Chapter 2

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Did he follow me here ? What the Hell .

There he was , standing right infront of the door blocking my way out , his eyes on me piercing throught as he studied my outline, My blood boiling beneath my cheeks, I could tell I was blushing, not once did he wince, he was so confident and his eyes held no emotion, which made it even harder for me. We stood there for a few moments but what seemed to last ages, his eyes were fixed on me, he flickers down to my figure and slowly his eyes make there way across my body, I was frozen to the groundwith his look slightly intimadating. Cold swet was now dripping through my back and I wanted nothing more than to leave this room  

"I don't hink we have properly met" He finally spoke, his voice hard and cold, causing chills to spark throught my body, he moved forward slightly towards me  

"I'm Zayn " 

His sent hovered around me, for a second it made me loose my balance but I quickly gathered my self around. Only then I notice his hand has been clenched in the air for the last few seconds, waiting for mine to shake it. "E-Elizabeth" I mumbel as we shook hands, he was very cool with this situation, he kept the same intimadating expression of busniess , almost as if he couldnt care less about what anything says or whatever happens, almost as if nothing could scare him. I withdraw my hand finally a bit blushed, sure that he felt the trembelling in my hands. I clear my throat slightly, suddenly confidence taking over me " If you may excuse me " He straightenes his posture, looking down at me and slowly moves away, clearing the exit. I walk away through the trembelling in my feets now threatning to let me down any second, my whole body seems to shut down everytime he lays his eyes on me, I look down at my sweaty palms and shaky hands, my thoughts scattered all over. I release an easy breath my heart litteraly pounding in my ears. I hold still for a second and over think this whole situation, when it finally hit me. I WAS IN THE MAN'S BATHROOM. I made a fool out of my self, that must explain why he kept looking at me he surely must think im retarted. I was officialy ready to go home now and burry my self benath my warm covers.

I walk beside the confress room, a group of old man in suitswere standing in front with Miss McKinzie. I guess the meeting was over. A little bit futher I recognize Heidi, she was leant forward on a man, and I knew it was Zayn, whispering something in his ears, for a second I thought I saw a light smirk on his face but it quickly faded away regaigning his poker face, he put a hand on the bottom of here waist and whisperes something back in her ears, she chuckeled and moved away, probably to avoid being seen. I sigh and look away, I had no chance to ever compete with Heidi, tall skinny blonde, with perfect blue eyes and smooth skin, she always looked pretty and gracefull.

I walked outside the tall building, the rain was still pouring on the London streets, the sky was covered in dark clouds while the cold air hit my face sparking through my body. I ran to the bus station where I could refuge untill the bus comes. The bus station was empty, I was the only one sitting on the bench, trying to cover my face with my scarf but the wind always found it's way to my neck. 

A few cars were passing by, a new Range Rover, a red mini cooper, a few minutes later an old mercedes passes. The street was empty with no cars in sight , when suddenly a black Bently appears , driving slowly throught the empty street . The car stopped right infront of me, the backseet window slowly starts to lower and I stretch my neck to see who may be sitting there, I hardely knew anybody in London and I defenetly didnt know anybody who owns a Bently. I glance to see the man behind the window and imediatly recognise Zayn in his black suit " Miss Elizabeth please allow me to escort you home" he talks in such a weird way, so formal, who on earth still talkes this way.I was surely not about to go in the car with him, I didn't know him, I only knew his name and we hardly talked at all, but apart from that I wouldn't go in the car cause everytime I'm in a touching distance around him, it feels like having a heart attack  I politely smile while my heart beat starts to race in my chest "No thank you , I appreciate the gesture but the bus will be here soon" That said, he openes his door and walk outside, I flench in my seet " I insist" a sligh glare taking over his eyes while I chook my head. He reaches for my hand and pulls me gently, the minute our skin touches electricity run through me and I loose my words , I feel an odd exhlarating shiver run through me . I held my breath while he opened the door for me, as if he sensed it he turns around, his eyes catching mine , hazel brown almost green, with long dark eyelashes,he was a very attractive man to the point that it is intemedating,  suddenly his voice echoes in my ears, warm and smooth.  

"Relax Elizabeth" .

A/N : Thank you all for your lovely comments I hope you enjoy the second the chapter and I'm sorry if it's short , the chapters will be longer from now on :) PLEASE VOTE AND LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS

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