Part 6

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I'm sat down with Vikk next to me. He has been trying to cheer me up bless him, but it's not working.
"I bet you have loads of questions about me.." I say, but he stayed silent. I realised I was leaning against him, but it gave me a bit of comfort.
"I bet you wanna know who I am and how I know Amy.." I am really sad. I can't bloody find my best friend and it's all my fault. This is just the sad me speaking.
"I mean, it might be nice." He looks at me and smiles. Somehow he said this in a joking matter which made me feel warm inside.
"It starts off with me being a bad guy.. Unfortunately for me, I was raised in the Saviour's castle." This is only my first sentence and he already looks uncomfortable. He is probably wondering what the fuck I am now.
"I got trained by the best, to be the best. A deadly weapon. To be used, give orders and I will follow. That's how I was trained. By the age of 10 I already killed 30 people.. I got told that it was for the greater good, that they were bad guys. Life got very dark very quickly but a light of hope shone through. I met Amy. Every time things got too much I would head over to her hut. Her family were so nice. They were like my real family. Amy loved to sneak out and be rebellious, sometimes into the castle where we would chat for hours on end. Just somebody normal to talk to was the best gift anyone could give me. But soon things got tough, I would be away for months and even years before I saw her again. We would train together sometimes, teach other things we didn't know before. However by the age of 15 I wouldn't stand by the rules of the Saviour. I stopped doing what he asked so I stopped having a life. I had to say goodbye to Amy and everything I loved. I got locked up, tortured into doing what they said. I was weak, I used to do anything within hours of just being in a cell. I had no other chance but to be strong, my mind was going crazy with all the screams. I got out. I would daily raid them and give their resources to people that needed them more, until Dylan got on my case." I clench my fists at the thought of him. "He hired a person to hunt me down and one day they got one step ahead. They surrounded me and darted me with anaesthetic. Took me back to hell itself. They wanted me back on their team but I said no. They tortured me so much, they had to stop as I was on the brink of dying. I was to precious to them, they couldn't kill me. The Saviour would kill them himself. So they started being nice, seeing if that worked when Amy broke in. As soon as they give me weapons I rebelled. So he floored and punched me in the face, constantly until Amy saved me. That's when I came to you for help.." I rub my hands together. Why am I telling him all of this?
"Who's Dylan?" He says in a soft voice.
"My teenage lover.. Realised soon enough he was just another dickhead who used me. Any other questions?"
"Just the one." He says, looking me in the eyes. "Why did you grow up in the castle?"
"Because...I'm the Saviour's daughter." The look of horror on his face was undescribable. He didn't know what to do. He looked like he didn't even know me anymore. There was a silence. Eventually he spoke.
"I feel so sorry for you." He says putting his hand on my thigh.
"You can't tell anyone!" I say, showing him I meant it.
"I won't, come here." He must've realised that tears were welling up in my eyes. Why the fuck am I crying? I haven't cried since.. Well as long as I remember. He hugs me tight, somehow it was reassuring.
"It's okay." He says rubbing my back. My arms squeeze him tighter, around his neck. This is the only cuddle I have had since one off of Amy's parents. It feels so..nice and comforting. A warm burst of energy took over my heart, what the hell is this feeling?
"You okay?" He says letting go and looking me in the eyes. I nod, and smile. For some miraculous reason I felt nearly completely better. The woods start to get dark.
"You guys should probably head back now.. It's getting dark." I say standing up. Great now I'm stating the obvious.
"The guys left a long time ago..they went off, everyone separated on the search for her. I needed to stay with my laptop and the microchip to see if I could find anything of use, sadly I didn't." I replayed the words he said over and over in my head. Guess we are a team then, I am fine with that.

"I'm afraid I only have one bed.." I say looking over to the low lit sleeping bag and mattress. "I will sleep on the floor, you can on the bed if you like."
"Nonsense, you'll freeze! I will sleep on the floor."
"Then you'll freeze." There was a silence. "You okay with sharing?" I say taking off my equipment that I can't sleep in.
"I guess so.." He hops in first and me second so I can cover the entrance. I place my bow and my knives by my side.
"Night." He says turning his back towards me. Night? I haven't heard that in a while. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Tazz! Wake up!" Vikk shakes me awake.
"What?" I say opening my eyes.
"My computer was beeping and I didn't know what it was, when I checked.....well let's just say we have human company. Oh and it's not the guys." He says panicked.
"Okay you stay here." I order. I grab my things and peek out. No sign of life. I climb up a near by tree and watch. A troop of men were coming this way... But not of the Saviour's.. What the fuck?! I wait for them to come into range. Slowly, I shoot the ones at the back first and the the lonely ones on watch.
"HALT!" The captian says, standing still. "Is everyone okay?" He says turning around and realising his numbers have halved. "Weapons at the ready!" Shit. What he fuck am I meant to do now? They each pull out automatics and shotguns. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Okay I can do this. They separate off, making this easy are we? I jump down and sneak behind a pair of them. One stops, hearing me approaching but I shot him in heart and slit his throat for good measure. I do this to the next one and the next until there are 4 left, including the captain. 3 manage to get to the shack. Let's do this. I shoot my arrows knocking their guns away and come in with the knives. Oh great they all know hand to hand combat. I dodge most of their hits, making them hurt each other. I grab one into a lock and slowly cut open his neck, blood splattered everywhere, he started choking on his own insides. The other two stopped, scared. I grab my two knives from the side of my waist and chuck them, hitting them directly in the head, killing them instantly.
"Well well well..... What do we have here.." The captain says twisting a knife around his yellow fingers. They are like long tree stumps, probably because of muscle looking at his body. He was an older fellow, probably around 40. Grey hair grew on his head, he was wearing nearly complete army gear.
"A possible asset?" He says and looks at me.
"No. I am not anyone's asset." I say in disgust, spitting out the hatred to the floor.
"Say that to the guy that you are protecting in that.....shack over there. Who is he to you? You're not related..boyfriend?" My blood boils at that word.
"Friend." I say trough my teeth, gritting them in anger.
"More like friend of a friend...correct?" I hate how everyone knows everything. I nod my head slowly, eyeing him up.
"So where is this friend?"
"I don't know where Amy is, she has disappeared." I say getting distracted. He raised an eyebrow, he obviously knows something.
"Can we just get this over with?" I say spitting my words out in anger. I take off my hoodie leaving me in a vest top which revealed a lot of my scars, including my dragon print on my collar bone. He took one look at me and stopped.
"That..that mark..your a Saviour?!" He says stuttering in horror.
"Not anymore." I say flipping my small machete hand to hand. I signal him to come forward. He does so slowly. "I don't like easy fights, are you going to grow some balls or not?!" He looked pissed. An evil grin formed across my face, that's better. He launches at me and I slide under him, slitting his knee. He stumbles. He swings for me once more which I dodge. And again and again until I have a chance and slit his side. I get a bit smug and turn around and he charges at me like a bull. He rugby tackled me to the ground with a thud. I'm winded and can't breathe. He gets up and throws a knife down which fortunately I roll away from. I chuck mine and stab him in the back. I grab his arm and flip him over my head, putting all his weight on the knife would impale him quite severely. He lets out a roar and gets back up. He is literally a hulk. I jump on his back and stab him in the stomach. Finally he goes down to his knees and I get a knife to his neck.
"What do you know about Amy?!"
"Who's Amy?" He says laughing coughing up blood. I dig my knife slowly into his collar bone region.
"I said what do you know about Amy!!"
He smiles evilly and starts choking, slowly losing energy. A whine comes from him as he lets out the last bit of life in him.
"FOR FUCK SAKE!" I kick a stone in anger. I yank my knife out of his back but half of his flesh came with as he bent it. Fucking hell. I grab my other ones out of the bodies and walk over to the shack where I found Vikk staring at me. He looked like he had a thousand questions which I didn't have time for. I walked past him. I started to restock my weapons on my body.
"How you you do it so easily?" He sounds half terrified. I stop and look at him.
"It's what I have been trained to do since I could breathe,it's all I know how to do." He nodded taking in the information.
"Your scars... Are they from him, Dylan?" I stop thinking, feeling every time that name is said. I stare at the ground, motionless.
"And the dragon, that's where they printed you, burned you, marking you as theirs?" I can feel him coming closer. I'm still staring at the ground. I nod slowly, suddenly feeling a rush of sadness. I take a deep breath in and out. In and out. I look up to find Vikk just 10cms away.
"Apart from Amy, you the only normal human alive that knows my secrets." I say looking into his hazel eyes, they had a glimpse of sadness in them.
"You can trust me, I promise."

Longer update than normal, so enjoy! Peace ✌🏼️✌🏽

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