Chapter 13: Us and the future

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A/N: hey guys this is the last chapter i really hoped you liked it if not im sorry i know i couldve made it better and longer but i tried. If you liked it please tell your belieber or fandom friends about it lol and enjoy this chapter. If you want to tweet me what you thought its @itshoranshood or you can just comment. Well here it is(:

It's been 5 months since we have been together as a couple. Just me and him no one else. Just Justin and I. I remember the phone call after he left to go back to LA after the wedding he called and the first thing he said was "when are you coming?" I said "where?" he said "LA" I laughed and said "I have never been to LA and you haven't ever invited me" he said "you're coming".

I went and visited him that next week. By the end of the week everyone knew we were dating and I mean EVERYONE. I transferred colleges and I'm living in LA with Justin. Everything was falling into place. We have been to hockey and basketball games. We have those Friday nights eating Chinese takeout sitting on the couch joking around and cuddling.

I've seen him recording in the studio so focused and I fell in love all over again just him being so focused doing what he loves. I have seen him perform countless of times and I'm amazed everytime. Justin asked "babe, are you going to visit Colin before he leaves?" I said "huh? Sorry zoned out." He asked "what were you thinking about?"

I replied"just how far our relationship has came" he smiled and said "yeah we have gone pretty far" he came and kissed me then said "are you gonna visit Colin before he leaves?" I assumed that's what he asked me while I wasn't paying attention I said "uh yeah. Peyton is going to need me. Mom and I have been through deployments countless of times" he said "yeah but you're still going to need support also" I said "I guess".

Turns out when we flew out Justin was right I cried a lot and he was there comforting me. Justin and I flew back out to LA and we spent the first week back just keeping a low profile we weren't really up for anyone seeing us. Our first event together since he came of tour was the VMAs it was pretty big and Justin and I posed for a few photos.

I stood off to the side while he answered questions I heard one interviewer asked "are you thinking marriage and kids Justin?" he looked at me and smiled then turned back to the interviewer and said "not anytime soon but yes I have been thinking a lot about that lately." I smiled.

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