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Haemi: you didn't answer me

Unknown: aw about the confession text?

Unknown: give me some time to think about it ;)

Haemi: wtf no

Haemi: how do you know that i m a girl

Unknown: simple

Haemi: ??

Unknown: only girls talk shit in a long text message

Haemi: i hate you

Haemi: even guys confess you know?

Unknown: i dont know???

Unknown: i m a guy duh

Unknown: and guys dont like long confession shit

Haemi: mhm cause you're a master of the field

Unknown: you never know ;)

Haemi: get your shit together and tell me what guys like

Unknown: the witch is asking for my help???
Like WOW

Haemi: who s the witch you punk

Unknown: my dick

Unknown: it got some magic

Unknown: wanna try? ;)

Haemi: ew ew ew ew

Haemi: you perverted grandpa

Unknown: wtf who s grandpa?

Haemi: you shitface

Unknown: tf im 18

Haemi: catfishing much?

Unknown: i ve never went fishing n i hate cats

Haemi: you're weird

Unknown: you're cute




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