
  Kylo: He was the one to teach me. All the tricks of the Dark side. Nuaee: Not everyone turns out to be who they said they are. Once he heard that; that reminded him of his father. Kylo: Like my father. Nauee: Who is your father? Kylo tears back with no sound of him crying. Kylo: I don't like to talk about it. Nauee: Well you did the most wonderful thing. Saving someone you love. Also putting in your heart first. Just like putting your happiness first.
   He wipes his eyes from his tears. As Nuaee watches him in full on pain. Nuaee: Kylo, you have a beautiful wife. In the house waiting for you. That you saved from the killer. With you, she'll be dead for sure. Think about it.
  Nauee leaves Kylo and she goes back up to the house. Kylo leans againist the tree. Thinking about what she just said. Leaving to only the truth. Without Noami, everythingn would change. Even being a part of the dark side. It's hard, but Kylo loves someone.
   He goes back up to the house sees Noami in the kitchen. Runs up to her and huge to death. Noami: Kylo? Are you okay? Kylo: Just don't even leave me again. I'll protect everyday and night.

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