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I open my eyes, I'm in a dark cell with no lights I'm alone but there's two beds. It's so tiny the only thing in he room is the beds. I hear groans and screams from  outside the cell. I poke my head out of the cell and I see a long hall of cells just across from me is an old man at the back of his cell it looks like he is scared and barely hanging on to life. "Hey" I whisper. "What is this place?" I ask. He doesn't answer he just walks up to the front of the cell and stares at me. As he gets closer i can see he has no fingers and he is missing one eye. " oh my.... Are you ok?!" I shout. I hear footsteps coming down the hall. The man runs to the back of his cell in horror, i do the same. The guards open his cell and they whips out a long shocking stick. "No..... Please...." The man begs. "No!!" They shock him multiple times I can barely see him but I see the suffering in his eyes. I launch up out of my chair and run to the front of my cell. "Hey! Stop it!" I shout. The guards turn around and enter my cell. I punch one of the guards in the face and then I'm shocked and i fall to the floor. The guards walk back over to the old mans cell "No!!" The man shouts from the cell across from me. I'm lying on the floor but I crawl to the front of my cell with the last bit in strength I have. There's nothing i can do but I try to help.  I see them shock him multiple times then they pull out a gun and u hear a gun shot. I sit there in disbelief for a few seconds." No!" I shout. "Why? Why did you do that?!" I start crying. The guards drag his dead body out of the cell and then it's empty. Shortly after the guards leave the groans and cries for help start again. I walk to the front of my cell. "You new here?" I hear a man ask, he is in the cell to my right. "Ya what is this place?" I ask. "It's a torture chamber. What do they want from you?" He asks. " they want to know where the rebels are." I tell him. "Good luck." He laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask. " they will torture you horribly! Whatever they want the most the will torture those people the most. And the rebels are the most important thing to the president. That's why they killed the man across from you, to make room for another person who they think knows where the rebels are." "How do you know so much?" "I've been here for a long time, I usually have one torture session every few days. It's survivable." He says. "Get your hands off of me!" I hear a women yell. The guards come down the hall and everyone becomes silent. Except for the yelling women coming down the hall. "Stop pushing!" She tells again. The voice sounds familiar. Then the guards stop at my cell and throw the women in, then leave. " are you ok?" I ask running to the women and helping her up to the bed. She looks up at me." Johanna!!??" I look at her with wide eyes."Peeta?!" She looks at me surprised. "What are you doing here?" She asks. " I have no idea."  I say totally confused. She looks like she knows what's going on. "Johanna, what is this?" "We are here to be tortured" she says. "No, why are we being tortured, I know they said something about katniss and the rebels, what do they mean?" I ask. She's quiet and says nothing. "Johanna....." Nothing, she hangs her head down. "Johanna." I put my hand on her face forcing her to look at me. She takes her hand and shoves mine away. I give up and leave her alone. It's quiet for a while I start to get hungry. I look at Johanna, she looks asleep, I don't know how she can sleep with all this going on. " it's better if you don't know anything." She whispers. "What?" I ask walking over to her bed. "Look peeta they are trying to get information out of us that we cannot tell them no matter what!" She whispers loudly and harshly. " but I don't know anything!" I say." Could you just tell me. "No! I can't." "But if I don't, they'll kill me." "They'll kill you anyway." She says. I know now that this is serious, Johanna must know about the whole rebellion thing. I want to know more but she won't answer any of my questions. I see her looking around constantly to see if there are any cameras, there probably is but I think she's looking to destroy them. The next morning I'm woken up by yelling guards, they storm into our cell and pull out the electric stick and five Johanna a few shocks until she's too weak to fight back. I stand up and try to make them stop but they shock me even more then her. Once, twice, three times, I'm losing count and feeling so much pain. I close my eyes and......
When I wake up I'm strapped in a chair with Johanna strapped to another chair by my side. "Johanna." I whisper. "Huh?" Where are we...." But I look around and I know where I am, the torture chamber. I try to break the metal wrist holders, there's also one around my waist and feet. "Welcome." Says a creepy voice behind me. "Shut up." Says Johanna obviously fed up with this. "Did you sleep well?" He asks walking towards the table. I look at the man, he is bald and has tattoos all over him he has pointy finger nails. He is wearing a tank top and jeans with chains all over them. "We could use some food." I say. He laughs. "You will get some. If you survive the next few days." He laughs again. "What?" I ask. "Kidding, we need you. We usually let people starve them but we need you two, so right when you think your about to die and your clinging on to the last bit of life, you'll get a piece of bread or something, now which took should I use first. "Those tissues look pretty intimidating." I joke as I look at the table. "Really funny." He pretends to laugh. He smacks me across the face and then scratches near my eye with his sharp finger nails. "That's enough." Says one of the guards." We need his face." "Whatever." He says. He walks over to another table to the side and takes the cloth off if it revealing an assortment if kneedles and electric equipment. " ok so let me just mark your body so I know exactly what parts of you I can torture. He takes a a black marker and makes arks in my neck, wrists, and ankles.but on Logan's she marks her shoulder, neck, and lower thigh. What's this for?" I ask. " I'm not allowed to touch your feet hands or face." The man complains. "But the rest of you is gonna hurt really bad. He smacks Johanna across the face and takes a knife to her stomach he carves the letter m into her. "There we go m for mason, my name" Throughout the cutting process Johanna doesn't scream and keeps that stubborn face in afterwards mason gets in real close to try and psych her out, so she spits in his eye." Well, now I know who to start with." He hooks her up to this crazy machine there's little clips on her arms head stomach and legs with tubes attached that run to a water tank. Mason presses a button and the waters boots through to tubs into johannas skin. She squirms a little at the uncomfortable feeling. He smiles, then presses another button. "Ahh!!" Johanna screams at the top of her lungs as she shakes. He gives her a painful shock that lasts 8 seconds. "Stop! You could kill her!" I yell trying to break the restraints. " no, not quite, if u did it for 12 seconds she would have been dead." He laughs.l"this isn't a joke!" I yell. " stop! You can't do this to us it's not right you can't do this to all these people. He stares at me with angry eyes then presses the button and Johanna gets a 6 second shock. Shes hanging her head cause she has no more strength. Two more shocks both 4 seconds and the whole time mason is just staring at me with a slight grin. One more shock that's 6 seconds and she's unconcious. "Oh, what a shame I had more for her. Take her back to the cell!"
He tells the guards. "Now you," "let us go, let everyone go! This is wrong." I say. " this isn't our fault. "It's katnisses fault. She's a mutt." He whispers to me. "No!" I yell right away. Katniss isn't evil. I love katniss. She's loving, caring, funny, witty, beautiful, she's katniss. And she has always stayed katniss no matter what, she didn't let he Capitol change her. She has stayed the same wonderful katniss. And I want to stay the same peeta, I won't let them change me. It's these thoughts that gets me through the torture session I get
Plenty of lashes and cuts, but towards the end they it some kind of shot in my neck. With some strange liquid, it reminds me of the tracker jacked poisoning from the 74th games. I got stung by a few bees when the nest dropped, but I was ok. They give me three of those tracker jacker shots. That's more venom then I think I can take. But I'm strong the only thing that keeps me going is katniss. I feel pain so much pain, the venom has kicked in after just a few seconds in shaking in my chair wanting to let out a scream, but I don't I stay strong. The shaking stops, I guess that means the venom is now resting in my body, the question is how is mason gonna use it. He leaves the room and I start seeing illusions. I see a flower bed with rue dancing in it she's so innocent it makes me sad and mad what the Capitol did to her. I see all the other tributes, like Cato and clove. I don't like most of them but still, besides Cato and clove, no one wanted to be here they were forced. I get so angry I try to break the restraints once again, but this time they break. I walk around in the meadow and walk towards rue, while I'm walking towards her she points at me and stares. But why? What did I do? I turn around and a spear is coming towards me. I'm dead.
Wait a second, no I'm not. The spear went right through me, how? Before I can answer any of these questions I turn around and see rue. She pulls the spear from her stomach and falls to the ground. One by one I see all of the tributes die, the same way the did in the games. It after all of them die I see the old man from 11 that was shot in the head on the victory tour. And i see cinna, I see the oeacekeepers hold up a gun to his head. "No!" I scream running toward them. I expect to tackle the guards but instead i fall on my face. I get up from the ground just in time to see them shoot him. They drag him away and u can see the dead man with blood coming from his head being dragged away, I run after them and try to jump one of the guards. But again, I fall in my face. Everyone's dead except for cinna I walk over to him and try to talk to him. "Cinna?" I ask, no answer. I tap him on the shoulder but my finger goes right through his arm. The scene changes from a meadow to a dark black room, I see katniss in a tube. Must have been the tube that took us up to the arena. The tube closes and she stares into cinemas eyes. The door opens behind cinna and two peacekeepers come in the pull out to sticks, and start beating cinna with it. Katniss screams and bangs against the glass trying to help as cinna gets beaten to a pulp. They hit him over and over again and he is spitting up blood. Katniss is crying, which hurts me the most. They drag cinna out of the room and you can see his tortured face. The tube goes up with katniss in it, then I'm alone. The scene changes back to the meadow, except the flowers are all dead and I'm in the middle of a dead body circle. Rue cinna and the old man are the closest to me I kneel down by rues side, stroking her hair. she stands up! She gets up and looks at me I turn around a and everyone else gets up too. "Katniss killed us." They say over and over again. " she killed us." "No!"
I yell. I know she didn't, she didn't cause all of these deaths, the Capitol did, snow did. I try to convince them but they just say the same thing over and over again. I hear footsteps do I turn around and see a peacekeeper holding a black bat he lifts the bat and......

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