Chappy 2

77 2 1

In the last episode of Dragon Ball Z!!! Oops... Sorry wrong story... (plz get reference)

I=Ivy/You ?=??

?= I'm Kunamay! Or, you would call me May!

I=Wait... May?! MAY!! I can't believe it's you!

(Ross' POV) Finally!!

I saw Ivy walk towards my office and I pretended not to notice her. I sigh. I've liked Ivy since we got to know each other, and I'm thinking about asking her out. But she got a phone call from someone, I think their name was, Kunamay? I don't know. I glance out at Ivy through my office door she had started to open, but stopped when she got the call. Ivy looks at me,  ends the call and leans on the door way, she then asks "Hey, Ross? Do you know if my friend May could work here? With me? She would be in my office." "Uhh, I would ask Sky. I don't care if someone else works here, would she work with you?" I ask "Yup, we share a channel." Ivy responds. "I wouldn't mind it," "Thanks Ross!" Ivy interrupts as she walks out my office "Hey, Ivy?" I say. This could be it I could ask her out now! I sigh, She wouldn't like someone like me,   "Nevermind..." I say, my voice quieted down to a whisper. Ivy looks at me concern in her eyes, "Ross, you okay?" she asks as she walks in my office, crouching down so that our eyes meet, "Y-Yeah," I say as I look away from her. She sighs and says "I know you're lying... Ross, please tell me. I don't want you to go back to doing... that." I glance at the small scars on my arms, where I had cut myself years ago. I don't respond, I don't know what to do. "I'll be back" Ivy says, care and concern in her voice. As I play it over in my head I hear a hint of sadness in her voice "I'll be back..."  She-She cares... Maybe I should ask her, "Ross, come on. We're going home." Ivy says sternly, yet in a soothing, motherly voice. I can't say no to her. I follow her out of the offices and into her car. Once we closed the door she drives AWAY from our house. "Whe-Where are we going?" I ask. "I don't know," She says as she starts driving onto a trail. The entire car ride we are both silent until we get to a cliff. The sun is setting and it's absolutely beautiful. She hops out the car and climbs onto the roof, I join her. And there we where, sitting on the roof of her car, watching the sunset. She looks at me and blushes slightly, the light pink color matching the sky behind her. She looks away, "So, what was wrong? At the office? Or, what is wrong?" she says, still looking away. "I just..." It's hard not to tell her, hard not to keep to myself. She looks me straight in the eye. I feel myself lose control. I lean forward quickly, making our lips crash together. My eyes are closed, all I can see is mixes of reds and pinks. She leans away after a little while. My eyes flutter open and I feel my face heat up, "I-I'm sorry," I say as look away, slightly embarrassed. "No, it's fine... I kind of enjoyed it..." My face lights up, "Kind of!! What is that supposed to mean?!" I shout, jokingly "Well, Ross. Maybe if you were a GIRL I'd have liked it better!" I burst out laughing, almost falling off the top of her car. "I completely forgot!" I say still laughing "What!?" she says starting to laugh, "I tell you I'm Bi, and you FORGET!" She says, now standing up. "I'm sorrrrryyyyyy!!" I say still laughing, "Well, now you know! Again!" I stand up and put my arm around Ivy's shoulder, "Ya' know... maybe I would like you better as a guy..." I say, "WHAT!! Than you wouldn't see my B. E. A. UTIFULL FACE!!" She points at her face, "B. E. A. U. T. I. F. U. L. L.!!!" she spells out "BEAUTIFULL!" she says. She lets her hand drop at her waist, "Yup, better as a guy." I say as if she isn't there. Her jaw drops and she playfully moves my arm off her shoulder. "Yup, I'm leaving you here." "Wh-What?!? NO! I don't want to walk!!!" I say, "Welp, too bad." she says hoping off the cars roof. I jump off and pick her up bridal style.  "HaHa!" I say, teasing her. "Put me down!!" she whines. "Welp, too bad." I say, mocking her comment earlier. "Ugh!! Fine, I'll drive you home. But ONLY if you put me down!" she says. "Suit yourself." I drop her on the dusty trail, "OWWW!!! Ohhhh...You better start running." she says in a menacing voice. "Oh... SHIT!" I say as she kicks me to the ground. She starts laughing hysterically and I can't help but join in. We are having giggle fit siting on this dusty trail when we both hear, the snicker of a certain person suddenly being muffled. We look around and see at least two other cars. "Oh no," Sky says, "THEY SAW US!!!" He screams. "OHS NO!" I hear Barney shout. (AHHHHH!!!! CAN'T GET ACCENT RIGHT!!!)"HaHa! You can't get me if I lock the door!!" Sky says, getting in his car and locking the doors, with a press of a button I hear a 'click'  coming from his car. "One thing you forgot," I say " WINDOWS!!" Ivy yells as we dart toward his car. I realize he has been recording us. "Camera!" I yell at Ivy, "NOOOOO!!!!" Sky yells as we take his camera from his grasp. "THAT"S WHAT YOU GET STALKER!!" Ivy says jokingly. "I'm not a stalker, just livestreaming..." Sky says as he bursts out laughing his signature laugh. My heart sinks as the words translate themselves in my head. I walk over to Sky give him back his camera, and say, "You will pay for the deeds you have done." in as calm as a voice I can give. Before I even finish talking I laugh hysterically. Sky joining in. "Welp, m'lady it tis time to go." I say picking Ivy up bridal style. "Put me down!" she yells while giggling a little bit. "Do you really want me to drop you?" I ask, "Not today!" she says, I give out a little laugh and walk her to the car. I put her down right by her side of the car. "Thanks for not dropping me!" She says with a smile as she gets in the car.

I love this woman...

(AWWWWWW!!!!How CHEEZY!!! Don't you like how I spend Christmas on the computer? Well, MURRY CHRISTMAS!!! This is my Christmas present to YOU! The few people reading this... well guys I need help, I need more characters... I need more ideas... So, PLEASE help me out. Don't mistake the next page I put up to be another chapter, it will just be a layout for what I need of characters. The layout. and ideas? Give them to me! You can private message me or just say things in the comments below. I don't care!

And! My wittle monsters.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!    

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