Chapter One

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I drummed my fingers on my desk, there were papers scattered all over, silence was taking over the whole office each one focused on theirs jobs, except me. I was Katherine McKenzie's assistant, most of the time I would just sit on my desk waiting for her to assign me something to do ,she is the head corporate of the T&M incorporates, one of the biggest companies in England. It was only a few months since I've been hired thanks to my impressive resume which my friend Mellie helped me with.

I looked around, they were all preoccupied, there telephones glued to their ears, typing god know what on there computers, thank heaven this is only temporally, Business man..rrr too cold for me . But after my mother got diagnosed with cancer, we quickly moved to London where she could get a better treatment, unfortunately this required a big amount of money which we did not own, so I dropped out of college and came to work in here, the salary is good but it barely covers our needs.

A small cough snaps me out of my thoughts, facing me was Heidi with a cold look in her eyes, her blond streaks flowding her shoulders. She was Miss McKenzie's personal assistant and also an evil bitch . "Miss McKenzie needs fifty copies of this . Now ." She snaps, I restrained my self from rolling my eyes and took the papers out of her hand. I looked at her as she gracefully went back to her office, god how I hated her. She was the kind of girl you can easily guess she was the prom queen and the popular cruel girl in high school and somehow, she still is.

I walk to the copy machine and attempt to start it, but it refused to, this wasn't the first time. I trailed to the front desk where Emily was reading her  "Vogue" . " Emily the copy machine wouldn't start " I sigh. "Again ? When are they finally going to fix that damn machine" I huffed in agreement and turned my back  to her desk while she called the maintenance team. I looked down at my feetes , these heels were killing me , and my mind started to wonder back home where my flats were just lying there along with my comfortable pj's.

I was swapped from my thoughts, this time by a young man walking through the doorway, he was quite the business man, dressed in a black suit and white shirt with a grey tie, he was gracefully making his way into the building, looking rather professional and stern. I swallowed hard as his eyes laid on me, his gaze was dark and cold, suddenly chills ran across my body and I had to shift my eyes avoiding his stare, I moved my sight from his eyes and down to his outline, he walked with incredible posture and broad wide shoulders. He looked quite formal and the kind of men who knew what he was doing, tall, lean and muscular, all his features seemed straight, perfect, angular.

I ran my fingers through my hair with a slow exhale, and glanced out the window to see rain tapping against the glass, the copy machine was finally working and I had to wait for the copies to be done, the noise stopped and I took a deep breath trying to clear my mind when the image of the strange men took place in my thoughts, he sure looked hot yet he seems to be the kind of person I wouldn't want to mess with, I shook the idea away from my head, I don't have the time nor the energy for this right now. I cached my breath and gently knocked on the door, Miss McKenzie's voice replied from the other side of the door, I opened it slightly. She was sitting in the edge of the long wooden desk , I spotted a lot of silhouettes siting with her and recognized Heidi who was smiling to the man next to her , that I also recognized as the young men from before, she had her eyes all over him and I knew it wouldn't be long till she gives him her number, his expression was stern and empty. 

" What is it that you want Miss Elizabeth ? " Chills sparked through me at the mention of my name as the whole room turned to face me "I-I brought t-the copies you asked for" I mumbled.                                       "I asked for those ages ago. Put them on the other files " I don't even try to explain and nod my head gently moving to the other side of the huge room avoiding eye contact, tracing my way where a pail of files were.

I could easily hear them talk, thought I didn't understand a word they said, I was in the business industry by mistake and frankly I find it rather boring. I turn my head slowly and glance at them, when   my eyes met with hazel eyes staring at me, his gaze was intimadating like a animal stars at his prey. I felt my cheeks burning up as I kept eye contact with him, my heart beat excelerated drumming in my ears while my chest lifted in an uneven breath. What is wrong with me ?                                                   I quickly turn my head away from his piercing eyes to the papers in my hands , I was holding tightly to those throught my sweaty palms and dropped them with the other files. I tried to contain my self as I could still feel his eyes on me and stepped outside the room. Once outside I ran to the bathroom , my heart slowly regaining his normal patern. I took a deep breath facing the reflecting glass. What is wrong with me ? I couldn't have a man staring at me for five seconds without having a minor heart attack , I sighted and wiped my face with the cold running water, refreshing my senses. The cold water dropped from my face making its way throught my neck and into my chest, I closed my eyes letting it pace it's way , taking in the feeling of refresh.

I turn my head toward the door and let out a muffled scream. Brown hazel eyes were staring at me in stern , my heart beat accelerates once more. Did he follow me here ? What the hell . 

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