my first mate

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Hi I'm Sofia I live in a kingdom my father is king Andrew and my mother peen amber today im going to meet my mate jake i wounder what he's like. I got dressed my mother picked out a purple dress It had dimons and such on it vary pretty and I'm not really a dress girl I like warring pants and t-shirts but I have to look nice. After my mom did my hair she turned me around you look butieful Sofia my mother said with a huge smile on her face I smiled at her and huged her.

Mom have you ever seen Jake before I asked

No I haven't but you father has she said

I walked out side to the car and we went to met my mate. We pulled up to a big kingdom my kingdom was bigger anyway I got out of the car my parents in front waiting for me. The Butler held open the door my patents walked in before me and said hello to Jake and his Father once my parents moved I sale him standing next to his dad bowing before me I smiled and did a little node he stared at me for a little while then

he said hi I'm Jake.

I smiled and said I'm sofia. I looked at Jake he had dark black hair he was tall and he looked like he worked out a lot he was a little tan he was handsome.

Jake showed me around the kingdom it was vary pretty but we stopped at a room.

This is my room Jake said and opened the door. His room was huge and really dark. He opened up his window letting the cool air roll In. I winced as the cool air hit my face. Jake noticed and closed the window.

Do you get cold easily he asked.

Yes I said.

The butler came in and said it was time for dinner we went down the stars and found blood covering the ground hall

I gasped Jake looked at me then looked at ware the blood was he took my hand in to his and we ran down my parents and his farther were laying on the floor blood covering them my heart brook into a million pieces I started to cry then I hared a dark laugh I looked and there was a man standing in a corner.

Well well look what we have here the man said with a smark on his face. Jake pulled me behind him what do you want Jake demanded. The man laughted I want the prienss Jake snarled you won't get her. What makes you think that I want the man said.

I stepped out behind Jake and ask the man why dose he want me and why did you kill my parents!! Tries rolling down my face. Oh prienss I had to in order to get you. Anger took over my body and I connected with my wolf and shifted I growld as he laughted I snapped at him and then bit his arm I didn't let go in tell I heard a crack as he strogled to get me of his arm he through me across the wall I yellped

your going to pay for that mutt the man said. I tryed getting up but I couldn't Jake rushed over to me and looked at the man Jake shifted into a big black wolf and growled at the man the mans eyes were wide as he looked into my eyes and then at Jakes he ran though the doors when Jake went after him he was gone he shifted to his human form so did I cold on the solid floor Jake went in the living room were my dead parents were and his dead farther he came back and put a blanket over me then ran up and got some close from his room and his sisters he got a first aid and did the rest he could to clean my side up he helped me get my pants and shirt on.I fell asleep and tryed waking but coldent

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