Chapter 3

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I stood there for a few seconds not able to move , concreted to the ground , part of me wanted to go with him , another part told me to turn away and run , because somehow he manages to scare me just by looking at me , my voice coherent I couldn't speak. I didn't want to get in the car with him but that strange feeling was pulling me towards him, that little voice in my hand kept saying to not , but I wanted to..Somehow.

A cold smirk dashed on his face while I slipped in first to the spacious car that had a mini bar in it, followed by Zayn who made his way next to me gracefully. "So where do you live ? " He says, always so formal and always so cold. I mumble slowly my address, barely able to talk when around him. The driver knew the way , and started driving there. The ride was quite while the car drove through London streets, not counting the enormous amount of calls he got, sounds like a busy guy. After finishing his now third phone call he turned his gaze once more at me, I looked away avoiding eye contact with him, when he finally breaks the silence " You look stressed Elizabeth , is everything alright? " his question made it even harder for me,Yes of course I'am stressed with you always staring at me . Now get me home and leave me alone .
"It's been a long day, I'am just tired" Which brings up the whole thing about meeting him in the man's toilet "B-By the way..I..I wanted to apologize..earlier..I didn't realize it was the man's room" I mumble , he slowly chuckles revealing beautiful and perfectly aliened teeth, he was even more attractive while smiling, but that smile didn't last very long. "Yes it's not everyday we find beautiful women in the man's bathroom "

Did he just call me beautiful ? No one has ever called me that, I've been called pretty, cute, sexy but never beautiful, sounds like an intense word to use . My cheeks burned while my insides shivered to his words, my voice giving up on me.

"So what is it that you do exactly in the T&I corporations? " His voice was suddenly business like , tight and very formal. I didn't understand his sudden mood changes but something told me to be more professional with him. "I'am Miss McKinzie's assistant" I said sounding more confident than I really am. I don't know what kind of game he was playing, but I was ready to play along.

I began to feel uneasy, trying to keep my breathing at a proper rate, his hard stare never left my face..this guy had a serious staring issue.

The car finally came to a stop, the driver then got out and opened my door, I shivered as the breeze blew by and swept across my legs. I turned to Zayn "Thank you for the ride Mr.Malik" I said as I began to slip outside the car. Zayn didn't bother to answer, taking one last look at me, his eyes traveled my whole body while a cold smirk draw on his face, an evil glint shone in his eyes "I'll see you soon Elizabeth" and the car drove away as I stood there trying to gather my self together.

"I'll see you soon Elizabeth" his voice echoed in my ears, his words sticking to my mind somehow I felt as if his words were not a wish but a promise , to meet again.

I dragged my feet through the stairs of the building I now live in with my mother, since she was diagnoised with cancer, we had to sell our house, we used to live in a small house, life was simple  untill my father left us for another women, my mother was devistated , only a few months later my mom got cancer. I opened the apartement door, it was a small two bedrooms flat with a tiny shower and a room leding to the kitchen that we transformed to a livingroom.                                                          I walked in throught the door and almost imediatly the smell of hospital medications filled my nostrils, a cold shill spread across my body. I can never get used to the smell .                                     The room was dull grey color and It was freezing like it always was. I watched in silence as my mother slep peacefully on the couch. She was always tired recently but she was doing much better than before, after a hectic year of treatement and surgeries, it was finally over. Her appointement today will tell us if she recovered and if her body accepted the treament she received . We were almost sure she was healed and soon we could leave here and go back to living our peacefull life.

Her eyes were closed, her tiredness extremely noticeable on her face. Her breathing a little uneven, I cant help but stare at her beautiful face , the small hardly visible freckles that cross her face under her eyes. The few eyes lashed that remain at the end of her eyelids.She was beautiful always has been.                                                                                                                                                                           My hand grazed over her hairless head before I leaned and gently kissed her forhead, the tips of her lips started to twitch into a small smile.                                                                                                             "You're home" she slowly whispers in a weak voice " Shhh Go back to sleep Mom , I'am going to make us dinner" I slowly whisper back before giving her one last kiss on the cheek.


Dinner was ready, an old family receipt soup, my mother's favourite I thought it would make her feel better. My mom and I sit quietly for a moment the soup was still hot, but it tasted refreshing and warmed my inside, I look up at my mother across the table, she haven't touch her plate , completely staring at the void .                                                                                                                                      "Are you okay mom ? You don't look good" Her eyes flew open and she jerks her hand away , vomit spews out of her mouth. I rush forward to get a trashcan. I set it under her chin and continues to let everything out her system. She coughed a few more time spitting out the remaining disgusting taste from her mouth.                                                                                                                                             "Mom ! What's going on ? I thought you were getting better " I question my thoughts rushing through my mind, I gently rub her back and sit behind her, trying to soothe her.

She coughs a few more times then stops and take deep heavy breaths. She leans back against my body and grabs the glass of water nearby, she took a quick sip then put it on the side of the table, she layde down resting her head on my chest, while her whole body trembled between my hands, I looked down only to realize she was crying "Please don't cry" I beg my mother like a little girl "Mom" I whisper comfortingly . "Honey" she added " I saw the doctor today..the treatment didn't work" she cried on my chest while letting out a loud sob

" I still have cancer".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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