Can't Live Without You

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Hey guys, its Alyssa here. This is my first story and after what seems like forever for me I've decided to put it on here. It being my first story, there may be a few grammar and spelling mistakes but no worries if they're are, because I'm very close to finding an editor for me(: Also, I have no copyrights to the cover on my story.

Anyways, enough with the babbling. I hope you all enjoy my story and at least give it a chance even tho the first chapter is a bit of a downer, it WILL get better, I promise(: 

So here ya go guys-the first chapter to Can't Live Without You by me, Alyssa(:


Can't Live Without You 

Chapter 1: For Love or For Money

Brad's POV:

I looked over the edge in fear. What's going to happen to me?

Frantically, I looked behind me, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, I felt my feet slip and felt the world came rushing to my face as someone above me cackled mysteriously. 

Ashlynn's POV: 

The day I heard the news about Brad's suicide jump, I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I was shocked, I mean, there's NO way the Brad I knew would do that.......right?

I moved around like a zombie, going from class to class, barely registering what anyone said to me. At lunch I didn't eat. I just couldn't, the Cafeteria was serving enchiladas, Brad's favorite. 

After lunch I headed to Algebra II, the class where he used to sit next to me. Tears filled my eyes as I sat down in my seat and I saw his seat empty, knowing he would never return.

At the end of class, Jenna, my BFF/roomate, tackled me in a huge hug. 

"I'm SO sorry Ash," she said, tears welling up in her eyes as well.

I just nodded my head, afraid to speak in case the tears decided to fall. 

After my last class, Jenna and I headed to the courtyard, to meet up with some friends, like we always do. I wasn't really listening, but instead thinking about all the great times Brad and I had had together. 

"........Did you hear about Brads' suicide?" I heard one of my friends say.

Instantly, my head snapped up, zoning in on the conversation.

"Yeah, I did, that's so sad." Jenna said sadly, looking down. 

"I was there, outside of the school building, when it happened. I SAW him jump." Kassidy said, trying to be boastful, as usual.

"He wouldn't jump...." I said quietly.

"No you didn't Kassidy, you're so full of it." Meagan said. 

"Yes I did," Kassidy said, slightly angrily, "he looked over the edge and jumped.

"But he wouldn't DO that." I said, louder this time.

"Well I saw him jump." Kassidy said pointedly at me.

"HE WOULDN'T DO THAT." I practically screamed at her, "I actually knew him, unlike you who only liked him for his fame!" 

Kassidy just looked at me, taken aback at my outburst. I never yelled at my friends, and I especially never SCREAMED at  them. 

"Oh...I, uhh....." I stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"I think Ashlynn needs some rest, we're going to head back to our to ya later guys." Jenna explained, gently pushing me in the direction of our dorm. 

Once back in our dorm, I plopped myself face-down on my bed and let the tears come. I cried because I screamed at Kassidy, even if she deserved it, I NEVER did that. I cried because of the test I probably failed in english because of my zombie-like qualities. But mostly, I cried for Brad, because I knew I would never get the chance to see him again, I would never get the chance to hold his hand again, or feel his soft lips against mine again. It was like someone had ripped out my heart and all I felt was a gapping hole in my chest, where my heart, and his love, had resigned. I heard Jenna walk over to me and put her hand on my back, comforting me. She didn't say anything, she didn't have to. We both felt the bitter pain of him leaving this world, my love and her friend. 

"I don't know how I'm going to survive, Jenn. It feels like my heart was ripped out of my chest." I said with a tear-and-mascara streaked face. 

"shh, I know, I know.....But hey, you WILL continue on, as long as you have me." She said with a smile.

"I can always count on you to make things better, Jenn." I said smiling the tiniest bit.

"There's that smile!" She said goofily.

I grinned and said, "Thanks girl, you always know how to make me smile again." 

"No problem, chicka." Jenna said, with a grin. 


Kassidy stood there dumbfounded, watching Ashlynn and Jenna leave. She yelled at me. Our sweet, innocent, goody-two-shoes, Ashlynn had actually yelled at me! She never does that! Yelling at other people, sure, but our Ashlynn never yelled at our group of friends. EVER. 

But was it true what she had said? Did I really only like talking to Brad because of his huge fame, from his movie-star parents and famous musical career?

No, it couldn't be true. He's a great friend. Very funny and not too bad lookin' either......

No, she was just jealous of me, as usual.

And with that Kassidy walked off toward her dorm, taking her thoughts and smug personality with her.


Heyy party peoples!

Sooooo???? How'd you like it????




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I'll try to upload as soon as I can for those who are wondering(=

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