Memory Days : Sakura

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Sakura shoved her hands in her pockets impatiently as she leaned against the slide in the park. It's been a few days since she's last spoken to Naruto and Sasuke, a few days since they discovered the picture, a few days since they decided to have some time to themselves to think and a few days since she's already connected the dots.

It was easy for her to figure things out. Besides, she was the one who figured out that Naruto was the Jinchuriki just by observations and books alone.

So to her, figuring out that the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, was Naruto's father and that Naruto's mother was an Uzumaki was extremely easy for her. That was the easy part. The real question would be,why did the Fourth seal the nine-tailed fox into his own new-born baby? Why did Naruto's parents selfishly chose to condemn their own son instead of another no-name baby?

There had to be a reason. After all why turn one's own son into a Jinchuriki for no reason? Maybe it has to do with the reason why the nine tailed fox was loose six years ago? The only explanation could be thatsomeone released the giant fox and the Fourth and his wife sealed it into Naruto in order for Naruto to deal with that someone who released the fox? And that someone was probably an Uchiha, explaining why the village was so tense near the Uchiha.

'This is so complicated. Why did I decide to collect Naruto and Sasuke again?' She wondered flatly to herself.

If she knew that befriending Naruto and Sasuke would lead to this much drama, she would have gladly waited until the academy to start in order to manipulate someone else into becoming her friend. Someone else into becoming obsessively dependent on her. But then again, being friends with those two did have a mountain load of perks.

She looked up at the sky..

She was once naive and foolish. Childishly so.

It wasn't an odd sight to see her perched in the middle of her parents holding their hands with a carefree smile. She saw the world with rose colored lenses. Her dream was simply to make her parents proud and marry prince charming. Just like any other normal girl.

Then one day she got lost in a crowd during a festival.

For the first time ever the naive little girl felt scared and alone. But more importantly she felt so little surrounded by so many people. She felt as if her existence didn't matter. That she was just one of the many civilians out there.

Then a surge of defiance.

She didn't want to be a nobody. She wanted to be special. To be noticed. To be something big. To not fade away without doing anything.

That day she found her parents all by herself.

Sakura resisted the urge to yawn at the boring memories, those days of being boring old Sakura were gone. Now she was special.

She was the girl who managed to tame the "reincarnated" Kyuubi and three Uchiha. The girl who somehow managed to have Ino Yamanaka in the palm of her hands. She was now the eccentric and cutely bubbly Sakura Haruno.

But then why was she suddenly feeling so insecure? Why did she feel so plain without Naruto and Sasuke around her?

And then she realized that manipulation could backfire if she gets attached. Because now it isn't only Naruto and Sasuke who are obsessively dependent on...whatever relationship they have.

Their unhealthy, destructive, dangerous and twisted relationship.

Sakura knew one thing for sure, it was addicting.

Just like drugs could be addicting, to her, Naruto and Sasuke were her addiction. Her drug. The only thing keeping her sane, the only thing keeping her from using her axe to chop down every and any villagers who've ever looked at Naruto the wrong way.

She would do anything for those two. Anything. And if they decide to betray her? She'll make sure they don't even consider that.

After that day she became more eccentric. Her parents took it in stride.

One day she was playing at the park. Trying to succeed in her goal of being special. But all the kids there were so generic, even more generic than her. They were less special than her, or was that her ego talking?

Then she heard the adults whispering to themselves while pointing at something.

A kid.

They began taking their kids away, and one of them even warned her to go home.

Sakura felt intimidated. How could one single kid make adults scatter away without even visibly trying?

Then she was interested. Maybe this was what she was looking for.

And then she plastered on a forced smile that looked genuine despite how utterly fake it felt. She approached the mop of blond hair planning on using this kid as a stepping stone to become special herself.

"There he is again."

"Don't play with him."

"Just ignore him."

Sakura ignored the adults loud whispering as she approached the kid.

"Hey, want to play with me?" She boldly asked.

She could literally feel the park going quiet at her one single seemingly innocent question.

For a moment she thought the kid was going to lash out on her, but then her expressive green eyes met the most beautiful pair of blue eyes ever.

Sakura smiled at that memory, if there was one thing she honestly loves to death about Naruto, it's his eyes. She could get lost into them for ages. Blue. Beautiful. Ahem.

Speaking of blue eyes...

She glanced towards the swing where Ino stubbornly sat.

"I'm not going to push you, you know?" She sardonically asked.

If she were to be honest, she'd say that Ino would probably be her best female friend. And that would probably be the reason why she didn't feel the need to act around the blue-eyed blonde.

"Awww, come on!"


"I liked it better when you were pretending to be shy." Ino pouted.

"I recall you being the one complaining about my goody-two-shoes attitude before I revealed how I really am." Sakura pointed out.

"Back then I didn't know that naughty Sakura would be so anti-social and such a bad friend!" Ino shot back.

"I am social. And I am a good friend." Sakura patiently denied.

"As if." Ino crossed her arms with a pout.

Sakura sighed. "I recall you saying you would like to meet the Uchiha who will be joining us during our academy years?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Ino asked raising an eyebrow.

"What if I said I could introduce you to him?" Sakura asked.

Ino's face practically lit up. "Then you'd be my best friend for life and I'll make sure everyone knows that!"

Sakura smirked. 'What a smart girl.'

"Follow me then~!" Sakura bubbly said.

"Yeah~!" Ino yelled following her lead.

'And I now have an excuse to see Shisui.'

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