His Other Girl<3

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It all started while we were in kindergarten we became friends and we were neighbors and well still are I guess...we were joined to the hip as they say we were really close as the years went on and only got closer as our friendship got older but once high school came I got a boyfriend, Lucas and also a new best friend, Peyton. Justin also got a girlfriend, Ashley it was freshmen year and it seemed as if he was ignoring me or maybe it was that we were just avoiding each other.

I knew Justin was posting videos on YouTube for family members to see. I came home one day and my mom yelled "Ellie, Justin went to Atlanta to meet with a guy who was constantly calling Pattie to meet with them for a label or something" I said "is that even safe?" my mom said "yes, he technically told Pattie his whole life story his name is Scooter I think." And that's when it started everything was pretty much fast pace after that.

Justin and Pattie moved to Atlanta along with him and Ashley breaking up he also called me a month into them moving and said that he had met a girl and that her name was Caitlin. We went and visited them during the summer right before sophomore year Caitlin was pretty her brother Christian was pretty cool him and Justin were super close.

Justin and Caitlin broke up once he started getting famous because they barely saw each other but they ended up staying friends. Once Baby came out the girl in the video, Jasmine he claimed that they only had a little fling. Justin and I never lost touch we became close again especially after Lucas and I called it quits around that time he was dating Jasmine.

But junior year everything changed Justin came back and we became involved I guess you could call it that well it ended in him becoming my first. Normally after people have sex and they aren't together it gets awkward but Justin and I were the same except I developed feelings for him I mean I had a crush on him before but I seriously like him now it's weird.

During my senior year Justin took me to prom we talked about dating and we were together but not officially. When we were at my prom Justin got a phone call from Scooter and after that phone call he seemed distant I asked him "are you okay?" he mumbled "fine" when prom ended I said "if you have to leave its fine I understand" he said "it's not that. I don't want to tell you because it would make me seem like a complete dick" I said "tell me if it has to do with me I deserve to know."

He said "a couple months ago Scooter called and said that management told him we have to stop dating because they wanted Selena and I to date I have been keeping it from you for a while" I took a deep breath and said "I understand but we never were dating officially" it sounded kind of harsh but it hurts because he has been keeping it from me for a while.He then took a deep breath and said "but we were together. Don't be mad at me...im sorry. I wish we could be together but I have to act like I'm with her."

I said "I'm a bit upset not mad but you kept it from me. That's one thing we said we wouldn't do is keep secrets. So what now we can be together but you just have to be with her?" He said "yeah I understand I'm sorry I just didn't want to ruin this...us...your prom but if we did that we would have to be dating and not really do anything except things that consist of being at our houses" I said "so I would technically be your other girl?" He said "yeah but I don't want you to feel like that because if anything you're my girl."

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