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I see their innocent faces crying and u see katniss face is red with anger and wet with tears, she's trying to break the restraints. I take a moment to think in my head, they don't seem to notice me or anything. Before I can think any more I hear two gun shots and see katniss family on the floor with bullets in their head. Katniss gives out the loudest scream I've ever heard and goes crazy. Mason comes in the room with a knife and starts to cut her arms and face. I completely lose it and charge mason, But I fall on my face. I can't do anything, why? I get up and see her being tortured, there's nothing I can do to help her, but I still try. She's screaming in pain and I just try to comfort her. I stare in her eyes, but she looks as if she doesn't know I'm there. I look at her and cry because she's is so much pain and I can't do anything. I feel something touch my shoulder. I turn around and its snow. "Where are they!" He yells. "I don't know!" I yell back. "Cut off her arm." Snow says. Katniss screams as they cut the ought flesh, then muscle, then bone. "Stop it!" I yell. "Where are they! Tell us and we will stop torturing her!" He says. "I don't know!" I yell. I can barely hear him over katniss screams. I can't take this anymore I freak out. I want to run but I'm not leaving katniss I grab the restraints holding back katniss but my hands go right through them. What is this? What's happening? I turn around and see a peacekeeper holding a black bat he lifts the bat and........

I wake up in a chair panicked and scared. I'm shaking and I'm alone. The door opens and mason walks in, snow follows close behind. "Sir were sure he doesn't know anything. We tested him with torture and he didn't tell. Then we tried to convince him if he told us it would be the right thing to do. Then we went after katniss. He showed the most pain and weakness out of all the tests but he still didn't say anything about it." Mason says. "Ok, you have my permission to mutt the boy, tomorrow. We have an interview tonight. Here's his clothes and makeup crew. Have him delivered to the palace at 6. Goodbye mason." Snow says then leaves. Mason turns the corner and sees me awake. "Oh! Hello" he says. He's probably surprised I'm awake. "What are you gonna do to me." I ask. "Horrible horrible things." He laughs. He throws me a purple suitor looks a lot smaller then my last suit but when I put it in it fits perfectly. Their starving me I'm losing weight and energy I need food. Mason comes back in the room ."nice suit." He says. "What did snow mean by mutt?" I ask. "You heard that?" He asks. "Ya, what does he mean?" "Well your not gonna remember so here it is, we're gonna turn you into a mutt, say goodbye to peeta because in a few hours that man won't exist." He says, and leaves the room. I freeze, I'm scared. This is the first time, I'm genuinely scared. Scared that I'll never see katniss again, scared that I will never be the same ever again. Peacekeepers Coke in and drag me down the hall. "Johanna! Annie!" I see them being dragged into the torture room. I think about trying to help them but i know it's no use. I'm thrown in the car and in to the building. They sit me down in  a chair and fix my makeup. I hear something just around the corner, two man are talking snow is one of them. While no one is looking  sneak to the corner."so we know where they are? Ok let's send hovercrafts, I want katniss dead!" Snow shouts. I run back to my seat before anyone notices and the interview starts. I make sure to answer every question carefully i know if I answer it wrong I could pay dearly. I see a red light over by the control panel it says "live" the interview is live! I can warn katniss, if she's watching, if she's not then I'm dead and so is katniss. Who cares anymore I will be a mutt in a few hours I won't know who I am. I decide I will warn her. Caesar asks me a question, I have all the lights and attention on me. I babble on for a little bit, I'm just stalling. But I decide to stop with the games and tell her before its too late. I pause and look straight into the camera pretending like its katniss. I give her a warning to run, the last thing I will ever say to my love, katniss. "Their coming katniss." I say. "Turn off the cameras." Snow yells the cameras go off and the peacekeepers all walk towards me with their bats, I see Caesar stand up and is dragged away, then I'm beaten do death, well it feels like I will die. I'm barely awake and barely alive. They drag me away into the car in so tired and beaten up I don't have the strength to go on, I know I will pay dearly for what I said I want to die I don't even try to live I close my eyes and.........

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