Part 16

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"Sir, there has been a complication." I wait for him to continue. "She has had a major blow to her head which, fortunately is healing, however, it's causing her some difficulties. Something is messing with her head. She can barely stand sometimes."
"Why is this a problem?!"
"Because it's her brain. Giving her the memory-loss drug isn't working, just causing her brain to.. Well.. Malfunction."
I swipe on my computer to see the camera that watches her.
"Vikk!.." She shouts. She starts having a fit, making her fall to the floor. Suddenly, nothing. She looked straight into the camera and glared at me with hatred.
"This time, I will kill you." She says. She looks crazy. Something as powerful as her can't go to waste.
"Give her anaesthetic, operate on that wound. Keep her in a coma until it heals. Then give her the T virus."
"Sir, the T virus isn't operational yet."
"Well you have until she is fully healed to make it operational." I order.
"Yes sir." With that he walked out. With the T virus she is going to become stronger, faster, it will enhance her abilities. Nobody can use her for the great rising. Not then.


Squad rolls in. Our fake I.D cards let us through the main doors but from there we have to find our own way. There are 8 scientists that could get us in the lab where Tamzin was being held, they almost were making this easy. We split off. We all knew the plan. I snuck behind one of the scientists, just before they were going into the lab. They turned a corner and that's when I got her by the neck and strangled her. Slowly she stopped fighting and her body dropped to the floor. I dragged her into a near by cupboard and popped on her specialised outfit.

God I expected more from this suit but generally it's just a different colour, no different. What a disappointment. I scanned the card and got in. One by one the guys walked into the room in the same suit that I am in.
"Patient 543 is ready to be released." A guy says walking in with his head buried into some technology. "Then, patient X needs to be fed. Do not go in the same room as her without backup, do you understand?!" He orders. We nod our heads and scramble off. Vikk managed to get some files due to his hacking skills.
"As you probably imagined patient X is Tamzin, and the fact that her cell is very heavily guarded. The cell however isn't anything special. If I can hack into the camera..." He looked in pain when he saw her. Sat with her hair drooped over her face, totally in white. Cross legged in the middle of the room, rocking back and forth. Not even a straw in sight, or even a scrap of material, just an empty room. She stood up and revealed her in complete metal restraints, her hands cuffed, her restrained with chains all attached to a gigantic ring of metal around her neck. Vikk let out a little whine.
"We will rescue her I promise." I say to him.
"Hang on, who are they?" Tobi points to the laptop where we see 2 body builders escorting Tazz out.
"What are they doing?! This isn't meant to happen!" I shout. Just then 20 ninjas surrounded us. I reach for my weapons but none are there. I look around but non of us have got anything, what the fuck?! Our weapons were in the hands of the ninjas. Fucking hell.
"Sneaky things aren't they..." Dylan says walking through the ninjas as they parted for him.
"How did you know?" I ask confused.
"We know everything." He scans all of us. "Come with me, I have a little show that you might want to see." We a forced to go with this maniac. We sit down on eight chairs that are behind those mirrors that you can see through, well this side anyways. Apart from us and Dylan the rest of the room was crammed full of muscle. There is no getting out of this now.

The lights come on in the room that we are watching. There she was. Strapped to the chair by several metal cuffs. She was gone. I mean she was alive but she was lifeless.
"Start phase 2." With that the machines in the room started to move. Massive needles came towards her and injected her with a blue serum. The screams were unbearable.
"Tazz!" Vikk shouts and tries to go help her but just gets held down by the guys, forced to see her in pain. She started to shake uncontrollably, her heart beat rising until then nothing. The machine stopped beeping and made a humming noise. The needles came out.

She flat lined.

"No!" Vikk says crying. A fire burned inside of me, my fists started to clench, my breathing becomes more rapid. Dylan though seems completely chilled. Why is he acting like this when he has just killed one of the most important people he can operate on?! I am about to rise out of my seat and slaughter everyone when... BEEP. One beep? BEEP. Another, picking up the pace this time. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. She is alive!


Kind of a short update, I'm sorry! But... ITS CHRISTMAS!!! MMERRRRYYY CHRRIISSTTMAASSS EVERRYYYONE!!!!!!! Hope you have gotten all you asked for!

So I have actually written to the end of this book, which trust me, is quite a while away! Going to try and update more often since it's the holidays. Hope you've all had a wonderful day! Peace 👊🏾✌🏽️💙

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