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Ariana's pov

gripping onto my phone tightly i patiently wait for Justin to FaceTime me. suddenly his caller id pops up on my home screen. as nervous as i was i began to bite my short mint nails. after three rings i finally answer pointing the camera to the ceiling of my bedroom and not my face.

"umm hi ceiling." unfamiliar with his voice i turn my phone to face me as he had a shocked expression.

"hi Justin." hiding my face with one of my blankets, he chuckles softly as i smile behind the blanket.

" i didn't expect your voice to be so deep." he says moving the camera around and finally settling himself down.

" it's not that deep, mines is normal. yours was way out of my expectations. I thought of it as deep but it's actually like rough I don't know." in all honesty i enjoyed his voice it was surprisingly very calming. then my mind started drifting off as Justin continued to ramble on. if Kendall knew i was FaceTiming Justin she'd freak out.

"Sorry what'd you say ?"

"I was asking what your Instagram was so that I could follow it real quick." pressing on my home button i search for the Instagram app clicking it and reading out load my username to Justin. seeing a new follower i click on the user seeing pictures of Justin, which he looked amazing in all of them. before getting off his page i follow him and go back on FaceTime.

"Yo where ya at ?" i say bluntly seeing a grey paused screen as Justin goes back on the camera. playing around with his hair he smiles laying on a white pillow.

"You have so many followers on Instagram." for some reason his comment made me smile, just anything this boy was saying was currently making me smile.

"We need to meet up because i wanna see your beautiful face soon." he randomly says causing me to blush. hiding the fact my cheeks were rosy red i quickly screenshot a picture of us so that i could post it later.

"I mean it is almost the new year so that can be one of your New Years resolutions thingies." i kinda actually wanted to meet him because i mean when you meet someone so kind and attractive that's not some player, you can never pass such a great opportunity.

"I'll consider it."


"We've been FaceTiming already for four hours." we've been talking since 8 at night and it's already 1 in the morning which was actually kinda impressive. i could never talk that long with anyone, not even Kendall.

"And you still haven't come up with a nickname for me baby girl." he whines pretending to cry. i playfully roll my eyes continuing to think of a nickname.

"What about Ju-Ju." he sighs rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"Text me when you think of a decent nick name, goodnight baby."

"night babe." i blow a small kiss ending the call. putting my phone back on the charger i go to the messages app but then Turing off my phone since i still couldn't think of a nick name.


that was cute don't lie

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