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[Justin - 11:42 am] guess what today is

[Ariana - 11:43 am] Wednesday

[Justin - 11:43 am] which mean it's almost the weekend

[Justin - 11:45 am] which means we almost get to meet

"Ariana who the fuck is baby daddy with a purple heart ?" not even one second to fully awaken and she was already yelling at me.

"a friend mom don't worry." she brings her hand to my face and slaps my cheek leaving a red print.

"we're going to therapy again, and you better not be pregnant missy." how would i be pregnant i barely even go outside. she turns around and i roll my eyes. getting up from my bed i lock the door and begin my morning routine.


"so Ariana we've seen you've been eating more by just looking at the chart your mom filled out each day." looking up from my phone i roll my eyes, some people are so gullible.

"i've barely eaten since we've last seen each other, my mom probably just filled some random shit down to make it look like i'm progressing.if it weren't for one of my friends i wouldn't even be here, i'd probably be dead by now."

"who's this friend of yours." my therapist and mom both say at the same time and speed.

"his name is Justin, or as you know him nosey ass mother baby daddy with purple hearts." my therapist raised an eyebrow facing my stomach.

"you're pregnant ?" her deep voice got squeakier and actually sounded like what i imagined it to be when i first met her.

"no the contact name i have saved for him is just a joke nothing serious." she simply nods as i receive another text message from Justin.

"so can you tell me more about Justin." i start telling her how we met but leaving out the picture part even though it wasn't a nude my mom would freak out. then i started to go more in depth about how i felt about him and our friendship.

[Justin - 12:44 pm] are you still talking about me to your therapist

[Ariana - 12:45 pm] yes, she loves you because you're encouraging me to eat

[Justin - 12:45 pm] you should tell her how I'm gonna fuck you when you go to Canada

[Ariana - 12:46 pm] why do i even bother with you

[Ariana - 12:46 pm] you're such an ass

[Justin - 12:47 pm] you're ruining the mood

[Ariana - 12:47 pm] whatever shall i do

[Justin - 12:48 pm] what do you want to do the first day you're here

[Ariana - 12:49 pm] hook Kendall up with one of your friends so she doesn't steal you then we'll go eat pizza

[Justin - 12:50 pm] pizza ?

[Ariana - 12:50 pm] we don't have to eat pizza we can always get ice cream doesn't matter

[Justin - 12:54 pm] sounds like a plan


Lmao what did I just write like half is good and half is bad

btw how do I have 2k reads wtf !??!!!

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