End of the games

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By the way this was my very first story and looking back on it and reading it I realized it's not so great. I didn't want to delete it though because I spent a lot of time on it. Just so you know though I'm not so proud of it.

I watch katniss leave, getting farther and farther away until she's gone. Finnick is circling around the tree and beetee is wrapping up wire. " we only have a few more minutes left until the Lightning" says beetee. "We're all clear" says finnick. But he whips around his head at the sound of cracking sticks. "What was that?" I ask. "Get down." Finnick demands. "It's them" finnick whispers. " the tributes from 2, take beetee to the other side of the tree." Finnick demands then crawls stealthy over to the sound. I lead beetee to the other side of the tree and sit down. "Peeta watch out!" Finnick screams I turn around and see beetee on the floor with a sword through his stomach. U see the tributes running away, in the direction katniss went! "Katniss!" I scream as i run her way "katniss!" I scream again and again. "Ahh!" I hear a scream. It's katniss. I'm completely lost now. I'm about to go back when I see a wire heading to the beach I tug on it and there is no resistence I grab the end of it it looks like it's been cut. I see the Lightning starting up and I try to get as far away from it as possible and u leave the wire. "Katniss!" I scream I have no idea where she is but I'm screaming at the top of my lungs crying out for her. I see the Lightning about to go off, hear a scream, and see an arrow shoot up in the sky. Next thing I know the ceiling of the arena is falling apart. Giant pieces are falling everywhere i try to run from them but a small piece falls on my leg and I fall to the ground. "Katniss!" I scream in pain. "Katniss." I whisper with the last bit of strength I have left in my mouth. I look up at the crumbling arena and close my eyes.

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