Chapter 8

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Lilly Ann's PoV

I couldn't sleep! Ugh I hate being so excited that I can't sleep. Sleep is my precious, sleep is very, very cool, it is my darling. Wait did I just- nuh uh! Oh no! Forgive and forget, forgive and forget, forget!!  What was I talking about again? Oh yeah I was about to reveal why I couldn't sleep.

Remember how I told Malfoy he needed to gain my trust back or something along those lines? That's exactly what's he's doing tonight. We agreed that at midnight we would meet by the lake, far from Hogwarts. Really, knowing him, he probably is already down there (although it's only 11:30) and is preparing whatever he wanted to prepare or is sleeping soundly in his dorm. One or the other.

I waited a few more minutes, making sure that all the girls were alseep, before I took threw on a blue dress which reached down to my knees and I slipped my flats into my hands.
"I'm sorry. Please, just don't tell anyone." I begged the Fat Lady before she finally agreed to let me go if I let her sleep for at least an hour before I came back. Instantly, I agreed and crept along the hallways. I didn't dare go through the main doors so I slipped out the 2nd floor window and jumped. I managed to fall without making much noise and without injuring myself. Well that's a first. I can cross that of off my bucket list.

"Hey." I greeted Draco as I run along the shore line of the lake.
"Hey. Wow, you look amazing." Draco whispered. I thanked him, blushing.
"So. What have you prepared for us today Mr. Malfoy?" I asked taking in everything that had been placed out. It was a small picnic on the grass with some fruits, sandwiches and drinks.
"I remember how you used to love our picnics back home so I set one up right here." He gestured to the blanket, "but I have something else prepared for which we would have to break some rules." I giggled. What the Hades is happening to me? First horrible poetry, than giggling at the guy who broke my heart? I really need to sort myself out.
"What rules exactly?" I asked, curious. Why would a son of Athena want to break school rules? Oh wait - we are here after curfew and I'm pretty sure you can't turn rocks into food...
"Oh you'll see Miss Jackson. You'll see..." He kissed my hand and we sat down, laughing and eating and drinking. Well maybe I can go back to my normal self tomorrow, I thought. It was so nice to be with him after our long time apart. I missed these nights where we would joke around, kiss, go on dates or just plainly sit under a tree talking... I really do.

I lost track of time but after what seemed like a few minutes (but was probably over an hour), Draco stood up and offered his hand like the gentleman he was. I took it and stood up but when I tried to tug it out of his grip, he just gave me his signature smirk and lead the way into the Forbidden Forest. Oh so that's one of the rules. Before we entered though, he blind folded me and told me to follow his instructions precisely.
"Draco, I was born for battle and after my time with the Romans I know how to follow instructions." I laughed. We ventured into the cold, dark - actually I didn't know if it was dark cause all I could see was a blind fold but it was definitely cold, making me shiver. That action, thankfully, went unnoticed by my companion.

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the 3rd time this trip.
"Almost, now lift up your leg high and step over a huge log." Malfoy directed. I huffed in annoyance and did as told, probably over exaggerating the action. I could sense everything around me, it has rained durning the day and everything was wet but I didn't have the heart to deprive Malfoy from his fun. "We're here." He carefully took off my blindfold and I took in the sight before me.

There was a clearing in the woods; one with crystal-clear water and a small waterfall falling from between rocks. To the right, I noticed a swing woven from vines.
"Oh my gods-" I was speechless.
"You like it?" He whispered in my ear. I could only nod, afraid that any word that came out of my mouth would be cut short from my lack of air. "I spent all free period making it." He walked me over to the swing and motioned for me to sit down; as I did. He walked to the back and began gently pushing me on it. It was so romantic but at that point I didn't care. He had prepared all this for me. He made sure that we were alone, picking the best hour for our meeting. I just... Never had anyone done so much to me just to prove... What was he trying to prove?

We spent a couple minutes just like that me being swung (I swear I felt awkward) and him swinging.
"Come on." He said and started to take his clothes off. I turned away, blushing furiously. When I turned back around he was standing there in his boxers looking at me with an amused smile playing in his lips. I quickly scanned his body. He looked better in his older version than 14 year-old but I can't complain. His six pack was a sight too look at.
"Done checking me out, love?" He asked. I swear if it was possible for my face to turn redder than it just did. I might have even discovered a new shade! Oh gods what is this boy doing to me?
"You're cute when you blush." He said before going into the pond (it was really something between a lake and a pond).
"I-I didn't b-bring my swimming clothes." I stuttered out, my face hot. He burst out laughing.
"Daughter of Poseidon telling me that she didn't bring swimming clothes? This world has ended." Even that felt stupid to me. "Come on, bella, jump in." Aww he called me beautiful. Dammit Lil, get a grip on yourself. But he's so---. Don't you dare finish that sentence. Just jump in. And that's exactly what my mental conversation lead to. Me jumping in.


To say that I had fun would be the understatement of the century, millennia! After we collected all our things and give them to the house elves (they have house elves in Hogwarts? I never knew that. And what are house elves?) Draco walked me all the way back to the Fat Lady.
"Honestly, Draco I enjoyed that so much. Thank you for a wonderful night." I kissed him on the cheek and as I was about to say the password he grabbed my arm.
"Listen Li, I love you. You have to understand that. I never stopped loving you. I was really nervous about wether or not you would have accepted my invitation for tonight and when you did I was thrilled! I love you Lilly Ann. And I hope you can re-consider my offer for the Yule Ball. I'm not going to go with anyone if you don't come with me. Just... Think about it. Please." Than he kissed me briefly but hungrily on the lips and before I regained my senses he was gone.
"Password?" The Fat Lady yawned.
"Fortuna Major." I answered. Still dazed, I walked up the stairs to my bed, touching my lips. Maybe, just maybe I could forgive that little white ferret.

Comment/vote/do whatever but know that the next chapter will be posted tomorrow or if it's not possible than the day after. I'm sorry but it's late. So MERRY CHRISTMAS once again!! (There will be a couple more for new year *wink wink*)

And yes, the part where Mad-eye turned Draco into 'the amazing bouncing ferret' did happen. I just didn't mention it :).

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