Not an update, PLZ DON'T KILL ME!!

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Okay, my wittle monsters, I'm creating a new story! This one won't be a FanFic, just a love story. With me, and other people. Including Kunamay, Crystal, and any one else. The creators of those two characters know who they are, and if anyone has any other characters they'd like to be in this story, just holler all the info into the comments!

Also! I have a Twitter!! My name is Ava Martinez or TheBestFangirl8

I opened it for communication AND....... drumroll please *drums roll* ........ FANART!!! Okay, I want fanart, I NEED fanart, well, I don't NEED fanart. BUT I REALLY WANT SOME!!! So, please, GIVE ME FANART!! Wait, you don't know how I look... Well, PREPARE FOR HOW MY OC LOOKS!!

Okay, ready, set, go!!!

Short blonde hair, one pink highlight

Black choker with a key on it

Red and black flannel

Black undershirt

Dark blue ripped skinny jeans

Galaxy converse

And that's it. I will be updating soon, and by soon I mean, probably, tomorrow. So yeah.

Oh well, time for the outro....

And that is a wrap up!

Make sure to check out my Twitter




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Bye my wittle monsters!!! See you soon!!!

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