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[Ariana - 1:45 am] look at my precious baby daddy he's so hot

[Ariana - 1:45 am] look at my precious baby daddy he's so hot

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[Justin - 1:55 am] where the hell did you get that

[Ariana - 1:55 am] your mommy sent it to me

[Justin - 2:01 am] she has your number wtf ?

[Ariana - 2:02 am] yeah lmao

[Ariana - 2:02 am] remember that sexual song you were making and wouldn't let me hear did you finish it

[Justin - 2:03 am] yeah why

[Ariana - 2:03 am] idk maybe because I wanna listen to it ???????¿¿!¿

[Justin - 2:04 am] you're a little baby though

[Ariana - 2:04 am] I'm 17 I'm practically an adult

[Ariana - 2:05 am] jk I'm only 3

[Justin - 2:05 am] then you definitely can't hear it

[Ariana - 2:05 am] NO BABY IS SOWWY

[Ariana - 2:06 am] baby sad now, baby leave

[Justin - 2:09 am] you're so cute

[Justin - 2:09 am] can we just date already

[Justin - 2:20 am] why'd you leave me on read babyyy come back

[Justin - 2:29 am] well you probably fell asleep goodnight ari

[Justin - 2:31 am] since you deserve it

[Justin - 2:32 am]


I love this update like it's literally made for texting stories

also stay tuned and bare with me and these ugly chapters I have something planned :)

y'all r gonna hate me

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