What are you doing herre

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I just got out of the shower meaning I have 40 minutes to get ready, make up, hair, and clothing which shouldn't take long because I am in no mood to dress up and all that shit. I walk over to the closet and decide on some short blue shorts, with an all black short sleeved shirt, that lifted up the tiniest bit to show my stomach. 

After getting changed I walked back into the bathroom brushing my teeth and hair leaving my hair down natraully long and wavy (loose curls) I put on eye liner and mascara with some nude chapstick and I was finished.

I had 10 minutes before Eleanor should get here so I put everything I would need in my purse, money,phone,gum, license all that stuff and sat on the couch just waiting for her.

10 minutes later,

I hear a knock on the door and put on some white sandals that lace around the ankles, before opening the door. I don't have a smile or a frown on my face, my expression is completely blank because that's about how I feel right now nutreal.

"Ready to go" Eleanor chirps and I nod before locking the door behind me and getting into the car, the drive there consisted of Eleanor talking and me nodding in response but in all honesty not listening to anything she was saying. I've been starring out the window enjoying the view, of happy childeren playing around, once an awhile a couple walking holdings hands. It puts a small smile on my face but makes the ache in my chest grow bigger.

We pull into a parking spot, and now is the time to put a fake smile on my face. I get out of the car following shortly behind Eleanor with a small smile on my face nothing to huge because I can't seem to muster it. We are seated immediatly in a matter of minutes the rest of the group shows up, Niall and Sarah. Liam and Danielle, Zayn and Perrie but then I wonder where Louis could possibly be I am in between Eleanor and Liam with Danielle right by his side.

I get ingulfed into some conversation before I look at the time and Louis still isn't here which makes me wonder why he wasn't with El when they came to pick me up they would usaully pick me up together or something I lean over close enough to Eleanors ear,

"Where's Lou" I ask and she shakes her hand dismissevely, I let it go even though that was rather odd.

I turn my head to look at the waiter giving us our drinks and in the corner of my eye I see Louis with a rather to firmilar person. I would know those mop of curls anywhere those bright green eyes and when I see it my heart stops, but the butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I'm mixed with emotions, I'm missed with sad yet happy to see him but anger towards Eleanor for not telling me Harry was going to be here. When Harry spots me I quickly turn my head as fast as I can to make it look like I wasn't starring.

Harry's P.O.V

I walk into the damn place with a scowl on my face, I honestly would rather be mopping around at home then out trying to enjoy myself when I am utterly miserable. I spot Zayn and he waves but I ignore it until I see another firmilar beautiful face looking straight at me.

I turn to Louis with a scowl on my face "What you two need to talk" he suggests and I roll my eyes. It isn't that I'm not happy to see her I am. It's just well she would have called or texted me if she wanted to see me right? I dont know this is crazy I should just leave

I awkwardly walk up to the table and Alyssa looks up at me with a half smile on her face. I return the gesture before sitting into the booth with the rest of the group, well could this be anymore awkward everyones in there conversation and I find myself starring at her beauty taking in all the things I used to see regularly everyday.

"Excuse me" I hear angelic voice take me out of my thoughts I look up to see her making Liam and Danielle get up as she drags Eleanor with her to what I persume to the bathroom.

Alyssa's P.O.V

"Are you fucking kidding me" I shout at Eleanor and she gives me a sympathetic look but I dont want that I want her to know what her and Louis did was wrong? I am not physically nor mentally okay with seeing him right now  I am not prepared for this. This is like torture to me.

"Im sorry" El shouts back " I thought it would help you two cant just give up on each other" she screams 

I sigh letting a tear fall down my cheek, this is exhausting to exhausting. I cant do this I am not prepared to sit across from the one boy I am unconditionally inlove with but not be able to be happy with him, to not be able to kiss him, or laugh with him.

"I need to go" I choke out wiping some of the tears that keep falling down my face and Eleanor nods in understandment agreeing.

"Ill drive you home" She says and I shake my head.

"No stay ill call a cab could you just grab my bag from the table and bring it to me" I ask and she nods hesitant if she is going to stay or not but I assure her I will be fine taking a cab.

before we walk out of the bathroom I walk to the front of the resturant and out the door as Eleanor goes back to the table to grab my bag

Harry's P.O.V

I've been waiting anxiously for the return of the girls, this is stupid I should just leave I know how uncomfortable this must be for her. I mean hell I'm uncomfortable the only plus to this is I get to see her beautiful face. Her her beautiful voice and be remotly close to her.

I see Eleanor walking back with a frown on her face and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as she grabs Alyssa's Purse.

"She's gonna go I'm just grabbing her purse" She tells everyone and my heartbreaks but I cant keep doing this I cant just let her sleep away it isn't how its supposed to be. we shouldn't be running from each other.

I stand up and Eleanor looks at me with furrowed eyebrows as I carfully grab the bag from her to bring to alyssa "Harry thats not a good idea" She whispers and I shake my head at her and assure her that it will be fine that we really do need to talk.

"Ill drive her home, we need to talk" I say and she's hesitant before letting go of the bag allowing me to walk away with it and bring it to Alyssa, I walk out of the resturant doors to spot Alyssa leaning against the wall wiping tears from her eyes.

Alyssa's P.O.V

"Come on I'm gonna take you home" A low firmilar british accent rings through my ears, making my heart pound out of my chest I wouldn't be suprised if he couldn't hear it. 

"Harry I can call a cab" I say quietly assuring him that I will be fine calling a cab, he doesn't need to leave for me what so ever.

"No come on" He says quietly gently taking my arm sending a spark I've longed for shoot up my arm, he leads me to the car and the warm feeling of his body touching mine makes me go crazy but also makes me crave more.

I hesitantly get into the car and his firmiliar sent fills my nostrols, sending me into complete blist I've missed the smell of this car. The smell of him I just missed him he pulls out of the parking spot and begins driving home, its awkward really awkward but I know we are going to end up talking about something I feel uncomfortable talkign about right now.

I'm holding back the tears that are threatening to come out as much as I can "I miss you" Harry's angelic voice rings through my ears and that's it I break I couldn't hold it anymore the tears, the sobs everything leaves my mouth causing me to shake and shutter.

Harry pulls over the car and faces me "I cant keep feeling like this" I choke out and Harry eyes gloss over I know what he thinks is coming, I know what Is coming "I cant keep feelng so broken" I choke out again and rethink what I am about to do if this is for the best or for the worst I am going to do what Is best for me.

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